Responsive HTML5 Line & Donut Chart Plugin With jQuery - KlondikeChart

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License: MIT
Responsive HTML5 Line & Donut Chart Plugin With jQuery - KlondikeChart

KlondikeChart is a lightweight charting plugin for jQuery that makes it easy to represent your data in responsive, customizable, html5 canvas based line and/or donut charts. Requires the jQuery jCanvas plugin that will provide a flexible API for drawing basic and complex shapes. Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3.

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery library and jCanvas plugin in the html document.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jcanvas.min.js"></script>

2. Load the jQuery KlondikeChart plugin's files after jQuery library.

<link href="KlondikeChart-MainCss.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="KlondikeChart.js"></script>

3. Create an HTML5 canvas element on which you want to draw the line / donut chart.

<canvas id="demo"></canvas>

4. The JavaScript to draw a line chart on the canvas element.

// canvas ID 
var myLineCanvas = $("#demo"); 

// color of lines
var lineColor = "#e88320";

// stroke width of lines
var lineStroke = 3;

// background color of Canvas element
var CanvasBackground = "#2a343f";

// color of grid lines
var gridLineColor = "#767676";

// color of grid number
var gridNumeralColor = "#fff"; 

// interval of the chart graduation grid
var gridLineFrecuency = 20; 

// number of decimals 
var GridNumeralDecimals = 0; 

// drwas the avarage line in the chart 
var ChartAvarage = true;

// X values
var XValues = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; 

// Y values
var YValues = [150, 360, 200, 225, 560, 450, 220, 550, 630, 100, 280, 480]; 

// draws the line chart on the Canvas element

5. The JavaScript to draw a donut chart on the canvas element.

// Canvas ID
var myDonutCanvas = $("#DonutChart")

// donut radius
var DonutRadius = 80;

// donut width
var DonutStroke = 60;

// x-position
var DonutXPosition = 320;

// y-position
var DonutYPosition = 125;

// array of strings displayed in the chart
var statsNames = ["Asia", "Europe",  "America"]; 

// numeric array for the correspondant data to be displayed in the chart
var stats = [1256.54, 2460.20, 956.89]; 

// draws the donut chart on the Canvas element

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aureliosanchez. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.