Free jQuery sliding menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'sliding menu' are listed here.
Cool Nav Hover Interaction With jQuery - Navimation
- Menu - 1210 ViewsA jQuery plugin that adds an animated, interactive underline effect to menu items when hovering.
Sliding Active Menu Item Indicator In jQuery
- Menu - 2556 ViewsA modern sliding navigation indicator that moves when you hover over or activate a menu item. Written in jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
Nice Sliding Hamburger Navigation With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 2269 ViewsA pretty nice sliding menu written in jQuery/CSS that slides out from the toggle button and transforms the hamburger button into a close button when toggled.
Fixed Sliding Side Panel Plugin For jQuery - flyout_menu.js
- Menu - 2519 Viewsflyout_menu.js is a jQuery plugin to create a floating side tab that reveals a side panel sliding from the right or left of the screen when toggled.
Sliding Side Menu/Panel with jQuery and Bootstrap - BootSideMenu
- Menu - 222920 ViewsA simple lightweight javascript plugin used to create side menus/panels that smoothly slide out from the edge of your screen when toggled.
Magic Line Navigation Effect With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 5228 ViewsA small jQuery script that takes advantage of CSS3 transitions to create a magic line effect on your navigation menu on hover.
Lightweight Responsive Sliding Menu Plugin with jQuery - F1-Nav
- Menu - 4660 ViewsF1-Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slide up/down navigation menu with a full page overlay.
Easy Customizable Sliding Menu Indicator Plugin - SlidingMenu
- Menu - 3137 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin used for creating a customizable sliding indicator to highlight the current/active menu item you're hovering on.
Responsive Lava Lamp Style Navigation Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 2526 ViewsA really simple jQuery script that makes use of pseudo element to create an animated,interactive magic line under the menu items just like theLava Lamp navigation. How to use it: 1. Create a site navigation using the regular html list as th
Animated & Multi-level jQuery Dropdown Plugin
- Menu - 30661 ViewsA dropdown jQuery plugin that turns select options or nested Html lists into an animated, multi-level drop down menu/list with a subtle sliding effect.
Creating A Sliding Image Navigation Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 3458 ViewsA jQuery plugin used for creating an image navigation menu that automatically switches between background images with a slice animation when you hover over the menu items.
Animated Menu Item Indicator With jQuery - sliderMenu
- Menu - 3304 ViewssliderMenu is a jQuery plugin that for displaying a sliding indicator on the top of the menu to tell you which menu item you're hovering on.
jQuery Plugin For LavaLamp-Like Menu Hover Effect - Lavazi
- Menu - 5598 ViewsLavazi is a small jQuery plugin that applies a LavaLamp-Like smooth elastic animation to your navigation menu on mouse hover.
Touch-enabled Sliding Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 4173 ViewsA jQuery/CSS3 based animated side navigation that slides down a menu panel when triggered, with support for hover and touch events.
App-style Sliding Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3435 ViewsA super simple and lightweight jQuery script used to create a mobile app style sliding menu with an animated hamburger toggle icon.
Create A Responsive Slide Toggle Navigation with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 32263 ViewsA responsive, full width, mobile first navigation which allows you to reveal a slide menu using jQuery slideToggle() function.
jQuery Plugin To Create App Look-alike Sliding Sidebars - slideReveal
- Menu - 7762 ViewsslideReveal is a jQuery plugin used to creating an off-canvas panel (menu, navigation, sidebar) that slides in and out of the web page when triggered.
Multi-Level Sliding Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 27973 ViewsA fixed sidebar navigation system which allows you to reveal a full multi-level navigation menu by clicking on the toggle icon.
Minimalist Sliding Push Menu with jQuery and CSS - SlideIn Menu
- Menu - 2811 ViewsJust a simple jQuery script to create a fixed off-canvas menu that slides in from the left side while the main content slides to the right when activated.
Super Simple jQuery Sidebar Sliding Menu Plugin - Slidx
- Menu - 15166 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for creating sidebar menu which slides out from the left or right hand side of your browser window.
Facebook Paper-like Top Sliding Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1619 ViewsA Facebook Paper inspired header navigation that displays at the top of your window with a smooth CSS3 based sliding effects.
jQuery Plugin For Mobile Style Push & Slide Menus - Pushy
- Menu - 4048 ViewsPushy is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating mobile App-style push & slide menus that slide out from any sides of your screen when toggled.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Mobile Sliding Menu - MobileMenu
- Menu - 2641 ViewsMobileMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin which turns an ordinary navigation into a mobile App-style sliding menu as the browser window hits a specified breakpoint.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Simple Off-canvas Sliding Menu
- Menu - 1117 ViewsWhen you click a trigger, a sidebar menu slides out from the left hand side of your screen and shrinks the document content with a transparent mask.
Android Style Side Drawer Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Hamburger
- Menu - 8340 ViewsHamburger is a jQuery plugin for creating an Android App-style sliding menu that displays a fly-out navigation on the left edge of the screen.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Sidebar Menu - jQuery Sidebar
- Menu - 33060 ViewsSidebar is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that allows you to quickly create sidebar menus with stylish slide out and slide in effects.
iPod Style Drill Down Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 5221 ViewsA jQuery Menu Plugin that allows you to create iPod Style Drill Down Menus in a small, vertical, compact and fixed-sized area.