jQuery Plugin To Create Searchable & Checkable Select Box - selectMe.js

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jQuery Plugin To Create Searchable & Checkable Select Box - selectMe.js

selectMe.js is a jQuery based select replacement plugin that converts the normal select element into a filterable, checkable select box with radio or checkbox inputs for easier single or multiple selection. Cross-browser and with native select methods

How to use it:

1. Put jQuery library and the jQuery selectMe.js script in the html page when needed.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.selectMe.js"></script

2. Just call the function on your select or multi select element and the plugin will take care of the rest.


3. Plugin's default options.


  //  css file
  cssFile: '../lib/jquery.selectMe.css',

  // width of select
  width: '100%',

  // number of columns
  columnCount: 1,

  // enable searchable
  search: true,

  // i18n
  locale: 'en',
  localeResource: {
    'en': {
      none: 'None selected',
      from: 'from',
      search: 'Search',
      selectAll: 'Select all',
      unselectAll: 'Unselect all',
      showSelected: 'Show selected',
    'de': {
      none: 'Keine ausgewählt',
      from: 'von',
      search: 'Suche',
      selectAll: 'Alle auswählen',
      unselectAll: 'Alle abwählen',
      showSelected: 'Nur ausgewählte',
  // Callbacks
  onLoad: function element ( element ) {},
  onDropdownOpen: function( element ) {},
  onDropdownClose: function( element ) {},
  onSearch: function( element ) {},
  onOptionValueChanged: function( element ) {},

Change log:



  • CSS-File should be loaded only once


  • code refactoring

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bschueller. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.