Morse Code Input For Text Field - jQuery morseCodeInput.js

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Morse Code Input For Text Field - jQuery morseCodeInput.js

morseCodeInput.js is a funny jQuery plugin which allows the users to type text information in an input field using Morse Code.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery library, morse-code-input.css and morse-code-input.js on the html page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="morse-code-input.css">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.morseCodeInput.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the target input field and done.


3. Default plugin configuration options.

  dot_duration: 100,
  input_started: false,
  input_value: '',
  text_value: '',
  short_gap_timer: null,
  active_element: null,
  down_date: null,
  up_date: null,
  down_timer: null,

4. You are also allowed to override the default Morse code letters and numerals.

  _code: {".-": "A","-...": "B","-.-.": "C","-..": "D",".": "E","..-.": "F","--.": "G","....": "H","..": "I",".---": "J","-.-": "K",".-..": "L","--": "M","-.": "N","---": "O",".--.": "P","--.-": "Q",".-.": "R","...": "S","-": "T","..-": "U","...-": "V",".--": "W","-..-": "X","-.--": "Y","--..": "Z","-----": "0",".----": "1","..---": "2","...--": "3","....-": "4",".....": "5","-....": "6","--...": "7","---..": "8", "----.": "9", ".-.-.-": ".", "--..--": ",", "..--..": "?", ".----.": "'", "-..-.": "/", "-.--.": "(", "-.--.-": ")", ".-...": "&", "---...": ":", "-.-.-.": ";", "-...-": "=", ".-.-.": "+", "-....-": "-", "..--.-": "-", ".-..-.": "\"", "...-..-": "$", "-.-.--": "!", ".--.-.": "@"},

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Shmakov. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.