Generate Animated Column Charts From JS Array - Simple Bar Graph

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License: MIT
Generate Animated Column Charts From JS Array - Simple Bar Graph

A simple bar graph jQuery plugin (~2kb minified) that takes data from a JavaScript array containing keys and values and converting them into an animated column chart.

More Features:

  • X & Y axis labels.
  • Tooltip showing the value when you hover over.
  • Allows you to specify the number of rows.
  • Fully responsive and easy to use.

How to use it:

1. Load the minified version of the simple bar graph plugin after jQuery library.

<!-- Required Stylesheet -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/jquery.simple-bar-graph.min.css" />
<!-- Required JavaScript -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/js/jquery.simple-bar-graph.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container to hold the column chart.

<div id="example">Loading...</div>

3. Prepare your data to be plotted into the chart.

const myData = [
      { key: 'jQuery', value: 100 },
      { key: 'JavaScript', value: 95 },
      { key: 'HTML', value: 96 },
      { key: 'CSS', value: 44 },
      { key: 'AngularJS', value: 32 },
      { key: 'ReactJS', value: 130 },
      { key: 'VueJS', value: 91 }

4. Call the plugin to render a basic column chart on the page.

  data: myData

5. Customize the background color of the bars (columns).

  data: myData,
  barsColor: '#222'

6. Determine the height of the column chart. Default: 300px.

  data: myData,
  height: '400px'

7. Determine whether to show the tooltip. Default: true.

  data: myData,
  popups: false

8. Customize the rows of the column chart.

  data: myData,
  rowsCount: 5,
  rowCaptionsWidth: '16px'

9. Determine the transition delay. Default: 20

  data: myData,
  delayAnimation: 10



  • moved transition-delay to options

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by maximzhurkin. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.