Touch-friendly Image Puzzle Captcha Plugin - SliderCaptcha

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License: MIT
Touch-friendly Image Puzzle Captcha Plugin - SliderCaptcha

A touch-friendly and self-hosted image puzzle captcha JavaScript library to test if you are Human/Robot or Not. Supports both client-side and server-side verification.

To prove you’re Not a robot, drag the slider to make the puzzle piece coincided with the main picture.


How to use it:

1. Load the latest Font Awesome Iconic Font in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/fontawesome/css/all.css" />

2. Load the jQuery SliderCaptcha plugin's files in the document.

<link href="slidercaptcha.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="longbow.slidercaptcha.min.js"></script>

3. Create the HTML for the puzzle captcha component.

<div class="slidercaptcha card">
  <div class="card-header">
    <span>Drag To Verify</span>
  <div class="card-body">
    <div id="captcha"></div>

4. Initialize the plugin and done.

var captcha = sliderCaptcha({
    id: 'captcha',
    onSuccess: function () {
      // do something

5. By default, the plugin will automatically fetches and display a random puzzle image from You can set your own image library using the setSrc option.

var captcha = sliderCaptcha({
    id: 'captcha',
    onSuccess: function () {
      // do something
    setSrc: function () {
      return '' + Math.round(Math.random() * 136) + '.jpg';
    // or use local images instead
    localImages: function () {
      return 'images/Pic' + Math.round(Math.random() * 4) + '.jpg';

6. More plugin options with default options. Override the following option values to customize the puzzle capcha component.

var captcha = sliderCaptcha({
    width: 280,
    height: 155,
    PI: Math.PI,
    sliderL: 42,
    sliderR: 9,
    offset: 5, 
    loadingText: 'Loading...',
    failedText: 'Try It Again',
    barText: 'Slide the Puzzle',
    repeatIcon: 'fa fa-repeat',
    maxLoadCount: 3

7. More callback functions.

var captcha = sliderCaptcha({
    onSuccess: function () {
      // ...
    onFail: function () {
      // ...
    onRefresh: function () {
      // ...      

8. Reset the captcha.


9. Integrate this captcha into the server side.

var captcha = sliderCaptcha({
    verify: function (arr, url) {
      var ret = false;
      fetch(url, {
          method: 'post',
          headers: {
              'Accept': 'application/json',
              'Content-Type': 'application/json'
          body: JSON.stringify(arr)
      }).then(function (result) {
          ret = result;
      return ret;
    remoteUrl: "api/Captcha"





  • Bugfix


  • Fixed for Firefox


  • Fixed for IE 11

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ArgoZhang. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.