Multi-level Vertical Accordion Menu With jQuery
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

A vertical accordion menu jQuery plugin that enables the user to collapse and expand sub menu items just like an accordion.
- Fully customizable and AJAX-enabled.
- Can be used as jQuery plugin or Vanilla JavaScript plugin.
- Supports an unlimited number of menu levels.
- Loads data from local or an external JSON file.
How to use it:
1. Load the JavaScript accordion.js
and Stylesheet accordion.css
in the document. Note that jQuery library is OPTIONAL.
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/css/accordion.css" /> <script src="/path/to/js/accordion.js"></script>
2. Create an empty container to hold the accordion menu.
<div id="menu"></div>
3. The example data for the accordion menu.
[ { "Id": 1, "MenuName": "Menu 1", "MenuUrl": null, // menu url "MenuIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-th-large", "ParentId": 0, "Seq": 1, // sequence "Status": true, "Remark": null, "Creator": 70, "CreatorName": null, "Createdt": "2020-05-04 10: 20: 00", "Updater": 30, "UpdaterName": null, "Updatedt": "2020-08-12 14: 58: 06" }, { "Id": 11, "MenuName": "Menu 1-1", "MenuUrl": "/path/to/1.html", "MenuIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-home", "Seq": 1, "Status": true, "Remark": null, "Creator": 30, "CreatorName": null, "Createdt": "2020-08-12 15: 09: 04", "Updater": 70, "UpdaterName": null, "Updatedt": "2020-08-13 08: 48: 07", "ParentId": 1 }, { "Id": 12, "MenuName": "Menu 1-2", "MenuUrl": null, "MenuIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-cog", "Seq": 1, "Status": true, "Remark": null, "Creator": 70, "CreatorName": null, "Createdt": "2020-05-04 10: 18: 00", "Updater": 70, "UpdaterName": null, "Updatedt": "2020-05-04 17: 10: 00", "ParentId": 1 }, // ... ] // or [ { "Id": 1, "MenuName": "Menu 1", "MenuUrl": null, // menu url "MenuIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-th-large", "ParentId": 0, "Seq": 1, // sequence "Status": true, "Remark": null, "Creator": 70, "CreatorName": null, "Createdt": "2020-05-04 10: 20: 00", "Updater": 30, "UpdaterName": null, "Updatedt": "2020-08-12 14: 58: 06", "children": [ { "Id": 11, "MenuName": "Menu 1-1", "MenuUrl": "/path/to/1.html", "MenuIcon": "glyphicon glyphicon-home", "Seq": 1, "Status": true, "Remark": null, "Creator": 30, "CreatorName": null, "Createdt": "2020-08-12 15: 09: 04", "Updater": 70, "UpdaterName": null, "Updatedt": "2020-08-13 08: 48: 07" }, // ... ] } ]
4. Initialize the tree menu and pass options as follows:
var opts = { idField: 'Id', parentField: 'ParentId', nameField: 'MenuName', iconField:'MenuIcon', sortName:'Seq', sortOrder:'asc', // 'desc' childrenField: 'children', asTreeData:false, data: json, indentStep:1, // in em }; // Vanilla JS var menu = new Accordion("#menu", opts); // jQuery var menu = $('#menu').accordion(opts);
5. Or load data from an external JSON file.
var opts = { url: "data/tree.json" ajaxType: "get" ajaxData: '{"name":"test"} };
6. Customize the accordion menu with the following options.
var opts = { startColor:'#18626b', endColor:'#2fb9ca', colorCount:'5', speed:300, };
7. Callback functions.
var opts = { onnodeclick: clickFn, onnodemouseenter:enterFn, onnodemouseleave:leaveFn, onmenuready:renderFn };
8. You're also allowed to pass the options via HTML attributes as follows:
<div class="menu" idField="Id" parentField="ParentId" nameField="MenuName" iconField="MenuIcon" sortName="Seq" sortOrder="asc" childrenField="children" url="data/tree.json" ajaxType="get" ajaxData='{"name":"test"}' asTreeData="true" data="" indentStep="1.5" startColor="#000" endColor="#ccc" colorCount="4" speed="500" onnodeclick="clickFn" onnodemouseenter="enterFn" onnodemouseleave="leaveFn" onmenuready="renderFn"> </div>
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Ivenluffy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.