Free jQuery uploader Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'uploader' are listed here.
Nice Clean File Input Plugin With jQuery and Bootstrap 5/4/3 - Bootstrap Fileinput
- Form - 86692 ViewsAn Html5 file input enhancement built with jQuery, Bootstrap 5 (or Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3) for creating a nice-looking file uploader that allows you to select multiple files with image & file preview.
Flexible jQuery Based AJAX File Uploader - FileUp
- Form - 20414 ViewsFileUp is a simple, flexible, customizable jQuery file upload plugin that makes it easy to upload your local files to servers via AJAX requests, with several advanced features.
10 Best File Upload Libraries In jQuery And Vanilla JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 33117 Views10 best file upload jQuery plugins and JavaScript libraries that simplify the file upload task and improve the uploading experience on the web app.
Small Custom Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For jQuery
- Form - 9189 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that improves your file uploading experience for users. Implement drag and drop, file previews and deletion.
AJAX-enabled File Uploader With Live Preview - jQuery uploader.js
- Form - 11384 ViewsA lightweight and AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that provides a convenient solution for uploading single or multiple files via AJAX.
Advanced File Picker For Uploader - jQuery formhelper
- Form - 3507 ViewsAn advanced, customizable file input/file picker plugin that helps developers create file uploaders with ease.
Fancy Responsive File Uploader For jQuery - FancyFileUpload
- Form - 40562 ViewsA plugin that converts the normal file input into a file uploader interface with support for drag'n'drop, keyboard interactions, file preview, Chunked file upload and much more.
Beautiful jQuery File Upload Plugin with Bootstrap
- Form - 292749 ViewsA Beautiful and powerful jQuery File Upload Plugin with multiple file selection, drag&drop support, progress bars and preview images.
Drag and Drop File Uploader Plugin - dropzone
- Other - 72216 Viewsdropzone.js is a javascript library for jQuery that provides an easy way to upload and preview image with nice progress bar. It supports multiple file uploads and drag and drop uploads.
Enhance & Beautify Native File Input Using jQuery And CSS - Tower
- Form - 3001 ViewsTower is a small and simple-to-use jQuery plugin to enhance and beautify the native file input with support for image preview, custom icons, and file list.
Multiple Video & Image Upload Plugin - jQuery Miv.js
- Form - 4944 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to select multiple images and/or videos from local and automatically generates file input fields with corresponding names.
Drag'n'drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - bs-dropzone.js
- Form - 5438 ViewsA jQuery & Bootstrap 4 based dropzone file upload plugin that allows you to select files to upload via drag and drop.
Modern Multi Image Uploader For Bootstrap 4 - Images Loader
- Form - 16798 ViewsA Bootstrap & jQuery powered uploader plugin that provides a user-friendly and nice-looking interface for uploading multiple images to the web server.
Advanced Drag'n'drop File Uploader - jQuery 5x5jqpi.js
- Form - 7188 ViewsAn advanced drag'n'drop file uploader built on top of jQuery and Bootstrap framework.
Drag And Drop File Upload Zone In JavaScript - SimpleDropit
- Form - 3672 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that transforms any standard file input into a customizable, user-friendly, drag'n'drop zone for file uploader.
Draggable File Upload Component With jQuery - aksFileUpload.js
- Form - 8033 ViewsA jQuery plugin to help create a nice-looking, drag-and-drop file upload zone that provides an easy to select, preview, and upload files to your server.
Multi-file Uploader With jQuery, Bootstrap And PHP - Swallow
- Form - 2138 ViewsA tiny, flexible, elegant file uploader that provides an easy and convenient way to upload local files to your server using jQuery, PHP, and Bootstrap framework.
Drag And Drop Multi-file Upload Plugin - jQuery file-dropzone
- Form - 8953 Viewsfile-dropzone is a tiny yet highly customizable jQuery plugin for uploading multiple files to a web server via drag and drop.
Small Drag & Drop To Upload Plugin - jQuery simple-upload
- Form - 31936 Viewssimple-upload is a lightweight, user-friendly, AJAX-enabled file uploader plugin that supports drag'n'drop, file validation, upload progress bar, AJAX form submit, etc.
Advanced Extensible File Upload Component - rg-uploader
- Form - 2346 Viewsrg-uploader is an advanced, extensible file upload component designed to upload attachments and manipulate uploaded files in an elegant way.
Custom File Input For Bootstrap 4 - bs-custom-file-input
- Form - 29105 ViewsYet another JavaScript plugin to extend the Bootstrap 4 from controls that help you create custom file selection input with browser button for file upload.
Drag and Drop File Uploading With jQuery - Image Uploader
- Form - 36003 ViewsThis is a simple, customizable jQuery image uploader plugin that features drag'n'drop file selection, image preview, predefined image list, and extension/mime/file size validation.
Easy Drag'n'Drop AJAX Uploader Plugin For jQuery - ssi-uploader.js
- Form - 11631 Viewsssi-uploader.js is an easy, customizable, jQuery dependent uploader which allows you to upload multiple allowed files with previews into the web server via AJAX requests.
Stunning File Picker & Uploader Plugin In jQuery - Exort
- Form - 3728 ViewsExort is a brand new and pretty nice jQuery file picker & uploader plugin that supports multi-file selection, file preview, file size/type validation, upload handling and much more.
jQuery Plugin To Beautify File Inputs with Custom Styles - Dropify
- Form - 15861 ViewsDropify is a jQuery plugin to create a beautiful file uploader that converts a standard input type="file" into a nice drag & drop zone with previews and custom styles.
Zoom/Rotate/Crop/Preview Images Before Uploading - ImgUploader
- Form - 9910 ViewsAn advanced image uploader that allows the user to zoom, rotate, crop, edit images with custom filters before uploading to the server.
Validate Image Size And Display Preview Before Uploading - imo-viewer
- Form - 3408 Viewsimo-viewer is a tiny (less than 1kb)jQuery plugin for image upload that displays a live preview after you select an image from the local.
Highly Customizable Image Uploader Plugin - jQuery Imagify
- Form - 1362 ViewsImagify is a lightweight yet highly customizable image uploader with quality control, thumbnail preview, custom label and much more.
Show A Progressbar When Uploading A File - progress-upload.js
- Form - 27922 ViewsThe progress-upload.js jQuery plugin helps you create an easy-to-style progressbar to display the current upload progress when you upload a file to the server.
Drag'n'drop Multi File Uploader - jQuery Smart Uploader
- Form - 12728 ViewsA smart jQuery file uploader plugin for creating a drag and drop area around a file input that allows you to upload multiple files to the web server.
Fine Uploader - User Friendly File Uploading Plugin
- Other - 39147 ViewsFine Uploader is a User-Friendly File-Uploading Plugin for looking to incorporate file-uploading into their website.
Powerful File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery FileUpload
- Form - 19536 ViewsA simple yet powerful and configurable jQuery file uploader plugin styling with the Bootstrap framework.
Customizable File Input Button With jQuery - fileinput.js
- Form - 4243 ViewsThe jQuery fileinput.js plugin replaces the regular file input field with a customizable Browse button which enables the user to browse and select file(s) from local.
Chunked File Uploader With jQury And PHP - fcup
- Form - 5759 Viewsfcup is a simple, fully configurable Chunked File Uploader for larger files that supports both browser and node.js.
Custom jQuery File Inputs For Image Uploading
- Form - 7232 ViewsThis is a small jQuery script to create custom file inputs for image uploading that features images preview and image name caption.
Easy Multi File Uploader Plugin With jQuery - uploadHBR
- Form - 11115 ViewsThe uploadHBR plugin uses Bootstrap and Font Awesome to create a pretty simple and user-friendly file uploader with support for drag'n'drop, multi-file upload and image preview.
Easy HTML5 File Uploader Plugin With jQuery
- Slideshow - 3582 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin to create an HTML5 file uploader that features drag'n'drop, ajax uploading, multi-file upload, progress bar, useful options & event handlers and much more.
Multi-file Image Uploader Plugin With jQuery - Image Uploader
- Form - 37369 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to create an elegant uploader interface which allows to upload multiple image files to your web server via AJAX.
Drag And Drop AJAX Uploader Plugin - jQuery File Uploader
- Form - 14642 ViewsThe jQuery File Uploader transforms the normal file input into a drag and drop file uploader with ajax upload, image preview and progress bar support.
jQuery Plugin For Drag and Drop File Input Field - ezdz
- Form - 26912 Viewsezdz is an easy-to-use jQuery File Input plugin for creating a drag & drop zone that allows the visitor to drag and drop multiple files into the file input.
Custom HTML5 File Input Plugin With jQuery - mn-file-upload
- Form - 2616 Viewsmn-file-upload is a lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin which transforms the normal HTML5 file input into a highly customizable file uploader with image preview.
Flexible Multi File Uploader Plugin For jQuery - droply-js
- Form - 8260 Viewsdroply-js is a flexible, customizable, cross-platform jQuery multi file uploader for both mobile and desktop.
jQuery Plugin For Multiple File Uploader - Upload File
- Other - 82171 ViewsUpload File is an easy jQuery plugin used to create a file uploader with progress bar that supports multiple files and drag & drop uploads.
Elegant Customizable jQuery & PHP File Uploader - Fileuploader
- Form - 15637 ViewsFileuploader is a flexible, powerful jQuery & PHP file uploader that turns any standard file input into a high customizable file selection field with validators and previews.
Configurable File Input / Upload Enhancement Plugin - ezfile.js
- Form - 1905 ViewsA jQuery plugin used to enhance the native file input that features custom styles, icons and allows to limit the size/extension/aspect-ratio of an file you want to upload.
User-friendly Media Preview & Upload Plugin For jQuery And Bootstrap
- Form - 12707 ViewsA jQuery based, user-friendly file picker plugin which enables you to select (remove) and preview multiple local media files (images & videos) in a Bootstrap modal component.
Drag And Drop File Uploader With Preview - Imageuploadify
- Form - 50832 ViewsImageuploadify is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin that converts the normal file input into a drag'n'drop multi-file upload control with files (images) preview support.
Image Upload Preview Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - img-upload
- Form - 84292 Viewsimg-upload is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you to upload local or remote image files with live preview, styling with Twitter Bootstrap.
Simple jQuery File Upload Previewer Plugin
- Form - 7688 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create a preview area beneath the file input that allows the user to preview files (images) before they are uploaded.
Bootstrap File Input Enhancement Plugin With jQuery
- Form - 2746 ViewsBootstrap File Field is a jQuery plugin which lets you create a highly customizable file input with file preview and multiple selection using Bootstrap styles.
Small Cross-browser jQuery AJAX Upload Plugin - pithyUpload
- Form - 2581 ViewspithyUpload is a lightweight and cross-browser jQuery file upload plugin used to asynchronously upload specified types of files into your web server via AJAX.
Drag And Drop File Upload Plugin For Bootstrap - dropzone
- Form - 53100 Viewsdropzone is a jQuery plugin used to create a highly customizable drag'n'drop zone for file uploading with a progress bar.
Customizable Bootstrap File Input Plugin With jQuery
- Form - 2238 ViewsA jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that converts any button elements into easy-to-customize file inputs for your uploader UI.
Custom Html5 File Uploader with jQuery and Bootstrap - ccFileUpload
- Form - 3991 ViewsccFileUpload is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to generate a clean, responsive, customizable multi file upload UI with image preview support.
jQuery Plugin To Create Image Upload Zone with Preview - unodropzone
- Form - 4229 Viewsunodropzone is a very small jQuery plugin used to create a customizable image upload zone with support for drag'n'drop, thumbnail preview and callback function.
Drag & Drop File Upload Dialog with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 91732 ViewsA jQuery plugin which displays a drag & drop file uploader in a popup dialog using Bootstrap's modal component.
jQuery File Drop Zone Plugin - inputFileZone.js
- Form - 1702 ViewsinputFileZone.js is a cross-browser jQuery plugin that transform a normal file input into a drop zone with image previews.