Free jQuery input spinner Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'input spinner' are listed here.
Easy Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and 5 - InputSpinner.js
- Form - 41413 ViewsAn easy yet customizable input spinner plugin for Bootstrap framework (Bootstrap 4 & 5) that enables the users to increment/decrement a number by using +/- buttons.
10 Best Number Input (Input Spinner) Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 58897 Views10 best jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugins that help developers create highly customizable and user-friendly input spinners to enhance the number input experience.
Spinner Input With Virtual Keypad - jQuery Number Control
- Form - 1282 ViewsA feature-rich, mobile-compatible, and user-friendly number spinner jQuery plugin for picking a number by using -/+ buttons.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Input Spinner Plugin For Bootstrap 3/4 - TouchSpin
- Form - 30672 ViewsTouchSpin is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 3 to create a touch-friendly spinner widget that wraps a text input with two buttons to increment and decrement the current value.
Touch-friendly Input Spinner With Custom Controls - inputArrow
- Form - 2205 ViewsThe inputArrow jQuery plugin converts the normal text field into a highly customizable, mobile-friendly input spinner with custom increment and decrement buttons.
Number Input Spinner With jQuery - Nice Number
- Form - 24473 ViewsThe Nice Number jQuery plugin turns the regular number input into a handy input spinner that allows the user to pick number by using increment/decrement buttons.
Customizable Number Input Spinner Plugin with jQuery - Spinner.js
- Form - 11270 ViewsSpinner.js is a jQuery plugin that turns a normal text input into a highly customizable number spinner with up/down arrows for easier numeral data input.
Animated Numeric Stepper Component In jQuery
- Form - 2648 ViewsAn awesome animated numeric stepper (aka. input spinner) component which can be used to increment or decrement a value by clicking arrows.
Spin Numbers With Plus/Minus Buttons - jQuery Number Spinner
- Form - 9111 ViewsJust another jQuery based number spinner plugin that enables your users to spin numbers with plus and minus buttons.
Minimal Numeric Stepper Plugin - jQuery Quantity Controller
- Form - 3235 ViewsQuantity Controller is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a numeric stepper (aka. number spinner, input spinner) on the webpage.
Convenient Spin Box For Number Input - jQuery InputCounter
- Form - 3830 ViewsInputCounter is a lightweight, Bootstrap compatible jQuery input spinner plugin for switching numeric values with plus/minus buttons.
Custom Number Input/Spinner Plugin For jQuery - number.js
- Form - 7942 ViewsA simple custom jQuery input spinner where the users are able to use the plus/minus buttons to increment/decrement the number values.
User-Friendly Number Input Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Form - 49066 ViewsAn input spinner component for Bootstrap to extend the default number input that allows the users to easily select a number by clicking the plus/minus buttons.
Change The Value Of Your Number Input With Mouse Drag - stepper.js
- Form - 3280 Viewsstepper.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a numeric stepper form input where the users are able to change its value by mouse hover and drag.
Lightweight Touch-friendly Input Stepper For jQuery - Stepper.js
- Form - 3694 ViewsStepper.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that converts the native number input into an user-friendly spinbox with up/down buttons to increment/decrement a numeric value.
Convenient jQuery Separated Input Stepper Plugin - NumberCategorySelector
- Form - 2166 ViewsNumberCategorySelector is a simple, handy jQuery input spinner plugin that features separated entries, custom suffixes, min/max values and more.
jQuery Plugin To Increase & Decrease Input Values Via Mouse Drag - inputDrag
- Form - 2293 ViewsinputDrag is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin used to create an user-friendly spin box that allows to increase/decrease the value by dragging over the input field.
jQuery Plugin For Increment Decrement Number Spinner - stepperWidget
- Form - 6764 ViewsstepperWidget is a lightweight jQuery UI widget which converts the normal text field into a customizable number input spinner with plus/minus buttons.
Draggable Input / Number Spinner With jQuery And jQuery UI - Scrubber
- Form - 1607 ViewsScrubber is a jQuery plugin to enhance the default 'number' input that allows you to increment and decrement the input's numeric value via mouse drag.
jQuery Plugin To Create Increment / Decrement Input Spinners - handleCounter
- Form - 24009 ViewshandleCounter is a simple plain jQuery input spinner plugin which enables plus and minus buttons to increment and decrement the input's numeric value.
Select Based Input Spinner Plugin For jQuery - Select Step
- Form - 3789 ViewsSelect Step is a jQuery plugin that converts the standard select box into an input spinner with increment / decrement step buttons.
Small Accessible jQuery Number Input Plugin - Numbler
- Form - 1349 ViewsNumbler.js is a small jQuery plugin that allows for greater consistency and control over the experience and styling of the number input, across browsers.
Input Number Spinner with jQuery and Bootstrap - Spinner
- Form - 89366 ViewsSpinner is a jQuery spinner plugin worked with Bootstrap 3 (OPTIONAL) that allows you to create input spinner components using number inputs.
Minimal Number Picker Plugin For jQuery - Wan Spinner
- Form - 9301 ViewsWan Spinner is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for converts a text field into an input spinner for picking number by using plus / minus buttons.
jQuery Plugin For Incrementing And Decrementing A Number Input - userincr
- Form - 7957 Viewsuserincr is a lightweight jQuery input spinner plugin which allows you to increment and decrement an input field using external controls.
Easy Stylable jQuery Number Input Spinner Plugin - Numble
- Form - 1546 ViewsA jQuery plugin for transforming the normal number input into an enhanced input spinner with increment / decrement controls and mouse scroll wheel handling.
Simple jQuery Number Picker/Spinner Plugin - dpNumberPicker
- Form - 12125 ViewsdpNumberPicker is a jQuery plugin that converts an DIV element into an input spinner with increase and decrease buttons to simplify the selection of numbers.
Simple Number Spinner with jQuery and CSS3 - Simple Spinner
- Form - 14420 ViewsA super tiny jQuery number picker plugin which converts a stylish number input into a number spinner with "+" and "-" controls.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Cross Browser Number Inputs - Stepper
- Form - 8595 ViewsStepper is a simple and cross-browser jQuery plugin for number input fields, which will will automatically detect the minimum, maximum and increment values based on the min, max and step attributes.
Simple Number Spinner Input Plugin For jQuery - DP Number Picker
- Form - 16219 ViewsDP Number Picker is a jQuery plugin for converting a DIV element into a spinner input that allows to pick a number by clicking the '+' or '-' buttons.
jQuery Plugin For Selecting Numbers By Typing Or Clicking - spinner
- Form - 7141 Viewsspinner is a simple and fast jQuery plugin for creating a number selector widget that allows you to select numbers by clicking the up/down button or entering a custom number.