Add/Remove Form Fields Dynamically With jQuery - cloner
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
A lightweight, flexible form cloner plugin which enables the user to dynamically add/remove/clone form fields and/or form groups in an HTML form.
How to use it:
1. Install the jQuery cloner via NPM or directly download the plugin and then include the JavaScript file jquery.cloner.min.js after jQuery library.
# NPM $ npm install jquery-cloner --save
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script> <script src="dist/jquery.cloner.min.js"></script>
2. Initialize the plugin by adding the data-toggle="cloner" attribute to the clonable form block.
<div class="clonable-block" data-toggle="cloner"> ... </div>
3. Insert any form fields to be clonable to the form block. That's it. Possible CSS helpers:
- clonable: CSS selector for the clonable form field
- clonable-decrement-*: decrements values inside the form field
- clonable-increment-*: increments values inside the form field
- clonable-button-add: CSS selector for the Add button
<div class="clonable-block" data-toggle="cloner"> <div class="clonable" data-ss="1"> <label for="" class="clonable-increment-html">1 2</label> <input id="person_1" class="clonable-decrement-value clonable-increment-placeholder" type="text" name="person[0]" placeholder="person[0][name][1]" value="5 4"> </div> <button class="clonable-button-add" type="button">Add person</button> </div>
4. You can also initialize the plugin via JavaScript:
$(function(){ $('#clonable-block').cloner(); });
5. All possible plugin options:
$('#clonable-block').cloner({ clonableContainer: '.clonable-block', clonable: '.clonable', addButton: '.clonable-button-add', closeButton: '.clonable-button-close', focusableElement: ':input:visible:enabled:first', clearValueOnClone: true, removeNestedClonablesOnClone: true, limitCloneNumbers: true, debug: false, cloneName: 'clonable-clone', sourceName: 'clonable-source', clonableCloneNumberDecrement: 'clonable-clone-number-decrement', incrementName: 'clonable-increment', decrementName: 'clonable-decrement', });
6. Or pass the options via data
<div class="clonable-block" data-toggle="cloner" data-options='{"clearValueOnClone":false}'> ... </div>
7. Callback functions which will be fired before/after cloning.
$('#clonable-block').cloner({ beforeToggle: function (clone, index, self) {}, afterToggle: function (clone, index, self) {} });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lienoil. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.