Basic SVG Chart Plugin For jQuery - jChart

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License: MIT
Basic SVG Chart Plugin For jQuery - jChart

jChart is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin for rendering SVG based, vector shaped pie & donut charts that display each value as a part of a pie or donut.

New: Currently supports gauge and bar charts.

How to use it:

1. Import the latest version of jQuery library and the jChart plugin's script into the document.

<script src="" 
<script src="/src/js/jchart.js"></script>

2. Create a container element to hold the chart.

<div id="element"></div>

3. Prepare your data in an array of objects as these:

const mydata = [
        value: 300
        value: 100,
        color: '#77dd4f', // stroke color of the segment
        draw: true, // draw the segment on the chart or not
        push: true //push the next segment via offset
        value: 100,
        color: '#dd5723'

4. Initialzie the plugin and render a default donut chart inside the container you just created.

const myChart = $("#element").jChart({
  data: myData

5. Render the data as a pie chart instead.

const myChart = $("#element").jChart({
  data: myData,
  appearance: {
    type: 'donut'

6. The necessary CSS to style the pie & donut chart.

.jchart--donut--segment, .jchartpie--segment {
  transition: stroke-dasharray 1s ease;

.jchart {
  width: 400px;
  height: 400px;

.jchart--body {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

7. All default configuration options.

const myChart = $("#element").jChart({

  // selectors
  elements: {
    container: null,
    body: null,
    group: null,
    figure: null,
    svg: null,
    segments: [],
    markers: null

  // your own data
  data: [],

  // values necessary for the graphing, like sum of values of all segments
  values: {}, 

  placeholder: {
    data: {
      value: 0, // value of the segment
      color: {
        normal: '#00a3f2', // stroke/fill color of the segment
        active: '#00d8f2',
      draw: true, // whether to draw the segment on the chart or not; default true
      push: true, // whether to push the next segment via offset. Best to set false together when draw is set to false (the empty section will always be at the end that way); default true
      order: null, // drawing order
      title: 'untitled',
      strokeWidth: 3

  // appearance options
  appearance: {
    type: 'donut', // or 'pie', 'bar'
    baseColor: '#ddd',
    segmentColor: {
        normal: '#00a3f2',
        active: '#00d8f2',
    baseOffset: 0, // offset for starting point of first segment
    baseStrokeWidth: 1,
    strokeWidth: 3, // default stroke width for all segments
    animated: true,

    title: {
      chartTitle: '',
      showValue: true, // tooltips
      showPercentage: true,
      showSummary: false, // summary - show a value inside the donut chart
      summaryTitle: '', // by default it shows the percentage of the greatest segment in the chart
      // (if summaryTitle is empty)
      summarySegment: null // the segment's id which percentage will be displayed in the summary

    radius: 100 / (2 * Math.PI),
    innerCutout: 0.75, // how "thin" the segments are from the center point. (0 will render a pie chart (full circle))
    centerX: 21,
    centerY: 21,

    /* DONUT */
    subType: 'circle', // render type: circle for circle based approach, path for line and arc approach using path
    isGauge: false, // if the donut will be rendered as a full circle or a half-circle
    gap: 1, // gap between segments for donut chart (in percentage, 1 = 1%)

    /* BAR */
    showMarkers: true,
    markerColor: '#f45a42',
    markerCount: 10,
    markerWidth: 0.5, // in percentage of width - 0.5 means 0.5%
    rx: 0, // horizontal corner radius
    ry: 0 // vertical corner radius

  // callback function
  callbacks: {
    onInit() {
    onRefresh() {
    onSegmentMouseover() {
    onSegmentMouseout() {




  • bugfix
  • added more configs


  • fix showSummary on donut chart when there are no drawable segments


  • horizontal bar markers offsetX fix (markers in the middle have their offsetX modified by half their width)


  • added markers to bar chart


  • added gaps to pie charts


  • Added bar chart type.


  • Added Gauge chart + fixed gap issues on donut charts


  • Bugfix


  • update - ignore empty segments when drawing gaps between them


  • update - fixed hover node bug, added comments to Refresh and Update functions


  • added more options and callbacks


  • Bugfix


  • JS & CSS updated


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Falkan3. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.