jQuery Plugins From Our Contributors
Latest jQuery Plugins submitted by our Contributors are listed here. Publishing Your Plugin Now!
Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin - lightGallery
- Gallery - 80457 ViewslightGallery is a lightweight, elegant, responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for displaying an image/video gallery in a fullscreen lightbox with CSS3 transition effects.
Multi-level Bootstrap 5/4 Navbar In JavaScript
- Menu - 9519 ViewsA lightweight jQuery extension of the latest Bootstrap framework that helps you create responsive multi-level dropdown menus for the regular Bootstrap 5/4 navbar.
jQuery Plugin For Thumbnail Grid Expanding Preview - Gridder
- Gallery - 18143 ViewsGridder is a cool jQuery gallery & thumbnail grid plugin to create a Google Image Search like expanding preview effect when you click on a thumbnail.
Responsive 3D Image Carousel Plugin with jQuery - jR3DCarousel
- Slider - 36203 ViewsjR3DCarousel is a jQuery responsive carousel plugin that provides a simple way to cycle through an array of images with various 3D effects.
Image Gallery For Mobile Devices - PhotoSwipe
- Mobile - 35768 ViewsPhotoSwipe is an Image Gallery For Mobile and Touch Devices. It supports iPhone, iPad, Blackberry 6 , Android and desktop.
Infinite Ajax Scroll Plugin In jQuery & Vanilla JS - ias.js
- Other - 28964 ViewsA jQuery and pure (vanilla) JavaScript plugin that helps you create SEO-friendly, progressively enhanced infinite scrolling effect with ajax technique for loading more items of your page when scroll down.
jQuery Plugin To (un)Select All The Checkboxes By One Click - tCheckAll
- Form - 2559 ViewstCheckAll is a dead simple jQuery plugin which allows you select and unselect all the checkboxes by one click.
Simple Dynamic Context Menu In jQuery
- Menu - 2757 ViewsA fancy, interactive, custom context menu that can help make your user experience stand out from the crowd.
Create Multifunctional Floating Panels - jsPanel
- Other - 28020 ViewsjsPanel is a jQuery plugin to create multifunctional, highly configurable, themeable, draggable and resizable floating panels (windows) on your web project.
Non-obtrusive Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery NToastJS
- Other - 1724 ViewsA toast plugin that provides a Javascript method to display an Android-style non-obtrusive message on the top of the page.
Google Photos Inspired Image Zoom & Pan Plugin - iv-viewer
- Zoom - 9533 ViewsA feature-rich, touch-enabled jQuery image viewer plugin which provides zooming and panning functionality for your images, inspired by Google Photo.
Wordpress Style Vertical Sidebar Navigation Plugin - jQuery rvnm
- Menu - 6683 Viewsrvnm is a jQuery plugin that helps developers create a responsive, mobile-friendly sidebar navigation as you see on Wordpress admin panel.
Easy Animated Progress Bar In jQuery - progress-bar.js
- Loading - 6153 ViewsA tiny, customizable, animated progress bar jQuery plugin that smoothly fills the horizontal bar based on the percentage you specify.
Horizontal Scrollable Timeline Plugin - jTimeline
- Time & Clock - 10352 ViewsA tiny, responsive, SEO-friendly jQuery timeline plugin that generates a horizontal scrollable timeline from an HTML unordered list.
Execute Functions Within Certain Breakpoints - jQuery Breakpoints
- Other - 4189 ViewsThe jQuery Breakpoints plugin keeps tracks of breakpoint changes and executes JS functions within certain breakpoints on window resize.
Multi Purpose Navigation Sytem For Modern Web - jQuery Corenav
- Menu - 9350 ViewsCorenav is an easy, responsive, multi-purpose, jQuery based navigation system for modern, cross-platform web development.
Off-canvas Nav With Unlimited Dropdowns - jSide Menu
- Menu - 16172 ViewsjSide Menu is a responsive, skinnable, cross-platform, mobile-friendly off-canvas navigation system built with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (jQuery).
Advanced Bootstrap Toast Component In JavaScript
- Other - 7754 ViewsA JavaScript library that enhances the native Bootstrap toast component with custom icons, buttons, callbacks, and header/body classes.
Javascript Replacement For Default Alert & Prompt Boxes - Bootalert
- LightBox - 2426 ViewsA tiny JavaScript (jQuery) plugin that enables you to create responsive, customizable, beautiful alert and prompt dialog boxes using the Bootstrap 4 modal component.
Responsive Youtube Video Gallery Plugin - jQuery YouRam
- Gallery - 8175 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you generate a responsive Youtube video gallery from any Youtube Channel, User, or Playlist.
Create Custom Dropdowns From Native Select Boxes - jQuery bvselect
- Form - 4430 ViewsA jQuery plugin that replaces the native select element with an animated, customizable, clean-looking dropdown.
Responsive Timezone Picker With World Map - jQuery timezone-picker.js
- Time & Clock - 10278 ViewsA fully responsive, user-friendly timezone picker plugin that allows the user to easily and quickly select a timezone by clicking the countries and regions in an SVG based World Map.
Simple Flexible Loading Overlay Plugin With jQuery - loadingoverlay.js
- Loading - 46048 Viewsloadingoverlay.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin which shows a highly customizable loading overlay with custom spinners while loading some data within a specific container.
jQuery Plugin For Making Interactive Charts And Maps - FusionCharts
- Chart & Graph - 11373 ViewsFusionCharts is a jQuery plugin for adding interactive charts and maps to your website.
Fancy Text Alignment Plugin - Invisible Line
- Text - 1670 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that provides an experimental way to align text within the document.
Excel-like Interactive Table With Keyboard Navigation - Tablenav
- Table - 9247 Viewstablenav is a very small jQuery plugin for creating spreadsheet-like data table with input fields and keyboard navigation support just like the Microsoft Excel.
Multipurpose jQuery Input Autocomplete Plugin - Easy Autocomplete
- Form - 17856 ViewsA simple yet robust jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create autocomplete dropdown list for text input fields.
Impressive Galleries With CSS Effects - Filterizr
- Gallery - 30083 ViewsFilterizr is a lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and shuffling your responsive gallery with smooth CSS3 transition effects.
GitHub-style Markdown Editor For jQuery - tail.writer
- Text - 7596 ViewsThe tail.writer jQuery plugin turns textarea fields into WYSIWYG markdown editors, which support the GitHub flavored Markdown markup language.
Minimalist Smooth Content Toggle Plugin For jQuery - CM Accordion
- Accordion - 1997 ViewsCM Accordion is an extremely lightweight (less than 1kb) yet configurable and semantic jQuery content toggle/accordion plugin for saving vertical space of the webpage.