jQuery Table Plugins
Download Free jQuery Data Table, Data Grid, Table Sort, and other Table Manipulation plugins at our jQuery Table Plugin section. Page 2 .
Invert Rows And Columns In Tables Using jTranspose jQuery Plugin
- Table - 413 ViewsA jQuery plugin that lets you quickly transpose HTML tables on their sides. Transform vertical data into horizontal with ease.
Minimal Accessible Responsive Table Plugin - jQuery Easy Table A11Y
- Table - 458 ViewsA minimal, accessible, responsive table jQuery plugin designed to elevate the table-viewing experience on smaller screens like mobile and tablet devices.
Highlight Table Cells Based On Predefined Content - tableCellColorizer
- Table - 395 ViewsA jQuery plugin that applies custom CSS styles to table cells based on the predefined content (characters, words, numeric values) found within your HTML table.
Dynamic Spreadsheet-like Data Grid - jExcel
- Table - 60934 ViewsA powerful jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugin which lets you dynamically generate a spreadsheet like CRUD data grid (table) from local JS data or even JSON, CSV, XSLX files.
jQuery Plugin for Mobile-Friendly HTML Tables - makeTableResponsive.js
- Table - 794 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin designed to create fully responsive HTML tables that adapt gracefully to mobile devices.
Colorize Numeric Values In Table Columns - Column HeatMap
- Table - 1753 ViewsA jQuery plugin to make your data table more readable by applying different background colors to table cells based on values in specific columns.
Mobile-first Responsive Table Solution For Bootstrap 5
- Table - 3244 ViewsA lightweight, easy-to-use, mobile-first, progressive enhanced jQuery responsive table plugin for the latest Bootstrap 5 framework.
Powerful and Customizable jQuery Data Table/Grid Plugin - supergrid.js
- Table - 2143 ViewsA powerful, flexible, and customizable data table/grid jQuery plugin for manipulating and displaying tabular data on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Table header When Scrolling - floatThead
- Table - 26254 ViewsfloatThead is a jQuery sticky table header plugin that freezes your table thead element at top of the page/container when scrolling.
Expand Wide HTML Table To Fullscreen - jQuery largetable
- Table - 2798 Viewslargetable is a small jQuery plugin to prevent wide tables from breaking through its parent container.
Responsive Form Table Plugin - jquery.manage.form.tables.js
- Table - 4666 ViewsSimplify form table management with jQuery. A jQuery plugin designed to streamline adding, deleting, and validating table rows with ease.
jQuery Plugin To Duplicate & Resort Table Rows - Dynamicrows
- Table - 5742 ViewsDynamicrows is a small jQuery plugin that makes it possible to clone and remove any element (e.g. form fields) in a table row with just one click.
Easy Table & List Pagination Plugin With jQuery - Paginathing
- Table - 30293 ViewsPaginathing is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery client-side pagination plugin which allows to paginate any DOM elements like large html tables and lists.
Filter Table Rows By Column Value - jQuery tablesearch.js
- Table - 3255 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery table filter plugin used to filter table rows as users enter terms in a search field.
Tiny Editable Table With Data Conversion & Validation
- Table - 4314 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that turns a normal HTML table into an editable table with support for data conversion and value validation.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Library - appendGrid
- Table - 93553 ViewsappendGrid is a powerful jQuery table plugin that turns the standard html table into adynamic and editable data grid. You can add, remove, edit, move up, move down records
Select Single Or Multiple Rows In HTML table - jQuery SelectRows.Js
- Table - 3958 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to use checkboxes to select single or multiple rows in an HTML table.
Convert HTML Tables Into Interactive Data Tables - jQuery ztables
- Table - 3427 ViewsA lightweight & feature-rich jQuery plugin that turns your HTML tables (or JSON data) into interactive data tables with advanced features.
JSON To Excel-like Data Grid - jQuery Magictable
- Table - 4042 ViewsA jQuery plugin that transforms JSON data into an Excel-style data grid with advanced features like filtering, sorting, editing, progressive data loading, and much more.
Visual Tabular Data Comparison Plugin - jQuery Table Compare
- Table - 585 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin used to show tabular data with a color mapping against a comparison table.