Drag And Drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - dropzone

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License: MIT
Drag And Drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - dropzone

dropzone is a jQuery plugin used to create a highly customizable drag'n'drop zone for file uploading with a progress bar. Your user can drag and drop a file onto it, and the file gets uploaded to the server via AJAX. Based on Bootstrap styles.

How to use it:

1. Include the needed jQuery library and Bootstrap framework on the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Create a container to place the file upload zone.

<div class="dropzone"></div>

3. Active the plugin and specify the file or url you wish to post the files.

  url: 'upload.php'

4. All customization options with default values.

// width of the div
width:                  300,   

// height of the div                         
height:                 300,                         

// width of the progress bars   
progressBarWidth:       '100%',                            

// url for the ajax to post
url:                    '',                             

// name for the form submit
filesName:              'files',                        

// margin added if needed
margin:                 0,                              

// border property
border:                 '2px dashed #ccc',              
background:             '',

// Z index of element
zIndex:                 100,                        

// text color    
textColor:              '#ccc',                         

// css style for text-align
textAlign:              'center',                       

// text inside the div
text:                   'Drop files here to upload',    

// upload all files at once or upload single files, options: all or single
uploadMode:             'single',                       

// progress selector if null one will be created
progressContainer:      '',                             

// if preview true we can define the image src
src:                    '',                             

// wrap the dropzone div with custom class
dropzoneWraper:         'nniicc-dropzoneParent',     

// Access to the files that are droped   
files:                  [],                             

// max file size ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']
maxFileSize:            '5MB',                         

// allowed files to be uploaded seperated by ',' jpg,png,gif
allowedFileTypes:       '*',                            

// click on dropzone to select files old way
clickToUpload:          true,                           

// show time that has elapsed from the start of the upload,
showTimer:              false,                           

// delete complete progress bars when adding new files
removeComplete:         true,                           

// if enabled it will load the pictured directly to the html
preview:                false,                          

// Upload file even if the preview is enabled
uploadOnPreview:        false,                          

// Upload file right after drop
uploadOnDrop:           true, 

// object of additional params                          
params:                 {},  

5. Callback functions.

// callback when the div is loaded
load:                   null,                          

// callback for the files procent
progress:               null,                           

// callback for the file upload finished
uploadDone:             null,                           

// callback for a file uploaded
success:                null,                           

// callback for any error
error:                  null,                           

// callback for the preview is rendered
previewDone:            null,                           

// callback for mouseover event
mouseOver:              null,                           

// callback for mouseout event
mouseOut:               null, 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nniicc. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.