jQuery Plugin For Checkable And Searchable Select Box - tochecklist
File Size: | 26.2 KB |
Views Total: | 907 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

tochecklist is a convenient jQuery multi select plugin that transform the native select element into an accessible, checkable and searchable select box for easier multiple selection.
How to use it:
1. Load the required CSS file for the toChecklist jQuery plugin.
<link href="jquery.toChecklist.css" rel="stylesheet">
2. Load both jQuery library and the toChecklist jQuery plugin's script at the bottom of your webpage.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="src/jquery.toChecklist.js"></script>
3. Call the function on the existing select element and done.
4. All default settings, which may be overridden if necessary.
$('select').toChecklist({ // shows scrollbar "addScrollBar" : true, // shows search box "addSearchBox" : false, // enable animation on search "animateSearch" : 'normal', // placeholder for search box "searchBoxText" : 'Type here to search list...', // shows checkboxes "showCheckboxes" : true, // show selected options "showSelectedItems" : false, // Use false when you need to use original name attribute, or use // true if you want to overwrite original name attribute with id; Very // important for Ruby on Rails support to use original name attribute! "overwriteName" : false, // This one allows compatibility with languages that use arrays // to process the form data, such as PHP. Set to false if using // ColdFusion or anything else with a list-based approach. "submitDataAsArray" : true, // When this is true (default) the ID of the select box is // submitted to the server as the variable containing the checked // items. Set to false to use the "name" attribute instead (this makes // it compatible with Drupal's Views module and Ruby on Rails.) "preferIdOverName" : true, // If you want to limit the number of items a user can select in a // checklist, set this to a positive integer. "maxNumOfSelections" : -1, // This function gets executed whenever you go over the max number of allowable selections. "onMaxNumExceeded" : function() { alert('You cannot select more than '+this.maxNumOfSelections+' items in this list.'); }, // In case of name conflicts, you can change the class names to whatever you want to use. "cssChecklist" : 'checklist', "cssChecklistHighlighted" : 'checklistHighlighted', "cssLeaveRoomForCheckbox" : 'leaveRoomForCheckbox', // For label elements "cssEven" : 'even', "cssOdd" : 'odd', "cssChecked" : 'checked', "cssDisabled" : 'disabled', "cssShowSelectedItems" : 'showSelectedItems', "cssFocused" : 'focused', // This cssFocused is for the li's in the checklist "cssFindInList" : 'findInList', "cssBlurred" : 'blurred', // This cssBlurred is for the findInList divs. "cssOptgroup" : 'optgroup', // force the list width, if 0 the original SELECT width is used "listWidth" : 0, // 0 : each item will be large as the list (single column) // > 0 : each item will have a fixed size, so we could split // list into more than one column // WARNING: vertical scroll bar width must be taken into account // listWidth=200, itemWidth=50 DOES NOT GIVE a 4 columns list // if list scroll bar is visible "itemWidth" : 0 });
5. Public methods.
// check all options $('select').toChecklist('checkAll'); // clear all selection $('select').toChecklist('clearAll'); // invert selection $('select').toChecklist('clearAll');
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shorlbeck. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.