Free jQuery number format Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'number format' are listed here.
Easy Number and Currency Formatting Library - autoNumeric
- Other - 79167 ViewsautoNumeric is a useful JavaScript library for international currency formatting as well as numbers formatting.
Limit The Number Of Digits In Input - jQuery maxlength.js
- Form - 1603 ViewsA feature-rich jQuery plugin that limits the number of digits and auto-formats numeric values in input fields.
Restrict Input Fields to Floatings - jQuery TUS.Float
- Form - 493 ViewsA small and simple jQuery plugin that limits input fields to floating-point numbers with a defined number of decimal places.
jQuery Plugin for Input Restriction And Validation - numeric.js
- Form - 491 ViewsA lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that enhances input validation by allowing only valid numbers to be entered into your input boxes.
Fast jQuery Number Input Formatter And Validator
- Form - 340 ViewsAn easy and fast jQuery Number Input Formatter plugin created to format and validate numeric values typed in an input field.
Minimal Number Fomatting Plugin - jQuery NumberFormatter.js
- Form - 566 ViewsA lightweight jQuery number formatting plugin that enhances number input by automatically adding thousands separators and decimal separators to the input value.
Remove All Digits After X Decimal Places - jQuery Decimal Remover
- Form - 382 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to convert any number to a formatted string and remove all digits after the specified decimal places with rounding.
Easy And Fast Number Format Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1526 ViewsA simple, fast and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to format numbers for display use.
Simplest Number Input Mask Plugin with jQuery - Simple Mask
- Form - 22929 ViewsSimple Mask is a tiny jQuery plugin to make masks on input fields that allows the users to enter numbers in a certain format.
Number/Length/Currency Converter For HTML Table - jQuery table-convert.js
- Table - 390 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides several APIs to easily convert numbers in an HTML table.
jQuery Plugin To Restrict And Format Input Number
- Form - 5211 ViewsInput Number Format is a very simple jQuery plugin which automatically adds decimals with custom separators to currency and numbers as you type on form inputs.
Auto Add Thousand Separators In Numbers - Easy Number Separator
- Form - 24982 ViewsAn Easy Number Separator created for formatting the currency input that automatically adds thousand separators in numbers when entered in an input field.
jQuery Plugin For Number Input Formatting - Mask Number
- Form - 54189 ViewsMask Number is a small jQuery plugin that automatically restricts, masks and formats decimal / integer numbers numbers in a specific pattern as you type on input fields.
Minimal Number Input Format Plugin For jQuery - Numbertor
- Form - 2302 ViewsNumbertor is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to automatically format numeric values your users typed in the number input.
Auto Format Currency (Money) With jQuery -
- Other - 63679 is a really small jQuery plugin which automatically formats currency(money) and numbers wrapped in any elements.
Auto Format Currency In Number Input - pcsFormatNumber
- Form - 15356 ViewspcsFormatNumber is a super tiny number formatting plugin that automatically formats currency (money) as you type on a number input.
jQuery Plugin To Restrict Input To Numeric Values - Mask As Number
- Form - 11480 ViewsMask As Number is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin which restricts the input fields to a specific number of numeric values and prevents invalid keystrokes.
Custom Thousands Separator With jQuery - number-divider
- Other - 11631 Viewsnumber-divider is a lightweight jQuery number formatting plugin that has the ability to divide numeric values with custom thousands separator and/or decimal separator.
Price Format jQuery Plugin - Price Format
- Form - 8884 ViewsPrice Format is a jQuery plugin that allows you to format input text fields as prices. For example, if you type 123456, the plugin updates it to US$ 1,234.56. It is costumizable, so you can use other prefixes and separators (for example, use
jQuery Plugin For Custom Number Separator - Number Divider
- Other - 2265 ViewsNumber Divider is a lightweight yet very useful jQuery plugin which allows to separate numeric values with custom characters (space, comma, dot or whatever you like).
Lightweight Decimal / Integer Input Mask Plugin With jQuery - Weight Mask
- Form - 6932 ViewsWeight Mask is a lightweight and easy to use jQuery input mask plugin that automatically formats currency and any other numeric values as you type on form inputs.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Number Into Abbreviated String - Numbers abbreviation
- Text - 1444 ViewsNumbers abbreviation is a tiny jQuery number manipulation plugin which converts / shortens long numbers into more readable abbreviated strings.
Easy Number Formatting Plugin with jQuery - number
- Other - 24275 Viewsnumber.js is a jQuery plugin that easily converts input elements your users input in the correct format for further using.
Simple jQuery Input Number Formatting Plugin - Input Format
- Form - 2059 Viewsinputformat is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin used to automatically format numbers the users input based on your format settings.
Minimal jQuery Price Input Format Plugin - Price Format
- Form - 3851 ViewsA simplist jQuery number format plugin used to format input text fields as prices with custom decimal separator and thousands separator.
jQuery Plugin for Input Field Date Format and Spinner - Date Entry
- Time & Clock - 3246 ViewsDate Entry is a jQuery time plugin similar to jQuery Time Entry that enables your input field to accept date/month/year values using a spinner or the keyboard.