Copy Entire Textarea To Clipboard Using jQuery - Copyme

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Copy Entire Textarea To Clipboard Using jQuery - Copyme

Copyme is a very useful jQuery plugin which allows the user to copy the entire textarea to clipboard by one click.

How to use it:

1. Place jQuery library and the jQuery copyme plugin at the end before the close of the <body> tag for faster loading.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="copyme.js"></script>

2. Copy the entire textarea to clipboard by clicking on a 'Copy' button.

<button>Copy To Clipboard</button>

3. Copy the entire textarea to clipboard by clicking on itself.


4. The plugin will automatically output a success message when you copy something to clipboard. You can style it whatever you like:

.success-alert {
  color: red; 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by giriannamalai. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.