Free jQuery scroll to Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'scroll to' are listed here.
Smooth Page Scrolling with Fancy Effects - anchorScroll.js
- Animation - 4199 ViewsanchorScroll is a JavaScript plugin that allows your anchor link to smoothly scroll to an specified section / position within the document.
10 Best Smooth Scroll JavaScript/jQuery Plugins (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 51679 Views10 best Vanilla JavaScript (and jQuery) Smooth Scroll plugins to bring the smooth scrolling experience on your long web page.
jQuery Smooth Content Scrolling Plugin - Smooth Scroll
- Animation - 8779 ViewsSmooth Scroll is a jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll any element of you page with smooth animation effect.
Add Smooth Scrolling to Any Element with the jQuery ScrollTo Plugin
- Animation - 836 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a configurable elegant smooth scroll effect that guides visitors to a specific element on your webpage.
Add Smooth Scrolling To Webpage - jQuery ksmoothscroll.js
- Animation - 504 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to add a configurable smooth scrolling experience to your web pages.
Scroll Smoothly To Any Position On The Page - jQuery SmoothScrolling
- Animation - 732 ViewsA tiny jQuery smooth scroll plugin that allows you to scroll the page vertically and smoothly to any position of the document.
Smart Smooth Scroll For Fixed Header Using jQuery
- Animation - 1566 ViewsfixedHeaderScroll.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that applies a configurable smooth scroll behavior on anchor links in header navigation.
Scroll To Anchor Plugin For jQuery
- Animation - 901 ViewsJust another smooth scroll jQuery plugin for animating scrolling to anchor links within the document. Behavior like the scroll-behavior CSS property.
jQuery Plugin For One Page Navigation Plugin - Page Scroll To ID
- Layout - 48355 ViewsPage Scroll To ID is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which allow you to vertically and horizontally scroll to corresponding sections of your page with custom animations and easing effects.
Custom Smooth Scroll For Anchor Links - jQuery AnchorScroll
- Animation - 2072 ViewsAn alternative to the CSS scroll-behavior: smooth property that applies a smooth scroll effect with configurable speed, easing, and offset to anchor links.
Simple Smooth X/Y Page Scroll Plugin - jQuery scrollTo
- Animation - 3075 ViewsscrollTo is a jQuery smooth scroll plugin for animated page scrolling that allows to smoothly scroll to a specific position of a container or the whole document.
Add Smooth Scrolling When Clicking Anchor Links
- Animation - 1222 ViewsA super tiny smooth scroll jQuery plugin that automatically applies a smooth scrolling effect to anchor links found within the document.
Animate Scrolling To Anchor - No Fuss Smooth Scroll
- Animation - 2214 ViewsA super tiny yet customizable smooth scroll plugin that animates vertical page scrolling to any element specified using a unique ID.
Smooth Scroll To Anchor Plugin With jQuery - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 8255 ViewsAn easy and lightweight jQuery smooth scroll plugin which makes the internal anchors smoothly scroll the web page to a particular DIV (or any other point) within the document.
Smoothly Scroll An Element Into View - jQuery smoothScrolling
- Animation - 1156 ViewsAn ultra-light jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables anchor links to smoothly scroll the current page to specific positions within the document.
Smooth Scroll To Internal Anchors - jQuery scroll-to-anchor.js
- Animation - 2095 ViewsA small and configurable jQuery smooth scroll plugin that smoothly scrolls the page to internal anchors at a given speed.
Smooth Scroll With Configurable Speed, Easing And Offset - animateScroll.js
- Animation - 2565 ViewsA smooth scroll plugin which animates the page scrolling to a specific element with configurable offset, easing effect, and animation speed.
Smooth Scroll To ID/Anchor/DIV Using jQuery - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 3736 ViewsYet another jQuery based smooth scroll script which smoothly scrolls the web page to a specific point/ID/anchor/DIV within the document.
Mobile-friendly Smooth Scroll To Plugin For jQuery - scrollTo
- Animation - 2084 ViewsscrollTo is a configurable jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables any trigger elements to smoothly scroll through your webpage with different animation speed and easing effects for mobile & desktop.
jQuery Plugin For Single Page Scroll To Navigation
- Menu - 22341 ViewsSingle Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating navigation links that allow to smoothly scroll to desired sections of your page.
Configurable Smooth Scroll Plugin For jQuery - smooth-scroll-jump.js
- Animation - 1174 Viewssmooth-scroll-jump.js is a lightweight yet configurable jQuery plugin which enables you to scroll smoothly between anchor links within the document.
Tiny Customizable jQuery Smooth Scroll Plugin - smoothScroll.js
- Animation - 1126 ViewsJust another jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly between page sections within the document.
Smooth Page Scrolling Plugin With jQuery - smoothPageScroll
- Animation - 2797 ViewssmoothPageScroll is a lightweight jQuery one page scroll plugin which enables the anchor links to scroll the webpage to desired points smoothly.
jQuery Plugin For Custom Smooth Page Scrolling Effects - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 794 ViewsJust another jQuery smooth scroll plugin that enables the anchor links to scroll smoothly between specified positions in the webpage.
Smooth Page Scrolling Effects with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Animation - 2505 ViewsA jQuery script which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly to specified position within the document, with variable scrolling speed and easing effects.
Minimal Smooth Scroll To Plugin with jQuery - Arctic Scroll
- Animation - 1485 ViewsArctic Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows an anchor link to scroll smoothly to desired point of the document using jQuery animate function.
Diagonal Section Transition Effect with jQuery Animation - Simple Ascensor
- Animation - 3814 ViewsSimple Ascensor is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes smooth, diagonal transition effect between any two or more content sections using jQuery animate() method.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Anchor Scrolling - lightweightScrollTo
- Animation - 1173 ViewsA lightweight scroll to jQuery plugin which uses jQuery animate() to provide smooth anchor scrolling with support for URL hash change event.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Smooth Anchor Scrolling - Butter Scroll
- Animation - 5430 ViewsButter Scroll is a lightweight jQuery plugin which enables anchor links to scroll smoothly to specific points of your webpage.
Lightweight jQuery Scroll To HTML Elements Plugin - Arbitrary Anchor
- Animation - 3222 ViewsArbitrary Anchor is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create anchor links to scroll to any html elements with smooth & configurable scrolling effects.
Minimalist jQuery Smooth Scroll To Plugin - Smooskroll
- Animation - 820 ViewsSmooskroll is a jQuery smooth scroll plugin which enable the visitor to smoothly scroll the webpage to desired point by anchor links.
Simplest jQuery One Page Scroller Plugin
- Animation - 2498 ViewsScroller.js is a jQuery plugin to create anchor links which scroll the webpage to desired content section smoothly.
Basic Smooth Scroll Plugin with jQuery - scrollit.js
- Animation - 1683 Viewsscrollit.js is a very simple jQuery script that smoothly scrolls to a target.
Responsive jQuery Navigation For One Page Scrolling Website - spaNav
- Menu - 5893 ViewsspaNav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a sticky top navigation bar which allows to smoothly scroll to different sections of your one page website/App.
Shrinking Sticky Navigation Bar with jQuery - prettySticky
- Menu - 10135 ViewsprettySticky is a jQuery based sticky header navigation that shrinks to a smaller menu bar with active anchor link highlighting.
Mobile-Friendly Auto-Hiding Top Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 9266 ViewsA jQuery & CSS based sliding navigation bar that is sticky at the top of the page as you scroll down.
Smooth Full Page Scroller Plugin For jQuery - goMover
- Layout - 2506 ViewsgoMover is a simple and easy jQuery plugin that helps you create a one page scrolling website with smooth sliding effects.
jQuery Plugin For Side Tabs Scrolling - Scrolltab
- Animation - 2790 ViewsScrolltab is a fancy jQuery plugin which enables you attach floating tabs to the scrollbar of the browser that will scroll the page to the position indicated by the tab.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth One Page Scroller Plugin - Smooth Scroller
- Animation - 2077 ViewsSmooth Scroller is a super light jQuery plugin to generate anchoring links which allows to smoothly scroll to corresponding content sections.
One Page Scrolling Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6991 ViewsScroll Nav is a jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that generates a side navigation to indicate which page section you stay in.
jQuery Plugin To Scroll To Specific Elements with Easing Support - fragmentScroll
- Animation - 2377 ViewsFragment Scroll is a jQuery plugin that scrolls the frame at a certain speed to a specific element with a unique id that's given in the fragment.
Minimal jQuery Animated Scroll To Plugin
- Animation - 1299 ViewsJust another jQuery scroll to plugin that allows you to scroll to any part of the page with a smooth scroll animation.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Navigation Bar On Scroll - Sexy Menu
- Menu - 2684 Viewssexy-menu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a sticky top navigation bar containing anchor links which scroll the web page to desired section.
jQuery Scroll To Plugin With Easing Effects - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 12310 ViewsAnimate Scroll is a jQuery scroll plugin that allows you to scroll to any part of the page with smooth animations and easing effects support.
jQuery Snap Scrolling Plugin For Single Page Website - snapscroll
- Layout - 9527 Viewssnapscroll is a lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides snapping functionality to enhances the scrolling experience.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Scroll Animation - smoothScrollTo
- Animation - 1187 ViewssmoothScrollTo is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to scroll to any part of your web page with smooth animations and support for callback functions.
jQuery Plugin For Scroll To Navigation Menu - jumpto
- Menu - 3681 Viewsjumpto is a jQuery plugin for automatically generating a 'Jump To' navigation menu based on heading tags that allow the user to scroll to any html content with a smooth scrolling effect.
Simple jQuery Animated Scroll To Plugin - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 2573 ViewsAnimate Scroll is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to scroll to any html element of your current web page with smooth easing effects and customizable options.