Draw Customizable Polylines Using jQuery And Canvas - polyline.js

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Draw Customizable Polylines Using jQuery And Canvas - polyline.js

polyline.js is a jQuery plugin/jQuery UI widget that lets you draw polylines with dots on an HTML canvas to represent routes, paths, data series, etc.

How to use it:

1. Include the required jQuery and jQuery UI libraries from CDN.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

2. Download and include the jquery.polyline.min.js script after jQuery.

<script src="jquery.polyline.min.js"></script>

3. Create an HTML canvas element on which you want to draw the polylines and dots.

<canvas id="polyline">
  Your browser does not support HTML5 Canvas.

4. Initialize the plugin on the canvas element and done. Double-click the canvas to add a new dot. Double-click on a dot to remove it.


5. Customize the appearance of the polylines and dots.

  max_x: 10,
  max_y: 10,
  min_dot_diff: 0.1,
  padding_top: 15,
  padding_right: 15,
  padding_bottom: 25,
  padding_left: 25,
  stroke_count: 10,
  stroke_size: 7,
  stroke_width: 1,
  stroke_shift: 4,
  stroke_text_font_style: "bold",
  stroke_text_font_name: "sans-serif",
  stroke_text_font_size: 14,
  stroke_text_hshift: 5,
  stroke_text_vshift: 18,
  stroke_text_precision: 2,
  line_width: 2,
  axis_width: 1,
  dot_radius: 4,
  dot_pick_radius_addition: 3,
  dots: [] // an array of predefined dots

6. Execute a callback function each time the polyline changes.

  'change': function(event, isnew, affected) {
    var text = ((isnew === true) ? "Added" : (isnew === false) ? "Changed" : "Deleted") +
          " dot #"+affected.index+" at ( "+affected.dot[0]+" ; "+affected.dot[1]+" )";

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by SmoothMouse. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.