Default Checkbox Replacement Plugin - jQuery prettyCheckable

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Default Checkbox Replacement Plugin - jQuery prettyCheckable

jQuery prettyCheckable is a jQuery plugin that lets you beautify your default check box and radio inputs. It's supported in all modern browsers and mobile devices. It comes with 4 color options and a editable PSD file that can be fully customized as you wish.

Basic usage:

1.  Include jQuery Library and prettyCheckable.js in your head section

<script src=""></script>
<script src="prettyCheckable.js"></script>

2. Include prettyCheckable CSS

<link rel="stylesheet" href="js/prettyCheckable/prettyCheckable.css">

3. Markup

<input type="checkbox" class="myClass" value="yes" />

4. Call the plugin


    color: 'red'


5. Options

labelPosition: left, right(default) // This is the position where the label for the inputs should be placed, if informed.
customClass: A class name. //This will add a class you want to the wrapping div surrounding the input, created by the plugin.
color: blue(default), green, yellow or red //Choose between one of the four colors options.

Change log:


  • bugs fixed.

v2.0 (2013-11-29)

  • Fixing errors with anchor tags in labels.
  • easy callable methods.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by arthurgouveia. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.