jQuery Plugin To Detect and Save Data Changes In Forms - Dirrty

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jQuery Plugin To Detect and Save Data Changes In Forms - Dirrty

Dirrty is a jQuery form change detection plugin that detects unsaved data changes in a form and alerts your user using native JavaScript alert dialog box. Also provides a 'Form Save' functionality which stores the form data in client side and retrieves / restores them when needed.


$ npm install dirrty --save

How to use it:

1. Place jQuery library and the jQuery dirrty plugin at the bottom of your webpage.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.dirrty.js"></script>

2. Add a 'save' button to your existing form.

<input id="save" type="submit" value="Save Changes" disabled>

3. Initialize the plugin and enable / disable the 'Form save' button accordion to the form status (clean or dirty).

$("#my-form").dirrty().on("dirty", function(){
  }).on("clean", function(){
    $("#save").attr("disabled", "disabled");

4. Default options & callback functions of the plugin.

// promts the user to save changes before leaving if the form is dirty
leavingMessage: "You have unsaved changes",

preventLeaving: true,

// fired when the form gets dirty
onDirty: function(){},

// fired when the form gets clean again
onClean: function(){}

5. Check if the form is dirty.


Change log:


  • Added option to manually set state clean


  • v0.2.0 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rubentd. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.