Anti-Bot Icon Captcha Plugin With jQuery And PHP - IconCaptcha
File Size: | 364 KB |
Views Total: | 6493 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
IconCaptcha is a simple, flexible, customizable, user-friendly, jQuery & PHP based captcha plugin to prevent spam and bots on your web app.
Main features:
- Server-side validation with PHP.
- Light and dark themes.
- AJAX loading.
- Custom feedback messages.
- Useful events.
- Multiple instances on a page.
- Pixel perfect icons.
- Cross-browser.
How to use it:
1. Load jQuery library and the Icon Captcha Plugin's files in the html document.
<!-- jQuery is OPTIONAL --> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- IconCaptcha Files --> <link href="/css/icon-captcha.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="/js/icon-captcha.min.js"></script>
2. Add a icon captcha placeholder to your HTML form.
<form method="post"> <!-- Additional security token to prevent CSRF. Optional but highly recommended - disable via IconCaptcha options. --> <input type="hidden" name="_iconcaptcha-token" value="<?= IconCaptcha::token() ?>"/> <!-- The IconCaptcha will be rendered in this element --> <div class="iconcaptcha-holder" data-theme="light"></div> </form>
3. Call the function to generate an icon captcha inside the form element.
// Vanilla JS document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { IconCaptcha.init('.iconcaptcha-holder', { // options here }); }); // jQuery $(document).ready(function() { $('.iconcaptcha-holder').iconCaptcha({ // options here }) });
4. Default options to customize the icon captcha.
$('.iconcaptcha-holder').iconCaptcha({ general: { // path to captcha-request.php validationPath: null, fontFamily: null, // show, hide or disable the credits element of the captcha // show, hide or disabled credits: 'show', }, security: { clickDelay: 1500, hoverDetection: true, enableInitialMessage: true, initializeDelay: 500, selectionResetDelay: 3000, loadingAnimationDelay: 1000, invalidateTime: 1000 * 60 * 2, }, messages: { initialization: { loading: 'Loading challenge...', verify: 'Verify that you are human.' }, header: 'Select the image displayed the <u>least</u> amount of times', correct: 'Verification complete.', incorrect: { title: 'Uh oh.', subtitle: "You've selected the wrong image." }, timeout: { title: 'Please wait 60 sec.', subtitle: 'You made too many incorrect selections.' } } })
5. Available event handlers.
$('.example').iconCaptcha() .on('init', function(e, id) { // Event: Captcha initialized }).on('selected', function(e, id) { // Event: Icon selected }).on('refreshed', function(e, id) { // Event: Captcha refreshed }).on('success', function(e, id) { // Event: Correct input }).on('error', function(e, id) { // Event: Wrong input }).on('invalidated', function(e, id) { // Event: Wrong input }).on('timeout', function(e, id) { // Event: Wrong input });
- v3.1.2
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by fabianwennink. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.