Animated Custom Select Element Plugin For jQuery - Hemi Custom Select

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License: MIT
Animated Custom Select Element Plugin For jQuery - Hemi Custom Select

Hemi Custom Select is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive, fully customizable select box with events and smooth fade-in animation support.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library and the jQuery hemi custom select plugin's files into the Html page.

<link href="path/to/jquery.hemiCustomSelect.css" rel="stylesheet">

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="path/to/jquery.hemiCustomSelect-2.4.js"></script>

2. Create a standard Html select box in the page.

<select class="demo">
  <option disabled="">3</option>
  <optgroup label="Group 1">
  <optgroup disabled="" label="Group 2 disabled">

3. Call the plugin and config the custom select box.

  dropdown: {
    enable: true

4. All the default configurations.

// Custom CSS selectors.
// So you can easily style the select in the CSS

wrapper: {
  'class': "hcs-select-wrapper",
  'element': $("<div/>")

select: {
  'class': ""

title: {
  'class': "hcs-select-title",
  'element': $("<span/>")

arrow: {
  'class': "hcs-select-arrow",
  'element': $("<span/>")

responsive: true,

dropdown: {
  enable: false,
  element: $("<div/>"),
  'class': "hcs-dropdown",
  'classOpen': "hcs-dropdown-open",
  option: {
    element: $("<div/>"),
    'class': "hcs-dropdown-option",
    'classSelected': "selected",
    'classDisabled': "disabled"
  optgroup: {
    element: $("<div/>"),
    'class': "hcs-dropdown-optgroup",
    'classDisabled': "disabled",
    'label': {
      element: $("<div/>"),
      'class': "hcs-dropdown-optgroup-label"

// Callback functions
init: function (element) {},
onLoad: function (element) {},
onChange: function (element) {},
onClick: function (element) {},
onRefresh: function (element) {},
onResize: function (element) {}

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by heminei. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.