Side-by-side Multi Select Plugin With jQuery - multiSelect.js

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License: MIT
Side-by-side Multi Select Plugin With jQuery - multiSelect.js

multiSelect.js is a basic jQuery dual list box plugin where the users are able to select/deselect options between panels using Left/Right arrows or move items by using double-click.

How to use it:

1. Insert the multiSelect.js and multiSelect.css into the web page which has jQuery library loaded.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.multiselect.js"></script>
<link href="jquery.multiselect.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Call the main function gs_multiselect() on the target multiple select element and done.

<select id="demo" multiple="multiple">
  <option value="google" selected>Google</option>
  <option value="microsoft">Microsoft</option>
  <option value="apple">Apple</option>
  <option value="amazon">Amazon</option>
  <option value="yahoo" selected>Yahoo</option>
  <option value="yandex" selected>Yandex</option>
  <option value="polycom">Polycom</option>
  <option value="dlink">D-Link</option>
  <option value="jquery">jQuery</option>
  <option value="script">Script</option>
jQuery(function () {

3. Customize the dual list box using your own CSS styles.

.fMultiSelect {


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by zolll23. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.