Free jQuery background Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'background' are listed here.
Amazing Background & Slideshow Plugin - Vegas
- Slideshow - 29126 ViewsVegas is a amazing jQuery Plugin for adding beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages.
Awesome Video Background Plugin with HTML5 and Youtube API - YTPlayer
- Other - 110391 ViewsYTPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youtube video as the background of your web page using html5 data-* attributes and youtube API.
jQuery Plugin To Resize Background Image To Fit Screen
- Layout - 4019 ViewsBackground Fit is a jQuery plugin for responsive design that resizes the background image to fit your screen/container.
Fullscreen Youtube Video Background Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 21680 ViewsJust another jQuery wrapper for Youtube API that allows to embed a YouTube video into your web page as a video background.
Dynamic Slideshow Background Plugin - backstretch
- Slideshow - 17665 Viewsbackstretch is an easy to use jQuery plugin that enables you to add awesome background images with slideshow effects to your webpage or any HTML element.
Lightweight HTML5 Video Background Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 8097 ViewsYet another lightweight jQuery background video plugin which allows you to use an HTML5 video as a covering background for any container.
jQuery Plugin For Adaptive Image Background Color
- Other - 3772 ViewsAdaptive Background is a canvas based jQuery plugin used to fill the background with the dominant color of a given image.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Full Screen Image Slider - bgswitcher
- Slider - 8997 Viewsbgswitcher is a lightweight and responsive jQuery plugin for creating full screen image slider with autoplay functionality for your website.
Responsive Full Page Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vide
- Other - 26493 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating an Html5 video background that is responsive to fit within any container.
jQuery Fullscreen Background Slideshow - MaxImage
- Slideshow - 7473 ViewsMaxImage is a jQuery Slideshow plugin that allows you to use jQuery Cycle plugin as a Fullscreen Slideshow. It supports almost all of jQuery Cycle’s functions, transitions, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive SVG Slanted Backgrounds - polygonMaskJS
- Other - 2622 ViewspolygonMaskJS is a lightweight jQuery plugin which makes use of SVG polygon clip masks to create responsive slanted backgrounds.
jQuery Plugin To Load Background Images On the Right Viewport - lazysizebg
- Other - 1031 Viewslazysizebg is an ultra-light jQuery responsive image solution which automatically delivers correct solution background images at specified breakpoints.
jQuery Plugin To Create Auto Scrolling Background - backgroundScroll
- Animation - 5822 ViewsAutoBackgroundScroll.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to automatically and continuously scroll your background image with specified speed and direction.
Youtubebackground.js - A Wrapper For The Youtube API
- Other - 3285 ViewsjQuery Youtubebackground.js is a wrapper for the Youtube API, great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos. 360° Videos are supported as well.
Simple Responsive Background Image Cycler With jQuery
- Slideshow - 4533 ViewsA simple, responsive, fullscreen jQuery slideshow plugin that rotates the images with a z-index behind the page content to give the appearance of a background image.
jQuery Plugin For HTML5 Video Background - vidbg.js
- Other - 5115 ViewsYet another jQuery video background plugin which allows HTML5 videos to be used as backgrounds on specific containers, with a fallback to background image on legacy browsers.
Create Blurred Image Background Using jQuery And Canvas - blurIt
- Other - 3323 ViewsblurIt is a jQuery plugin for blurring image that loads a specified image onto an HTML5 canvas, blurs it and then uses the blurred image as a background on your webpage.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery Zero-TV
- Other - 2543 ViewsZero-TV is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use Youtube videos as a background for your webpage, with support for custom video controls and playlist.
Random Animated Lines Background With jQuery - fancy-background
- Animation - 2820 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating fancy page background that animates background lines with variable colors and different animation speeds.
Simplest Fullscreen Background Slideshow With jQuery - Chocolate.js
- Slideshow - 19457 Viewschocolate.js is a simplest responsive fullscreen slideshow which allows you to fade through an array of background images at a specific speed.
Digital Camo Background Generator With jQuery And SVG - acufy.js
- Other - 2159 Viewsacufy.js is a very small jQuery plugin that makes uses of SVG to draw a random digital camo background for the whole page or a specific container.
Draggable Background Slideshow With jQuery And GSAP - Wavescroll
- Slideshow - 2646 ViewsWavescroll is a fancy, touchable slideshow which allows the use to scroll through a set of background images with a cool 'Wavescroll' animation effects.
Minimal Crossfading Background Slideshow Plugin With jQuery - RotateBG
- Slideshow - 2016 ViewsRotateBG is a very small jQuery plugin which allows to fade through an array of background images like a fullscreen slideshow.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery ytbgnav.js
- Other - 3939 Viewsytbgnav.js is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Youtube Player API to create a fullscreen Youtube video background with custom controls and playlist for your webpage.
Canvas And jQuery Based Dynamic Background Effects - MagicCanvas
- Animation - 9763 ViewsMagicCanvas is a jQuery plugin which utilizes Canvas and requestAnimationFrame to create fancy interactive effects on your background.
Customizable Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - tubeback
- Other - 1351 Viewstubeback is a highly customizable jQuery video background plugin which uses a YouTube video of your choice into your page as a background.
Custom Vimeo Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vimeofy
- Other - 2164 ViewsVimeofy is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which uses a Vimeo video as the background of any container element.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen YouTube Video Backgrounds - tubular
- Other - 11384 Viewstubular is a simpe jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youTube video as a full-screen dynamic background on your website.
Simplest Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - rsBackVid
- Other - 1418 ViewsrsBackVid is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin which allows you to use an Youtube video as a fullscreen background for your webpage by using Youtube iframe API.
Generating A Random Maze Background with jQuery
- Other - 1145 ViewsMaze is a small jQuery script that helps you generate a random maze background for your webpage using JavaScript and a little CSS magic.
Simple Background Image Parallax Effect with jQuery and HTML5
- Animation - 7648 Viewsparallax.js is a very small jQuery plugin which helps you apply background image parallax scrolling effects to your website using html5 data attributes.
Change Background Colors On Scroll Using jQuery and CSS3
- Other - 17848 ViewsA dead simple jQuery solution to detect the scroll position and transition the background colors of block elements as you move the webpage down or up.
Basic Background Parallax Effect with jQuery - laxicon
- Animation - 2857 Viewslaxicon is a dead simple jQuery plugin which allows you to add a parallax scrolling effect to your background images with one JS call.
Simple Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - bigYouTube
- Other - 1164 ViewsbigYouTube is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you use an Youtube video as a video background for any container.
HTML5 Video Background Plugin With jQuery - covervid
- Other - 3903 ViewsCovervid is a jQuery plugin that simulates background-size:cover on video tag to create a fullscreen Html5 video background for your website.
Responsive Fullscreen Background Video Plugin - Backcodex
- Other - 1743 Viewsbackcodex is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which allows for an Html5 video to be used as a responsive, full window background for your website.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Background Images - jwtextureswim
- Animation - 1402 Viewsjwtextureswim is a jQuery plugin for creating animated backgrounds that allows you to animate the x and y positions of an element's background image.
Creating Interactive Gradient Background with jQuery - Acid Trip
- Animation - 2394 ViewsAcid Trip is a lightweight jQuery plugin for adding interactive, animated, CSS gradient transitions to your background that responds to mouse movement.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Vimeo Video Background - Vimelar
- Other - 7643 ViewsVimelar is a jQuery plugin that allows Vimeo videos to be used as fullscreen backgrounds on your websites.
jQuery Plugin For CSS Gradient Transitions - Gradientify
- Animation - 2652 ViewsGradientify is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 Linear Gradients to create a radial gradient background with transition.
Fullscreen Automatic Background Slider Plugin For jQuery
- Slideshow - 3764 ViewsBackground Switcher is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, full-page, auto-rotating image slideshow / slider for your website background.
Show Image Under Text with jQuery and CSS3 - TextHoler.js
- Text - 1568 ViewsTextHoler.js is a jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 background-clip property to use an image as the background of your text.
Create Interactive Moving Objects with jQuery and CSS3 - bgMouseMove
- Animation - 10982 ViewsbgMouseMove is a small jQuery script that utilizes CSS3 3D Transforms to create Parallax Effect-like interactive moving background/objects with mouse interaction.
jQuery Plugin To Create Starry Background Using Canvas - Starfield
- Other - 2629 ViewsStarfield is a tiny jQuery plugin to create a canvas based, interactive moving starry background that reacts to your mouse cursor.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Parallax Bokeh Background
- Animation - 4135 ViewsBokeh Generator is a jQuery plugin that helps generate a bokeh background with a CSS3 based parallax scrolling effect for your webpage.
Background Image Switcher with jQuery - ChangeBackground
- Other - 1391 ViewsChangeBackground is an Html5 localStorage based jQuery plugin that allows the user to switch the background images of your webpage.
Simple Fullscreen Background Image Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 1407 ViewsA cross-browser jQuery plugin that automatically stretches an images to fill the full window while preserving aspect ratio and maintaining centering.
Fullscreen Background Video Plugin For jQuery - BigVideo
- Layout - 25023 ViewsBigVideo is an awesome jQuery plugin for adding fit-to-fill background video to websites.
jQuery Plugin For Particle System Background with Parallax Effect - Particleground
- Animation - 36031 ViewsParticleground is a fancy jQuery plugin to create an animated 'Particle System' background with an interactive parallax effect that responds to mouse movement.
Flexible & Responsive jQuery Background Image Plugin - Wallpaper
- Layout - 6364 ViewsWallpaper is a tiny jQuery plugin that has the ability to scale a background image to fill and fit a div container while resizing the browser.
Reveal Part Of Background Image Using jQuery and CSS
- Other - 2895 ViewsA scope/spotlight effect made with jQuery and CSS that allows you to reveal part of fix positioned background image using jQuery mousemove() function.
jQuery Plugin To Dim The Current Page Background - Dim Background
- Other - 5961 ViewsDim Background is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to dim the current page background to highlight the user-defined top element, similar to the lightbox overlay effect.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Background Slideshow - Blicker
- Slideshow - 2193 Viewsblicker is a simple jQuery plugin switches the background images of your web page to create a fullscreen background slideshow effect.
jQuery Plugin To Create Interactive Polygon Background - Geometryangle
- Other - 17226 ViewsGeometryangle is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Canvas, WebGL, or SVG to render an animated, interactive polygon/geometric/triangle background for your website.
Simple and Touch-Enabled jQuery Draggable Background Plugin
- Other - 3994 ViewsA simple and touch-enabled jQuery plugin that allows you to make the background of a html container draggable.
Random Bokeh Background with jQuery and Canvas - bokehBg
- Other - 2319 ViewsbokehBg is an easy jQuery plugin that creates a random bokeh background for a specified container using Html5 canvas element.
Random Background Color Fader with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Other - 1577 ViewsA minimalist jQuery & jQuery UI script used to randomly and smoothly change the background color of your web page.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Background Image - Coverrr
- Animation - 2860 ViewsCoverrr is a fancy jQuery plugin which allows to animate background-size:cover background images with infinite 'Back and Forth' scrolling effects.
Responsive Html5 Video Background Plugin with jQuery - VideoBackground.js
- Layout - 12991 ViewsJust another lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a fullpage, responsive video background using reqular Html5 videos.
Animated Text-Mask Background with jQuery and CSS3
- Text - 5522 ViewsA fancy jQuery & CSS3 solution for textured text that places an image inside of your text as an animated background that reacts to mouse move.
Creating Animated Brick Wall Effects using jQuery Bricklr Plugin
- Animation - 2915 ViewsBricklr is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create brick wall animations in any shapes and colors.
Creating Animated Background with Random Gradient Transitions using jQuery
- Animation - 9656 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a modern animated background with random gradient transitions built with CSS3 and Javascript (jQuery).
Animated Bubbles Background with jQuery and Canvas
- Animation - 17245 ViewsWith Html5 canvas element and a little jQuery magic, we can create a fantastic animated bubbles background for any container.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Background Image Switcher - easybg.js
- Slideshow - 8961 Viewseasybg.js is a simple easy jQuery plugin which allows you to automatically & periodically change a set of specific background images like a slideshow.
Create An Animated Radial Gradient Background With jQuery and CSS3
- Animation - 14462 ViewsA lightweight jQuery script that creates an animated radial gradient background from an array of pre-defined colors.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Background - Background Animate
- Animation - 2731 ViewsBackground Animate is a minimal JQuery plugin to animate the background by Infinitely moving the background image in a certain direction.
Create Animated Worms Background With jQuery and Html5 - Glassy Worms
- Animation - 7161 ViewsGlassy Worms is a fancy jQuery plugin that adds worms crawling effects on your background using Html5 canvas element.
Abstract Smoky Background with jQuery and Canvas - waterpipe.js
- Other - 4338 Viewswaterpipe.js is a cool jQuery plugin that makes use of HTML5 canvas to dynamically generate an abstract smoky background for your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Terminal-Like Animated Background - Bgterminal
- Animation - 1526 ViewsBgterminal is a jQuery plugin that creates terminal-like command line typing effects on your website background.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Hexagon Background - Hex
- Animation - 4665 ViewsHex is a JQuery plugin that enables you apply a fancy Hexagon Animation effect on an DOM element's background.
jQuery Plugin To Change Text Color Based On Background Image - invertImgText.js
- Text - 9431 ViewsinvertImgText.js is a smart jQuery plugin used to change the font color according to its background image dominating color.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Responsive Background Image Auto Slideshow
- Slideshow - 2887 ViewsJS Background Slider is an extremely simple jQuery plugin which enables you to cycle through a set of images at a certain interval as like a full page background slideshow.
Simple jQuery Background Image Slideshow with Fade Transitions - Background Cycle
- Slideshow - 54866 ViewsBackground Cycle is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to cycle through an array of background images within a given container.
jQuery Plugin For Randomly Swtiching Background Images - Random Wall
- Other - 2887 ViewsRandom Wall is a simple jQuery plugin that randomly and automatically switches background images of an Html container at a certain delay time.
Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow Plugin with jQuery
- Slideshow - 10020 ViewsJust another simple yet customizable jQuery background slideshow plugin that enables you to automatically switch the background images of your page at a certain speed.
jQuery Plugin For Random Background Image of An Element - Aurora
- Other - 1711 ViewsAurora is a lightweight jQuery plugin for displaying a random background image of an element that fetches a randomly selected image from Flickr by tags.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Background Image - Backgroundcover
- Other - 1140 ViewsBackgroundcover is a jQuery based CSS3 background-size:cover polyfill/shim that scales the background image as large as possible to cover the background area.
Full Screen jQuery Background Slideshow Plugin - Fullscreen Cycler
- Slideshow - 2274 ViewsFullscreen Cycler is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fullscreen background image slideshow that cycles through an array of background images defined in the javascript.
jQuery Plugin To Change Background Colors On Scroll - Color Scroll
- Other - 5078 ViewsColor Scroll is a super simple and easy jQuery plugin that changes the background colors of your web page when scrolling down or up.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Firefly Flying Background - FireFly
- Animation - 5618 ViewsFireFly is a fancy and interesting jQuery plugin that creates random firefly flying animations within an Html DOM element.
jQuery Plugin To Dynamically Change Background Colors - bgcFade
- Other - 3342 ViewsbgcFade is a plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI to fade in/out the background color of your page based on CSS styles.
jQuery Plugin For Random Background Image - randomBackground
- Other - 15850 ViewsrandomBackground is a small jQuery plugin that change background image of you page/container randomly on page load or refresh.
jQuery Plugin To Add Animated Noise Over An Image - NoisyImage
- Other - 1983 ViewsNoisyImage is a fancy jQuery plugin that adds an animated noise overlay over an image. Also can work with jQuery noise plugin for more configurations.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Random Background Color & Image - Bgran
- Slideshow - 2301 ViewsjQuery Bgran is a simple jQuery plugin that dynamically changes the background of your container with a random color or image. Also can be used as an image slideshow.
Spritely - Pure HTML & jQuery Background Animation Plugin
- Animation - 3085 ViewsSpritely is a jQuery Plugin written by Artlogic that allows you to create dynamic character and background animation in pure HTML and JavaScript.
Full Screen Slider Plugin For jQuery - Superslides
- Slider - 24523 ViewsSuperslides is a flexible and Full Screen Slider Plugin built with jQuery. Currently, Superslides has a few configurable options: auto play with a delay, slide transition speed, and slide easing (jQueryUI or the jQuery easing plugin required
Big Background Video Plugin - Bigvideo.js
- Other - 3700 ViewsBigvideo.js is a jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to add fullscreen background video to your website.
jQuery Plugin for Random Noise Background - Noisy
- Other - 1647 ViewsNoisy is a jQuery plugin that adds random noise to the background of a given element.
jQuery Plugin For Multi-layered Gradient Background with CSS3 - Shards
- Other - 1218 ViewsShards is a simple plugin for creating a multi-layered gradient background on any element using jQuery and CSS3. It works on all the modern browsers which supports CSS3.
Responsive Fullscreen jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Responsive_DG_Slider
- Slideshow - 8413 ViewsResponsive_DG_Slider is a pretty jQuery plugin that allows to create responsive full-screen slideshows with nice transition effects, easing effects, thumbnails preview and some controls.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Scrolling Pages - windows
- Layout - 2748 Viewswindows is a jQuery plugin for Fullscreen Scrolling Pages that simply opens up a handy API for position management, provides callbacks, and will allow for window snapping.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Background Scrolling Layout
- Layout - 5903 ViewsA simple and clean plugin integrated with jQuery easing and waypoints plugin that allows you to create a fullscreen scrolling layout with fixed background using jQuery and CSS3.
jQuery Background Slideshow Plugin with Autoplay Functionality
- Slideshow - 3365 ViewsIn today's tutorial we're going to create a jQuery based fullscreen slidershow with autoplay, pause and navigation controls. Good for create a stylish background slideshow for your website.
Gradient Color Background Plugin For jQuery - Add Shine
- Other - 1813 ViewsAdd Shine is a simple jQuery plugin for converting a solid background color into a gradient that simulates a subtle shine on that color.
Responsive Image Background Plugin - anystretch
- Layout - 2746 Viewsanystretch is a jQuery Plugin for add a Image Background to any web elements. It is fully responsive, so that the image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window size changes.
Stunning Fullscreen Photo Wall Gallery
- Gallery - 3772 ViewsA sliding panel Photo Wall Gallery built with jQuery that has a whole page full of thumbs with a nice light effect when we hover.
Fullscreen Background Slideshow with Audio
- Slideshow - 4432 ViewsAn awesome jQuery Slidshow Plugin that allows you to create a Fullscreen Background Slideshow with HTML5 Audio element in order to give life to the gallery.
Animated Fullscreen Background Image Slideshow
- Slideshow - 6970 ViewsAn animated fullscreen background image slideshow built with jQuery and CSS3. It features image preloading and keyboard navigation (try pressing the numeric keys).
Animated Parallax Effect Background - jQuery4u
- Animation - 3153 ViewsjQuery4u is a jQuery Parallax Effect Plugin that allows you to create Animated Header Background for your webpage.
Beautiful Slideshow with Parallax Effect
- Slideshow - 3953 ViewsA CSS-only slideshow with some background parallax effect. By using several CSS3 properties, we can create a Beautiful Slideshow with a parallax effect.