Free jQuery Number Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Number' are listed here.
Limit The Number Of Digits In Input - jQuery maxlength.js
- Form - 1486 ViewsA feature-rich jQuery plugin that limits the number of digits and auto-formats numeric values in input fields.
Easy Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and 5 - InputSpinner.js
- Form - 41487 ViewsAn easy yet customizable input spinner plugin for Bootstrap framework (Bootstrap 4 & 5) that enables the users to increment/decrement a number by using +/- buttons.
Easy Number and Currency Formatting Library - autoNumeric
- Other - 78925 ViewsautoNumeric is a useful JavaScript library for international currency formatting as well as numbers formatting.
Restrict Input Fields to Floatings - jQuery TUS.Float
- Form - 470 ViewsA small and simple jQuery plugin that limits input fields to floating-point numbers with a defined number of decimal places.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30684 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
jQuery Plugin for Input Restriction And Validation - numeric.js
- Form - 458 ViewsA lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that enhances input validation by allowing only valid numbers to be entered into your input boxes.
Fast jQuery Number Input Formatter And Validator
- Form - 325 ViewsAn easy and fast jQuery Number Input Formatter plugin created to format and validate numeric values typed in an input field.
Minimal Number Fomatting Plugin - jQuery NumberFormatter.js
- Form - 526 ViewsA lightweight jQuery number formatting plugin that enhances number input by automatically adding thousands separators and decimal separators to the input value.
Remove All Digits After X Decimal Places - jQuery Decimal Remover
- Form - 372 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to convert any number to a formatted string and remove all digits after the specified decimal places with rounding.
Easy And Fast Number Format Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 1507 ViewsA simple, fast and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to format numbers for display use.
Number/Length/Currency Converter For HTML Table - jQuery table-convert.js
- Table - 385 ViewsA jQuery plugin that provides several APIs to easily convert numbers in an HTML table.
Random Lottery Number Generator With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 3797 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap based number generator that generates random lottery numbers for lottery drawing games like Powerball and Mega Millions.
Touch-friendly Input Spinner With Custom Controls - inputArrow
- Form - 2206 ViewsThe inputArrow jQuery plugin converts the normal text field into a highly customizable, mobile-friendly input spinner with custom increment and decrement buttons.
Number Input Spinner With jQuery - Nice Number
- Form - 24488 ViewsThe Nice Number jQuery plugin turns the regular number input into a handy input spinner that allows the user to pick number by using increment/decrement buttons.
Auto Add Thousand Separators In Numbers - Easy Number Separator
- Form - 24910 ViewsAn Easy Number Separator created for formatting the currency input that automatically adds thousand separators in numbers when entered in an input field.
jQuery Plugin To Convert English Numbers To Persian - persianumber
- Other - 16308 Viewspersianumber is a lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin used to convert English numbers to Persian or Arabic numerals.
Decimal To Binary/Hex/Octal Converter - jQuery Decimal Conversion
- Other - 1288 ViewsA jQuery based decimal conversion tool which helps you convert decimal number into Binary, Hexadecimal, and Octal numbers with a single click.
A jQuery Plugin To Restrict Characters In Text Field - Alphanum
- Form - 15837 ViewsAlphanum is a small yet useful JQuery plugin that allows you to restrict a text field to only accept specify characters (alphabetic, numeric or alphanumeric characters).
jQuery Plugin For Number Entry Input - iNumberEntry
- Form - 922 ViewsiNumberEntry is a jQuery number entry plugin which converts the normal input field into multiple subfields for easier number input.
Latin To Arabic Number Converter - jQuery latin2Arabic
- Other - 1636 ViewsYet another jQuery based Latin To Arabic converter which makes it easier to convert Latin numbers into Arabic-Indic numbers and vice versa.
Convert English Numbers to Persian And Arabic - jQuery persianNum
- Other - 14742 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin which converts English numbers within a specific container to Persian/Arabic and vice versa.
User-Friendly Number Input Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 49097 ViewsAn input spinner component for Bootstrap to extend the default number input that allows the users to easily select a number by clicking the plus/minus buttons.
Smooth Animated Numbers with Javascript and CSS3 - odometer
- Animation - 41924 Viewsodometer is a lightweight and themeable javascript library that makes use of CSS3 transform and transition properties to animate numbers with smooth transition effects.
jQuery Plugin To Convert Number Into Abbreviated String - Numbers abbreviation
- Text - 1443 ViewsNumbers abbreviation is a tiny jQuery number manipulation plugin which converts / shortens long numbers into more readable abbreviated strings.
Input Number Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap - Spinner
- Form - 89379 ViewsSpinner is a jQuery spinner plugin worked with Bootstrap 3 (OPTIONAL) that allows you to create input spinner components using number inputs.
jQuery Plugin For Number-only Input Fields - justnum
- Form - 1184 Viewsjustnum is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin used to enable the text inputs to accept only numeric values.
jQuery Arabic-Roman Numerals Converter - romannumerals
- Other - 831 ViewsA jQuery based Roman numerals converter which helps you convert Arabic to Roman Numerals: 4999 = MCMXCIX.
Easy Number Formatting Plugin with jQuery - number
- Other - 24252 Viewsnumber.js is a jQuery plugin that easily converts input elements your users input in the correct format for further using.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Cross Browser Number Inputs - Stepper
- Form - 8596 ViewsStepper is a simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin for number input fields, which will will automatically detect the minimum, maximum and increment values based on the min, max and step attributes.
jQuery Plugin To Reveal Numbers with CSS3 Transitions - FlipPhone
- Animation - 1370 ViewsFlipPhone is a fancy jQuery plugin that converts the alphanumeric numbers into digits with CSS3 flip aniamtions.
Animated jQuery Number Counter Plugin - Numinate
- Time & Clock - 8500 ViewsNuminate is a lightweight jQuery number counter plugin that allows to count up or down to a target number at a specified speed.
jQuery and jQuery UI Plugin For Seven-Segment Indicator - sevenSeg.js
- Other - 5862 ViewssevenSeg.js is a jQuery & jQuery UI plugin for displaying decimal numerals in a seven-segment display using Html SVG image and Knockout.js.
jQuery Plugin For Transferring Numbers To Another Element - Transfer Numbers
- Other - 499 ViewsTransfer Numbers is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to transfer numbers by flying and incrementally (or decrementally) changing values from one element to another.
jQuery Based Inline Calculator Inside Input Field - Calculadora
- Other - 3274 ViewsCalculadora is an useful yet lightweight jQuery plugin that turns an number input field into a inline calculator to make some simple calculations using keypad keys.
jQuery Plugin For Resizing Ranged Number Inputs - powerRanger
- Form - 854 ViewspowerRanger is a jQuery plugin that automatically resize number inputs based on the length of characters.
jQuery Plugin For Numeric Input Filed - NumericInput
- Form - 6726 ViewsNumericInput is a simple jQuery plugin that makes your input field or textarea only accept numbers as entering.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Numbers By Typing Or Clicking - spinner
- Form - 7144 Viewsspinner is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a number selector widget that allows you to select numbers by clicking the up/down button or entering a custom number.
JS Numbers Formatting and Manipulation Library - Numeral.js
- Other - 4310 ViewsNumeral.js is a js library inspired by Moment.js that format and manipulate numbers to look like currency, percentages, times, or even plain old numbers with decimal places, thousands, and abbreviations.