Interactive Bar/Column Chart Plugin With jQuery And D3.js

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Interactive Bar/Column Chart Plugin With jQuery And D3.js

An animated, interactive, dynamic, configurable, fully responsive bar/column chart plugin built using jQuery and D3.js.

More features:

  • Dynamic data rendering.
  • Shows/hides legends.
  • Shows/hides grid lines.
  • Custom number format.
  • Filterable data.
  • Shows details on hover.
  • Smooth transitions.
  • Supports both horizontal and vertical bars.

How to use it:

1. Include the latest version of jQuery and D3 libraries on the page.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/d3.min.js"></script>

2. Include the jQuery Animated Bar Chart plugin files from the dist folder.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/bar.chart.min.css" />
<script src="/dist/"></script>

3. Create a container in which the chart will be rendered.

<div id="chtAnimatedBarChart" class="example"></div>

4. Define your chart data in an array of JS objects as follows:

const myData = [
      { "group_name": "Google", "name": "Jan", "value": 38367 },
      { "group_name": "Apple", "name": "Jan", "value": 28827 },
      { "group_name": "Microsoft", "name": "Jan", "value": 38674 },
      { "group_name": "Samsung", "name": "Jan", "value": 40110 }

5. Initialize the plugin to generate a default bar/column chart.

  data: myData

6. Customize the columns from the data array for rendering the chart.

  data: myData,
  params: {
    group_name: 'group_name', // title for group name to be shown in legend
    name: 'name', // name for xaxis
    value: 'value' // value for yaxis

7. Customize the appearance of the chart.

  data: myData,

  // default chart height in px
  chart_height: 400, 

  // enables horizontal bars 
  horizontal_bars: false,

  // colors for chart
  colors: null, 

  // show chart legend
  show_legend: true, 

  // show x grid lines
  x_grid_lines: true, 

  // show y grid lines
  y_grid_lines: true, 

  // speed for tranistions
  tweenDuration: 300, 

  // default bar settings
  bars: { 
    padding: 0.075, // padding between bars
    opacity: 0.7, // default bar opacity
    opacity_hover: 0.45, // default bar opacity on mouse hover
    disable_hover: false, // disable animation and legend on hover
    hover_name_text: 'name', // text for name column for label displayed on bar hover
    hover_value_text: 'value', // text for value column for label displayed on bar hover

  // margins for chart rendering
  margin: { 
    top: 0, // top margin
    right: 35, // right margin
    bottom: 20, // bottom margin
    left: 70 // left margin

  // rotate xaxis label params
  rotate_x_axis_labels: { 
    process: true, // process xaxis label rotation
    minimun_resolution: 720, // minimun_resolution for label rotating
    bottom_margin: 15, // bottom margin for label rotation
    rotating_angle: 90, // angle for rotation,
    x_position: 9, // label x position after rotation
    y_position: -3 // label y position after rotation

8. Customize the number format.

  data: myData,

  number_format: {
    format: ',.2f', // default number format
    decimal: '.', // decimal symbol
    thousands : ',', // thousand separator symbol
    grouping: [3], // thousand separator grouping
    currency: ['$'] // currency symbol


9. Customize the legends

  data: myData,

  legend: {
    position: LegendPosition.bottom, // legend position (bottom/top/right/left)
    width: 200 // legend width in pixels for left/right

10. Update the chart with new data.

  data: new_chart_data 


v1.2 (2019-04-04)

  • Set legend position (option: legend: { position: LegendPosition.right, width: 200 }), look at right legend example (examples/right_legend_example.html),
  • Add resposive styles for the legend,
  • Bug Fixes.


  • Added horizontal bar

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vnidev. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.