Feature-rich Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin - jQuery ajax-combobox

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License: MIT
Feature-rich Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin - jQuery ajax-combobox

ajax-combobox is a feature-rich autocomplete dropdown plugin that uses jQuery, Ajax, PHP for adding a highly functional (pagination, filtering, sorting, keyboard navigation) autocomplete control to your text fields.

More Features:

  • Fetches data from Database or JS Objects.
  • Custom trigger characters (like @, #, etc) in textarea.
  • Multiple languages.
  • URL shorten.

How to use it:

1. To get started, load jQuery library and the ajax-combobox plugin's files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.ajax-combobox.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.ajax-combobox.min.js"></script>

2. Attach the plugin to the target text field and specify the path to the PHP, which is used to fetch data from your database.

<input type="text" id="example" />
use myapp\AjaxComboBox;
$mysql = array(
  'dsn'      => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test;charset=utf8;port=3360',
  'username' => 'root',
  'password' => ''
$sqlite = array(
  'dsn'      => 'sqlite:../../sample/sample.sqlite3',
  'username' => '',
  'password' => ''
new AjaxComboBox($sqlite);

3. Or fetch data from an array of JS objects.

var data = [
  {id:'A001',name:'Adams',    post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A002',name:'Darling',  post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A003',name:'Kingston', post:'General Affairs',position:'Chief clerk'},
  {id:'A004',name:'Darling',  post:'General Affairs',position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A005',name:'Adams',    post:'Personnel',      position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A006',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'Director'},
  {id:'A007',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A008',name:'Darling',  post:'Personnel',      position:'Chief'},
  {id:'A009',name:'Adams',    post:'Personnel',      position:'Chief'},
  {id:'A010',name:'Adams',    post:'General Affairs',position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A011',name:'Darling',  post:'General Affairs',position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A012',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A013',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Sales',          position:'Chief clerk'},
  {id:'A014',name:'Darling',  post:'Sales',          position:'Vice-chief'},
  {id:'A015',name:'MacKenzie',post:'General Affairs',position:'Vice-chief'},
  {id:'A016',name:'Kingston', post:'Personnel',      position:'Director'},
  {id:'A017',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Personnel',      position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A018',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Sales',          position:'Chief'}

3. Or fetch data from an array of JS objects.

var data = [
  {id:'A001',name:'Adams',    post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A002',name:'Darling',  post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A003',name:'Kingston', post:'General Affairs',position:'Chief clerk'},
  {id:'A004',name:'Darling',  post:'General Affairs',position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A005',name:'Adams',    post:'Personnel',      position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A006',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'Director'},
  {id:'A007',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A008',name:'Darling',  post:'Personnel',      position:'Chief'},
  {id:'A009',name:'Adams',    post:'Personnel',      position:'Chief'},
  {id:'A010',name:'Adams',    post:'General Affairs',position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A011',name:'Darling',  post:'General Affairs',position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A012',name:'Kingston', post:'Sales',          position:'The rank and file'},
  {id:'A013',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Sales',          position:'Chief clerk'},
  {id:'A014',name:'Darling',  post:'Sales',          position:'Vice-chief'},
  {id:'A015',name:'MacKenzie',post:'General Affairs',position:'Vice-chief'},
  {id:'A016',name:'Kingston', post:'Personnel',      position:'Director'},
  {id:'A017',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Personnel',      position:'Section chief'},
  {id:'A018',name:'MacKenzie',post:'Sales',          position:'Chief'}

4. Display extra info when hovering over entries.

  sub_info: true,
  sub_as: {
    id: 'Employer ID',
    post: 'Post',
    position: 'Position'
  select_only: true,
  init_record: 'A009',
  primary_key: 'id',

5. Attach the plugin to a textarea and specify the trigger characters as follows. Ideal for #tag & @mention autocomplete.

  plugin_type: 'textarea',
  tags: [
      pattern: ['@', '']

6. All default options.

  // data source
  source: source,

  // en, es, pt-br and ja
  lang: 'en',

  // 'combobox', 'simple', 'textarea'
  plugin_type: 'combobox',

  // value of primary-key for initial value
  init_record: false,

  // database settings
  db_table: 'tbl',
  field: 'name',
  and_or: 'AND',

  // search field
  search_field: 'name',

  // number of entries per page
  per_page: 10,

  // number of pagination links
  navi_num: 5,

  // primary key
  primary_key: 'id',

  // 'name DESC', ['name ASC', 'age DESC']
  order_by: 'name',

  // dropdown icon
  button_img: '<svg class="octicon octicon-chevron-down" viewBox="0 0 10 16" version="1.1" aria-hidden="true"><path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5 11L0 6l1.5-1.5L5 8.25 8.5 4.5 10 6z"></path></svg>',

  // event to fire after selection
  bind_to: false,

  // enable simple navigation
  navi_simple: false,

  // Sub-info
  sub_info: false,
  sub_as: {},
  show_field: '',
  hide_field: '',

  // Select-only mode
  select_only: false,

  // enable tags
  tags: {
    pattern: null,
    space: [true, true],
    db_table: 'tbl',
    field: 'name',
    order_by: 'name',
    search_field: 'name',
    sub_info: false,
    sub_as: {},
    show_field: '',
    hide_field: '',

  // Shorten URL service
  shorten_btn: false,
  shorten_src: 'dist/bitly.php',
  shorten_min: 20,
  shorten_reg: false


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sutara79. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.