jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 14 .
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Centralize DOM Elements - CenterIt
- Layout - 414 ViewsCenterIt is a lightweight yet fully configurable jQuery plugin that enables you to vertically (horizontally or both) centralize a DOM element within a given container.
jQuery Plugin To Load Images In Random Order - Randomizer
- Layout - 2260 ViewsRandomizer is a really simple jQuery plugin that detects how many images loaded in your web page and generates a new src for the selected images.
Centering Responsive Element with jQuery - centerThis.js
- Layout - 355 ViewsJust another jQuery centering plugin that makes you responsive element always stay centered even when you resize the browser window.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing iFrame - iframe Auto Height
- Layout - 59325 Viewsiframe Auto Height is a simple jQuery plugin to dynamically resize iframes based on content height.
Flexible jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting Plugin - Sortable
- Layout - 9719 ViewsSortable is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to drag and drop any items to sort them in any contains.
jQuery Plugin For Vertical & Horizontal Centering - Make Me Center
- Layout - 1827 ViewsMake Me Center is a lightweight jQuery solution that makes you html elements always stay centered in the browser window.
Grid-A-Licious - Awesome Responsive Grid Layout
- Layout - 5138 ViewsGrid-A-Licious is an Awesome Fully Responsive Grid Layout plugin built with jQuery that makes grids sexier on the net.
Masonry-style Fluid Image Grid Plugin For jQuery - fluid
- Layout - 5089 Viewsfluid is a simplest jQuery layout plugin that lest you create a Masonry style responsive, fluid image grid layout as you seen on Pinterest.com.
jQuery Plugin For Single Page Transitions - FadeNavigation
- Layout - 2087 ViewsFadeNavigation is a jQuery plugin to create a single page navigation that allows you to navigate through web content with fade in/out transitions.
Customizable jQuery Stack Grid Plugin - stackgrid.adem.js
- Layout - 2467 Viewsstackgrid.adem.js is a jQuery plugin used to create a dynamic, flexible, stackable grid layout with a plenty of customization options.
jQuery Plugin To Create Equal Width Elements
- Layout - 798 ViewsAn extremely simple lightweight jQuery plugin used to equalize the widths of child elements within the same container.
jQuery Plugin To Show/Hide Block Elements - Block Ellipsis
- Layout - 1905 ViewsBlock Ellipsis is a jQuery plugin used to truncate a list of inline elements to a specified number of lines / blocks with "Show More" and "Show Less" links.
Flexible & Touch Compatible jQuery One Page Scroll Plugin - OnePageR
- Layout - 3165 ViewsOnePageR is a lightweight jQuery plugin for easy implementation of smooth, mobile-friendly vertical scrolling with sectioned content.
jQuery Plugin For Stretching Images To Fill Container - imagefill.js
- Layout - 3507 Viewsimagefill.js is a simple yet useful jQuery plugin for responsive design that automatically stretches images to fill their containers or be centered.
jQuery Plugin For Perfect Responsive Grid Layout - Mason
- Layout - 4150 ViewsjQuery Mason is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating Perfect Responsive Grid Layout for your website.
jQuery Plugin For Vertical and Horizontal Center Alignment - Center Me
- Layout - 1082 ViewsCenter Me is a very small jQuery plugin that vertically and horizontal centers any element to make it always stay in the center of the page.
jQuery Plugin To Auto Resize Elements Responsively - ConstrainP
- Layout - 1490 ViewsConstrainP is a very small jQuery plugin that proportionately and responsively enlarges/shrinks Html elements (images, videos, etc) to fit the parent container.
Centering Elements Vertically with jQuery - centerEl
- Layout - 553 ViewscenterEl is a lightweight jQuery solution to center multiple block elements vertically inside their parent container.
Cross-Platform Full Page Transitions with jQuery and CSS3 - FKPageTransitions
- Layout - 1870 ViewsFKPageTransitions is a jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to navigator through your fullpage website with cool CSS3 powered transition effects.
Simple jQuery Viewport Plugin For Web - Porthole
- Layout - 2004 ViewsPorthole is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that adds a simple viewport which can be dragged to move by your mouse on your web site.