Select/Deselect Elements Just Like Checkbox & Radio Button

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Select/Deselect Elements Just Like Checkbox & Radio Button

checkbox-radio-group is a jQuery plugin that allows the user to quickly select/deselect a single element or a group of elements just like checkboxes and radio buttons.

How to use it:

1. To get started, include the jquery-checkbox-radio-group.js JavaScript library after loading jQuery library.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery-checkbox-radio-group.js"></script>

2. Enable an element to be selectable just like a single checkbox.

<div class="example">First Div</div>
<div class="example">Second Div</div>
  onChange: function(id, selected){ 

3. Enable a group of elements to be selectable just like a checkbox group. In this example, clicking the Parent Element will select or deselect all child elements.

<div id="parent">Parent Element</div>
<div id="container">
  <div id="no1">1</div>
  <div id="no2">2</div>
  <div id="no3">3</div>
  onChange : function(id, selected){ 
.addElement( $('#container'), 'div')
.addElement( $('#no3'), {
  onChange: function(id, selected){ console.log('I an special!', id,':',selected) }

4. Enable a group of elements to be selectable just like a checkbox group. In this example, clicking the Parent Element will select or deselect all child elements.

<div id="radioGroup">
  <div id="radio1">Radio id=radio1</div>
  <div id="radio2">Radio id=radio2</div>
  <div id="radio3">Radio id=radio3</div>
var radioGroup = $.radioGroup({
    radioGroupId: 'myRadioGroup', 
    onChange: function(id, selected, $radio, groupId ){ 

.addElement( $('#radio1, #radio2') )
.addElement( $('#radio3'), {
  onChange: function(id, selected){ 
    console.log('I an special!', id,':',selected) 

5. All default plugin settings.

  • id: Unique ID
  • prop: Set property when the element is selected
  • className: Classname set when the element is selected
  • className_semi: Classnamewhen the element is semi-selected
  • selector: Selector for child element to be updated with prop and/or className
  • modernizr: If true the element get "no-"+className when unselected
  • selected: Determine if the element is selected
  • semiSelected: Determine if the element is semi-selected
  • onChange: Callback function
  id: null
  prop: '',
  className: '',
  className_semi: '',
  selector: null,
  modernizr: false,
  selected: false,
  semiSelected: false,
  onChange: function(){}

6. Select & deselect element programmatically.

radioGroup.setUnselected('radio3', true);



  • v1.10.1: Allow selected to be a function (return BOOLEAN)


  • v1.9.3


  • Support for semi-selected (yellow) elements

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by FCOO. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.