Simple Dynamic Gantt Chart Plugin For jQuery - Gantt
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

Gantt is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you dynamically draw a customizable Gantt Chart to plan, coordinate, and track specific schedules/tasks in a horizontal bar chart.
- Supports local and external data source.
- Custom start/end dates.
- Multiple languages.
- Data lazy load.
- Mouse scroll is supported.
Basic usage:
1. Add the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery Gantt plugin's JavaScript and CSS files to the Html page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-gantt.css"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="jquery-gantt.js"></script>
2. Create a container element in which you want to render the gantt chart.
<div id="demo"></div>
3. Prepare your events to be presented in the gantt chart.
var eventsData = [{ "title": "Event 1", "startdate": "2016/07/21", "enddate": "2016/07/26", "url": "", "type": "Tur", "minNight": "4", "price": { "original": { "price": 798.0000, "priceType": "EUR" }, "converted": { "price": 2673, "priceType": "TL" } }, "tooltipData": { "title": "Title", "image": "Image1.jpg", "desc": ["Desc 1", " Desc 2", " Desc 3"], "dates": { "begin": "Start date", "end": "End date" }, "url": null }, "dateorder": "\/Date(1469048400000)\/" }];
4. Initialize the gantt chart plugin and done.
$('#demo').gantt({ data: eventsData });
5. Available options and defaults.
$('#demo').gantt({ // user defined data array of event [source] data: [], // data URL dataURL: '', // start date calendar startDate: new Date(), // end date calendar endDate: new Date(), // cell width px cellWidth: 20, // cell height px cellHeight: 38, // language language: 'en', // sticky header stickyHeader: false, // mouse scroll mouseScroll: false, // mouse scroll px mouseScrollpx: 120, // lazy load lazyLoad: false, // auto hide autoHide: false, // onInit event onInit: $.noop, // onDestroy event onDestroy: $.noop });
About Author:
Author: oguzhan
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by oguzhanoya. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.