Create Horizontal Stacked Bar Charts In jQuery - horbar

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Create Horizontal Stacked Bar Charts In jQuery - horbar

horbar is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to visualize your dynamic JavaScript data in a responsive, animated, horizontal, Stacked Bar Chart using pure JavaScript and CSS.

How to use it:

1. Link to the necessary JavaScript and CSS files as follows:

<link href="horbar.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="horbar.js"></script>

2. Create an empty container for your bar chart.

<div id="my-chart"></div>

3. Initialize the plugin and define your own dataset presenting in the bar chart.

  namespace: 'horbar',
  labels: ["Python", "PHP", "C"],
  data: {
    segments: [{
            'name': '#Fans',
            'color': '#FF0000'
            'name': '#Apps',
            'color': '#00FF00'
            'name': '#Packages',
            'color': '#0000FF'
    dataSets: [
        // Some random sample data
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()],
        [r(), r(), r()]

4. Config the bar chart in the 'OPTION' object during init.

  bars: {
    animate: true,
    animationSpeed: 'slow',
    height: '50px'
  legend: {
    position: "se",
    fontSize: '1em'
  segment: {
    drawCallBack: function(segment, config) {
        defaultSegmentCallBack(segment, config);
  segmentEvents: {
    mouseenter: function(segment) {
    mouseleave: function(segment) {
  segmentStyle: {
    borderAlpha: 0.9,
    backgroundAlpha: 0.6
  yLabels: {
    drawCallBack: function(v) {
        return v;
    events: {}
  xLabels: {
    drawCallBack: function(v) {
        return v;
    events: {}
  xAxis: {
    width: '80%'
  yAxis: {
    width: '20%'
  tickLength: 10

Change log:


  • Set font-size as plain parameter for legends

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sonirico. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.