jQuery Plugin For Conditional Logic Form Functionality - toggleFields.js

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jQuery Plugin For Conditional Logic Form Functionality - toggleFields.js

toggleFields.js is a jQuery plugin for the conditional logic form functionality that automatically enables and disables form fields based on the previous selection.

Basic usage:

1. To get started, just place the jQuery toggleFields.js after jQuery JavaScript library and you're ready to go.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="src/jquery.toggleFields.js"></script>

2. Create a trigger element on the webpage. You're allowed to set multiple conditions which should be separated with a comma and space.

<i aria-hidden data-toggle-conditions="#demo"></i>

3. Add your own conditional logic to the form fields using the following data attribute.

  • data-toggle-target: Target element to be toggled.
  • data-toggle-next: Required if using multiple conditions. 
  • data-toggle-ref:  Wrapping element of the targets. Matches the ID in the 'data-toggle-conditions' attribute.
  • data-toggle-next: Wrapping element of the target form fields.
  • data-toggle-recursive: Identify a recursive condition; one that relies on another condition.
  <label for="label_id_1">Select an option</label>
  <select id="label_id_1" data-toggle-target>
    <option id="demo">Condition 1</option>
  <div data-toggle-next data-toggle-ref="demo">
    <label data-toggle-target for="label_id_2">An additional field</label>
    <select id="label_id_2" data-toggle-target>

4. Call the function on the form element. That's it.


5. Default data attributes and CSS classes/identifiers.

  conditionIdentifier: 'data-toggle-condition',
  conditionsIdentifier: 'data-toggle-conditions',
  disabledClass: 'disabled',
  disabledAttr: 'disabled',
  helpTextIdentifier: 'form-row__instructions',
  nextFormRowsIdentifier: 'data-toggle-next',
  nextRowReferenceIdentifier: 'data-toggle-ref',
  targetIdentifier: 'data-toggle-target',
  toggleClass: 'js-toggleFields--on',

6. Default callback functions.

  initCallback: function initCallback() {},
  toggleOnCallback: function toggleOnCallback() {},
  toggleOffCallback: function toggleOffCallback() {},
  destroyCallback: function destroyCallback() {}

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by nomensa. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.