Dynamic Chart Generator With jQuery And D3.js - D3-Instant-Charts

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License: MIT
Dynamic Chart Generator With jQuery And D3.js - D3-Instant-Charts

D3-Instant-Charts is a jQuery chart plugin which helps you dynamically generate customizable, SVG-based bar and line charts from JSON data using the latest d3.js library.

Licensed under the BSD 2-clause License.

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery and d3.js libraries from CDN.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" 
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v5.min.js" 

2. Generate a bar chart from JSON.

<div id="bar-chart-demo"></div>
// bar-chart.json
  jsonUrl: 'json/bar-chart.json'

3. Generate a line chart from JSON.

<div id="line-chart-demo"></div>
// line-chart.json
  jsonUrl: 'json/line-chart.json'

4. Default options to customize the line & bar charts.

// bar chart options
  jsonUrl: '',
  width: svgDefaultWidth,
  height: svgDefaultHeight, 
  marginTop: 30,
  marginRight: 30,
  marginButtom: 50,
  marginLeft: 20, 
  barSpacing: 0.1,
  barWidthRate: 0.3, 
  axisXScaleCount: 10, 
  axisYPadding: 0, 
  axisYPaddingEllipses: '…', 
  autoFitAxisY: true, 
  autoFitScaling: 1,
  toolTipFormat: '{%name%} - {%value%}', 
  ajaxType: 'GET',
  blankDataMessage: 'No Data Available.'

// line chart options
  jsonUrl: '',
  width: svgDefaultWidth,
  height: svgDefaultHeight,
  marginTop: 50,
  marginRight: 50, 
  marginButtom: 50,
  marginLeft: 50,
  axisYScaleCount: 10,
  toolTipFormat: '{%name%}: {%values.x%} - {%values.y%}',
  xAxisTimeFormat: '%Y/%m',
  legendWidthRate: 0.5,
  ajaxType: 'GET',
  blankDataMessage: 'No Data Available.'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by forink. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.