Free jQuery upload Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'upload' are listed here.
Flexible jQuery Based AJAX File Uploader - FileUp
- Form - 19750 ViewsFileUp is a simple, flexible, customizable jQuery file upload plugin that makes it easy to upload your local files to servers via AJAX requests, with several advanced features.
AJAX-enabled File Uploader With Live Preview - jQuery uploader.js
- Form - 10767 ViewsA lightweight and AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that provides a convenient solution for uploading single or multiple files via AJAX.
Fancy Responsive File Uploader For jQuery - FancyFileUpload
- Form - 40062 ViewsA plugin that converts the normal file input into a file uploader interface with support for drag'n'drop, keyboard interactions, file preview, Chunked file upload and much more.
Beautiful jQuery File Upload Plugin with Bootstrap
- Form - 292382 ViewsA Beautiful and powerful jQuery File Upload Plugin with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images.
Modern Multi Image Uploader For Bootstrap 4 - Images Loader
- Form - 16291 ViewsA Bootstrap & jQuery powered uploader plugin that provides a user-friendly and nice-looking interface for uploading multiple images to the web server.
Drag and Drop File Uploading With jQuery - Image Uploader
- Form - 35405 ViewsThis is a simple, customizable jQuery image uploader plugin that features drag'n'drop file selection, image preview, predefined image list, and extension/mime/file size validation.
Easy Drag'n'Drop AJAX Uploader Plugin For jQuery - ssi-uploader.js
- Form - 11562 Viewsssi-uploader.js is an easy, customizable, jQuery dependent uploader which allows you to upload multiple allowed files with previews into the web server via AJAX requests.
Highly Customizable Image Uploader Plugin - jQuery Imagify
- Form - 1351 ViewsImagify is a lightweight yet highly customizable image uploader with quality control, thumbnail preview, custom label and much more.
Show A Progressbar When Uploading A File - progress-upload.js
- Form - 27820 ViewsThe progress-upload.js jQuery plugin helps you create an easy-to-style progressbar to display the current upload progress when you upload a file to the server.
Drag'n'drop Multi File Uploader - jQuery Smart Uploader
- Form - 12705 ViewsA smart jQuery file uploader plugin for creating a drag and drop area around a file input that allows you to upload multiple files to the web server.
Fine Uploader - User Friendly File Uploading Plugin
- Other - 39105 ViewsFine Uploader is a User-Friendly File-Uploading Plugin for looking to incorporate file-uploading into their website.
Powerful File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery FileUpload
- Form - 19473 ViewsA simple yet powerful and configurable jQuery file uploader plugin styling with the Bootstrap framework.
Chunked File Uploader With jQury And PHP - fcup
- Form - 5744 Viewsfcup is a simple, fully configurable Chunked File Uploader for larger files that supports both browser and node.js.
Easy HTML5 File Uploader Plugin With jQuery
- Slideshow - 3559 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin to create an HTML5 file uploader that features drag'n'drop, ajax uploading, multi-file upload, progress bar, useful options & event handlers and much more.
Drag And Drop AJAX Uploader Plugin - jQuery File Uploader
- Form - 14551 ViewsThe jQuery File Uploader transforms the normal file input into a drag and drop file uploader with ajax upload, image preview and progress bar support.
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop File Input Field - ezdz
- Form - 26872 Viewsezdz is an easy-to-use jQuery File Input plugin for creating a drag & drop zone that allows the visitor to drag and drop multiple files into the file input.
Custom HTML5 File Input Plugin With jQuery - mn-file-upload
- Form - 2609 Viewsmn-file-upload is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin which transforms the normal HTML5 file input into a highly customizable file uploader with image preview.
Flexible Multi File Uploader Plugin For jQuery - droply-js
- Form - 8228 Viewsdroply-js is a flexible, customizable, cross-platform jQuery multi file uploader for both mobile and desktop.
jQuery Plugin For Multiple File Uploader - Upload File
- Other - 81994 ViewsUpload File is an easy jQuery plugin used to create a file uploader with progress bar that supports multiple files and drag & drop uploads.
Elegant Customizable jQuery & PHP File Uploader - Fileuploader
- Form - 15558 ViewsFileuploader is a flexible, powerful jQuery & PHP file uploader that turns any standard file input into a high customizable file selection field with validators and previews.
Configurable File Input / Upload Enhancement Plugin - ezfile.js
- Form - 1892 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to enhance the native file input that features custom styles, icons and allows to limit the size/extension/aspect-ratio of an file you want to upload.
Drag And Drop File Uploader With Preview - Imageuploadify
- Form - 50562 ViewsImageuploadify is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that converts the normal file input into a drag'n'drop multi-file upload control with files (images) preview support.
Image Upload Preview Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - img-upload
- Form - 84157 Viewsimg-upload is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to upload local or remote image files with live preview, styling with Twitter Bootstrap.
Small Cross-browser jQuery AJAX Upload Plugin - pithyUpload
- Form - 2569 ViewspithyUpload is a lightweight and cross-browser jQuery file upload plugin used to asynchronously upload specified types of files into your web server via AJAX.
Drag And Drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - dropzone
- Form - 53036 Viewsdropzone is a jQuery plugin used to create a highly customizable drag'n'drop zone for file uploading with a progress bar.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Custom File Upload Input
- Form - 6237 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin used to customize & enhance the native file input using CSS and allowedExts JS array which restricts the file extensions allowed to upload.
Styling Your File Input with jQuery Inputfile Plugin and Bootstrap
- Form - 15364 Viewsinputfile.js is a jQuery plugin for file upload that replaces the standard file input with a file select button and gives you the ability to remove your selection easily.
Nice jQuery Html File Input Field Plugin - Nice File Input
- Form - 2869 ViewsNice File Input is a lightweight and clean jQuery plugin for styling the standard html file input filed with some useful options.
Simple HTML File Input Enhancement Plugin - enhancedfileinput
- Form - 1187 Viewsenhancedfileinput is a super simple jQuery plugin that allows you to customize the html file inputs as well as adding initial values to them.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Multiple Files - multifile
- Form - 25206 Viewsmultifile is a simple jQuery plugin for creating multiple file inputs which allows to select more than one files from different directories at a time for uploading.