Tiny Android Toast Message Plugin - jQuery Toastx
File Size: | 3.78 KB |
Views Total: | 929 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Toastx is an ultra-light jQuery toaster plugin to show Android-style toast messages that auto dismiss after a certain timeout with a smooth fade animation.
See Also:
How to use it:
1. To use this plugin, include the JavaScript jquery.toastx.js
after loading jQuery JavaScript library.
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/jquery.toastx.js"></script>
2. The JavaScript to show a toast message on the screen.
$(function(){ $.toastx('Toast Message Here'); }); // or $.toast({ 'message': 'Toast Message Here' }).show();
3. HTML content is supported as well.
$.toast({'message': '<i class="far fa-bell"></i> Toast Message Here'}).show();
4. Determine the container the toast message should append to. Default: 'body'.
$.toast({ 'message': 'Toast Message Here', 'appendToCtxSel': '#myContainer' }).show();
5. Set the time to wait before dismissing the toast message. Default: 4000ms.
$.toast({ 'message':'Toast Message Here', 'durationTime': 5000 }).show();
6. Set the top & left position of the toast message.
$.toast({ 'message': 'Toast Message Here', 'left': null, 'top': null }).show();
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ciyuanchild. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.