Flexible Photo Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - jGallery
File Size: | 4.72 MB |
Views Total: | 19582 |
Last Update: | |
Publish Date: | |
Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

jGallery is a flexible and interactive jQuery photo gallery plugin that comes with lots of options and transition effects.
- 41+ implement options to create your own photo gallery
- 43+ transition effects to make your gallery more attractive
- Supports all the major browsers
- Supports albums, thumbnails and preloader
- Supports full screen gallery with auto play
- Free for commercial and personal use
Basic Usage:
1. Include jQuery javascript library and jQuery jGallery plugin on the page
<script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jquery-1.8.3.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/jgallery-0.9-beta.min.js"></script>
2. Include required CSS files to style the photo gallery
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="./css/font-awesome.min.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="./css/jgallery-0.9-beta.min.css" />
3. Markup html structure
<div id="album"> <div data-jgallery-album-title="Album 1" class="album"> <h1>Album 1</h1> <a href="images/large/1.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/1.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/2.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/2.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/3.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/3.jpg"></a> ... </div> <div data-jgallery-album-title="Album 2" class="album"> <h1>Album 1</h1> <a href="images/large/1.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/1.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/2.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/2.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/3.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/3.jpg"></a> ... </div> <div data-jgallery-album-title="Album 3" class="album"> <h1>Album 1</h1> <a href="images/large/1.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/1.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/2.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/2.jpg"></a> <a href="images/large/3.jpg"><img alt="" src="images/thumbs/3.jpg"></a> ... </div> </div>
4. Call the plugin with options
<script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ $( function() { $( '#album' ).jGallery( { autostart: true, zoomSize: '100%' } ); } ); //]]> </script>
5. All the options.
autostart: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true' jGallery will be started automatically after loading the document(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ]autostartAtImage: 1
: Number; Number of image which will be loaded by autostart(only when 'autostart' parameter set as 'true').; ; [ 1, 2, 3 ]autostartAtAlbum: 1
: Number; Number of album which will be loaded by autostart(only when 'autostart' parameter set as 'true').; ; [ 1, 2, 3 ]backgroundColor: '#fff'
: String; Background color for jGallery container.; ; [ '#ffffff', 'silver' ]browserHistory: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', changes of active image will be saved in browser history.; [ true, false ]canChangeMode: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true' you can change display mode(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ]canClose: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true' you can close jGallery(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ true, false ]canMinimalizeThumbnails: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', you can minimalize thumbnails(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ true, false ]canZoom: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true' you can zoom photos.; [ true, false ]disabledOnIE8AndOlder: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', jGallery will be blocked for Internet Explorer 8 and older.; [ true, false ]draggableZoom: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true' you can drag active image.; [ true, false ]height: '600px'
: String; Height of jGallery container(only for standard or slider mode).hideThumbnailsOnInit: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be minimized by default, when jGallery will be started(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ true, false ]mode: 'standard'
: String; Display mode.; [ 'full-screen', 'standard', 'slider' ]preloadAll: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true', all photos will be loaded before first shown photo.; [ true, false ]reloadThumbnails: true
: Boolean; Thumbnails will be reloaded when function jGallery() will be called again for the same element.; [ true, false ]slideshow: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', option slideshow is enabled.; [ true, false ]slideshowAutostart: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true', slideshow will be started immediately after initializing jGallery(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ true, false ]slideshowCanRandom: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', you can enable random change photos for slideshow(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ true, false ]slideshowInterval: '8s'
: String; Time between change of photos for slideshow(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true).; [ '3s', '6s', '10s' ]slideshowRandom: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true', photos in slideshow will be changing random(only when 'slideshow' has been set as true and 'slideshowCanRandom' has been set as true).; [ true, false ]textColor: '#000'
: String; Color of text and icons.; ; [ '#000000', 'rgb(0,153,221)' ]thumbnails: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be displayed.; [ true, false ]thumbHeight: 75
: Number; Height(pixels) of thumbnails.; ; [ 50, 75, 125 ]thumbHeightOnFullScreen: 100
: Number; Height(pixels) of thumbnails for thumbnails displayed in full-screen.; ; [ 125, 160, 200 ]thumbnailsFullScreen: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', thumbnails will be displayed in full-screen.; [ true, false ]thumbnailsPosition: 'bottom'
: String; Thumbnails position(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ 'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right' ]thumbType: 'image'
: String; Thumbnails type(only when 'thumbnails' parameter set as 'true').; [ 'image', 'square', 'number' ]thumbWidth: 75
: Number; Width(pixels) of thumbnails.; ; [ 50, 75, 125 ]thumbWidthOnFullScreen: 100
: Number; Width(pixels) of thumbnails for thumbnails displayed in full-screen.; ; [ 125, 160, 200 ]title: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', near photo will be shown title from alt attribute of img.; [ true, false ]titleExpanded: false
: Boolean; If set as 'true', in bottom area of zoomed photo will be shown title from alt attribute of img(only when 'title' has been set as true).; [ true, false ]tooltipClose: 'Close'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for close jgallery(if you set canClose parameter as true).; ;tooltipFullScreen: 'Full screen'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change display mode.; ; [ 'Full screen', 'Tryb pełnoekranowy' ]tooltipRandom: 'Random'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for random slideshow toggling.; ; [ 'Random', 'Kolejność losowa' ]tooltips: true
: Boolean; If set as 'true', tooltips will be displayed next to icons.; [ true, false ]tooltipSeeAllPhotos: 'See all photos'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change thumbnails view.; ; [ 'See all photos', 'Zobacz wszystkie zdjęcia' ]tooltipSeeOtherAlbums: 'See other albums'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for change album(if your jGallery has more than one album).; ; [ 'See other albums', 'Zobacz pozostałe albumy' ]tooltipSlideshow: 'Slideshow'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for play/pause slideshow.; ; [ 'Slideshow', 'Pokaz slajdów' ]tooltipToggleThumbnails: 'Toggle thumbnails'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for toggle thumbnails.; ; [ 'Toggle thumbnails', 'Pokaż/ukryj miniatury' ]tooltipZoom: 'Zoom'
: String; Text of tooltip which will be displayed next to icon for zoom photo.; ; [ 'Zoom', 'Powiększenie' ]transition: 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft'
: String; Transition effect for change active image.; [ 'moveToLeft_moveFromRight', 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTop_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottom_moveFromTop', 'fade_moveFromRight', 'fade_moveFromLeft', 'fade_moveFromBottom', 'fade_moveFromTop', 'moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade', 'moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade', 'moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade', 'moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight', 'moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_moveFromRight', 'scaleDown_moveFromLeft', 'scaleDown_moveFromBottom', 'scaleDown_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_scaleUpDown', 'scaleDownUp_scaleUp', 'moveToLeft_scaleUp', 'moveToRight_scaleUp', 'moveToTop_scaleUp', 'moveToBottom_scaleUp', 'scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter', 'rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight', 'rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft', 'rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop', 'rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom', 'flipOutRight_flipInLeft', 'flipOutLeft_flipInRight', 'flipOutTop_flipInBottom', 'flipOutBottom_flipInTop', 'rotateFall_scaleUp', 'rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper', 'rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight', 'rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft', 'rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop', 'rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight', 'rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft', 'rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_page', 'rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade', 'rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade', 'rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade', 'rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft', 'moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight', 'moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop', 'moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom', 'rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn', 'rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn', 'rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn', 'rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn', 'rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn', 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', 'rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn', 'rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn', 'rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn', 'rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn', 'rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn', 'rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn', 'rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay', 'rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn', 'random' ]transitionBackward: 'auto'
: String; Transition effect for change active image(when user selected one of previous images).; [ 'auto', 'moveToLeft_moveFromRight', 'moveToRight_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTop_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottom_moveFromTop', 'fade_moveFromRight', 'fade_moveFromLeft', 'fade_moveFromBottom', 'fade_moveFromTop', 'moveToLeftFade_moveFromRightFade', 'moveToRightFade_moveFromLeftFade', 'moveToTopFade_moveFromBottomFade', 'moveToBottomFade_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToLeftEasing_moveFromRight', 'moveToRightEasing_moveFromLeft', 'moveToTopEasing_moveFromBottom', 'moveToBottomEasing_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_moveFromRight', 'scaleDown_moveFromLeft', 'scaleDown_moveFromBottom', 'scaleDown_moveFromTop', 'scaleDown_scaleUpDown', 'scaleDownUp_scaleUp', 'moveToLeft_scaleUp', 'moveToRight_scaleUp', 'moveToTop_scaleUp', 'moveToBottom_scaleUp', 'scaleDownCenter_scaleUpCenter', 'rotateRightSideFirst_moveFromRight', 'rotateLeftSideFirst_moveFromLeft', 'rotateTopSideFirst_moveFromTop', 'rotateBottomSideFirst_moveFromBottom', 'flipOutRight_flipInLeft', 'flipOutLeft_flipInRight', 'flipOutTop_flipInBottom', 'flipOutBottom_flipInTop', 'rotateFall_scaleUp', 'rotateOutNewspaper_rotateInNewspaper', 'rotatePushLeft_moveFromRight', 'rotatePushRight_moveFromLeft', 'rotatePushTop_moveFromBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_moveFromTop', 'rotatePushLeft_rotatePullRight', 'rotatePushRight_rotatePullLeft', 'rotatePushTop_rotatePullBottom', 'rotatePushBottom_page', 'rotateFoldLeft_moveFromRightFade', 'rotateFoldRight_moveFromLeftFade', 'rotateFoldTop_moveFromBottomFade', 'rotateFoldBottom_moveFromTopFade', 'moveToRightFade_rotateUnfoldLeft', 'moveToLeftFade_rotateUnfoldRight', 'moveToBottomFade_rotateUnfoldTop', 'moveToTopFade_rotateUnfoldBottom', 'rotateRoomLeftOut_rotateRoomLeftIn', 'rotateRoomRightOut_rotateRoomRightIn', 'rotateRoomTopOut_rotateRoomTopIn', 'rotateRoomBottomOut_rotateRoomBottomIn', 'rotateCubeLeftOut_rotateCubeLeftIn', 'rotateCubeRightOut_rotateCubeRightIn', 'rotateCubeTopOut_rotateCubeTopIn', 'rotateCubeBottomOut_rotateCubeBottomIn', 'rotateCarouselLeftOut_rotateCarouselLeftIn', 'rotateCarouselRightOut_rotateCarouselRightIn', 'rotateCarouselTopOut_rotateCarouselTopIn', 'rotateCarouselBottomOut_rotateCarouselBottomIn', 'rotateSidesOut_rotateSidesInDelay', 'rotateSlideOut_rotateSlideIn', 'random' ]transitionCols: 1
: Number; Number of columns in the image divided into columns.; ; [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]transitionDuration: '0.7s'
: String; Duration of transition between photos.; [ '0.2s', '0.5s', '1s' ]transitionRows: 1
: Number; Number of columns in the image divided into rows.; ; [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]transitionTimingFunction: 'cubic-bezier(0,1,1,1)'
: String; Timig function for showing photo.; [ 'linear', 'ease', 'ease-in', 'ease-out', 'ease-in-out', 'cubic-bezier(0.5,-0.5,0.5,1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(0,1,1,1)' ]transitionWaveDirection: 'forward'
: String; Direction of animation(only when 'transitionCols' > 1 or 'transitionRows' > 1).; [ 'forward', 'backward' ]width: '100%'
: String; Width of jGallery container(only for standard or slider mode).zoomSize: 'fit'
: String; Size of zoomed photo(only for full-screen or standard mode).; [ 'fit', 'original', 'fill' ]afterLoadPhoto: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called after loading photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'afterLoadPhoto' ) } ]beforeLoadPhoto: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called before loading photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'beforeLoadPhoto' ) } ]closeGallery: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called after hiding jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'closeGallery' ) } ]initGallery: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called before initialization of jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'initGallery' ) } ]showGallery: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called after showing jGallery.; ; [ function() { alert( 'showGallery' ) } ]showPhoto: function() {}
: Function; Custom function that will be called before showing photo.; ; [ function() { alert( 'showPhoto' ) } ]
Change logs:
- v1.6.4
- v1.6.3: Stop shlideshow on change album or press arrow keys
- v1.6.2: closing fullscreen mode on ESC
- v1.6.1: Creating a gallery by API causes gallery to disappear when shrinking
- v1.6: API to creating gallery without HTML elements
- v1.5.6: fix Error: cannot read property of undefined (function drag)
- v1.5.5
- fix swipe events
- showing navigation of preview, when dragging preview
- v1.5.3
- Fixed view for mobile devices
- Overlay for thumbnails
- Navigation for draggable zoom
- update.
- Fixed: title background of photos for slider mode
- Fixed method getOptions()
- Added AMD support.
- no wait for $(document).ready to initializing jGallery;
- fixed: change width or height of existing jGallery
- Fix: cropping thumbnails when their height === width; navigation for zoom draggable
v1.4.0 (2014-08-20)
- Added: Tooltips for icons(tooltipClose, tooltipFullScreen, tooltipRandom, tooltips, tooltipSeeAllPhotos, tooltipSeeOtherAlbums, tooltipSlideshow, tooltipToggleThumbnails, tooltipZoom parameters
v1.3.4 (2014-08-20)
- Update.
v1.3.3 (2014-08-19)
- Added: titleExpanded parameter(default: false).
- Modif: Pause slideshow when you click on zoom icon or draging of image.
- Fixed: Title of image overlap navigation icons.
v1.3.2 (2014-06-16)
- Fixed: Random transition effect, Too many calls to history.pushState()
v1.3.1 (2014-06-11)
- Updated Font Awesome to 4.1.0;
- Removed delay when photo was loaded successfully.
v1.3.0 (2014-05-19)
- added saving browser history, hideThumbnailsOnInit and transitionBackward parameters
v1.2.0 (2014-04-28)
- update.
v1.1.6 (2014-03-28)
- update.
v1.1.5 (2014-03-20)
- Reload thumbnails when function jGallery() is called again for the same item
v1.1.4 (2014-03-17)
- update
v1.1.3 (2014-02-28)
- fixed transition effects
- fixed progress spinner position
v1.1.2 (2014-02-26)
- added css class prefixes(bootstrap no conflict);
- fixed canClose param
v1.1.1 (2014-02-17)
- version update.
v1.1.0 (2014-02-13)
- version update.
v1.0.1 (2014-01-03)
- Fixed: Show title of album next to icon for change album.
- Fixed: Thumbnails full screen view.
v1.0.0 (2014-01-02)
- Added: New transition effects.
- Added: Value 'random' for 'transition' parameter.
- Added: Parameters 'transition', 'transitionWaveDirection', 'transitionCols' and 'transitionRows'.
- Removed: Parameters 'titleShowEffect', 'titleHideEffect', 'titleShowTimingFunction', 'titleHideTimingFunction', 'titleShowDuration', 'titleHideDuration', 'showEffect', 'hideEffect', 'showDuration', 'hideDuration'.
- Modif: Change values of 'zoomSize' parameter.
- Fixed: Customization of colors, when there is more than one Jgallery on one side.
- Fixed: Navigation visibility when jgallery doesn't contains any album.
- Modif: Partial refactoring.
v0.9.6 (2013-11-22)
- updated to the latest version
v0.9.5 (2013-11-15)
- partial refectoring, fixed spinner visibility.
v0.9.4 (2013-11-08)
- fixed: no thumbs when jgallery contains only one album
v0.9.3 (2013-11-07)
- jquery compatibility fix, now jgallery work with jquery 1.7 and higher
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jakubkowalczyk-pl. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.