Bootstrap File Input Enhancement Plugin With jQuery

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License: MIT
Bootstrap File Input Enhancement Plugin With jQuery

Bootstrap File Field is a jQuery plugin which lets you create a highly customizable file input with file preview and multiple selection using Bootstrap styles.

Key features:

  • Custom file picker using Bootstrap button styles.
  • Based on HTML5 file API.
  • Custom button labels.
  • Image preview.
  • Restricts file types and sizes.
  • Allows to multi-select a specified number of files.
  • User friendly error fallback.
  • You'll receive the files with submitted form (with enctype="multipart/form-data"). No ajax used.

How to use it:

1. Include the needed Bootstrap's stylesheet on the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.min.css">

2. Include jQuery library together with the jQuery Bootstrap File Field plugin's JavaScript and Stylesheet on the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap_file_field.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="bootstrap_file_field.js"></script>

3. Adding the data-field-type="bootstrap-file-filed" attribute to your input to create a basic file input.

<input type="file" data-field-type="bootstrap-file-filed" name="demo">

4. The plugin also supports multi selection:

<input type="file" data-field-type="bootstrap-file-filed" name="demo[]" multiple>

5. Customize the file input by passing the options via data attributes as follows:

<input type="file" name="demo" 

6. You can also pass the options as an JS object on init.

  // options here

7. All customization options with default values.


  // label text for file input
  label: "Select File",

  // default button class
  btnClass: 'btn-default',

  // enable/disable file preview
  preview: 'off',

  // restric file types by mime type
  fileTypes: false,

  // max/min file size
  maxFileSize: false,
  minFileSize: false,

  // max totle size
  maxTotalSize: false,

  // max/min number of files
  maxNumFiles: false,
  minNumFiles: false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ajaxray. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.