Simple Input Mask & Validation Plugin With jQuery - maskedinput

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Simple Input Mask & Validation Plugin With jQuery - maskedinput

maskedinput is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery input mask plugin that allows the user to type characters in fixed position in a certain format. Great for date / IP address / currency input fields.

More features:

  • Live data validation.
  • Allows multiple masks in one field.
  • Fully accessible via ARIA attributes.
  • Custom regex pattern.
  • Lots of options and API.

How to use it:

1. Include the necessary JavaScript libraries on the page.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery.maskedinput.umd.min.js"></script>

2. Create a new MaskedInput object and set the data format as follows:

var dateMask = new MaskedInput({
    format: 'dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm tt',
    // additional patterns to recognize the format
    patterns: {}

3. Append the date mask to a given input.


4. Set the options for each field:

  .fieldOption('hours_12', 'required', false)
  .fieldOption('minutes', 'required', false)
  .fieldOption('ampm', 'required', false)

5. API methods.


// Get an internal field element by index or by name.

// Get/set a field's configuration option
.fieldOption(name, newValue)

// Get/set an internal field's value by index or by name.
.fieldValue(index, newValue)

// Get/set a configuration option
.option(name, newValue)

// Call if something has drastically changed and the control needs to be regenerated. 
// Only applicable when you've manually changed a field's type.

// Update the size of the field's content. 
// This can't be called when the control is not on the DOM yet. If you don't want the field to be dynamically sized, you can skip calling this.

// A synonym for value

// Get/set the full value

7. PartType parameters:

* @typedef {String} MaskedInput~PartType
* @name MaskedInput~PartType
* @enum {String}
var PartType = {
  /** @const */ NUMBER: 'number',
  /** @const */ TEXT: 'text',
  /** @const */ LABEL: 'label'

8. MaskedInput Part parameters:

  • type: Type of the field
  • name: Name for this field
  • ariaLabel: An ARIA accessibility label
  • text: Text for this field if it's a LABEL
  • placeholder: Placeholder for the field
  • length: Length of the field
  • maxLength: Maximum length of the field
  • numericMin: Minimum numeric value
  • numericMax: Maximum numeric value
  • wholeNumber: Force the number to be whole? (default `false`)
  • validator: Validator regex or function
  • options: Options to choose from for textual field
  • postProcess: Function for post processing a value before retrieving by user
  • padding: Enable padding in value result (default `true`)
  • required: Is the field required (default `true`)
  • defaultValue: Default value, used if field is not `required`
  • forcePlaceholderWidth: Always consider placeholder's width (default `true`)

9. MaskedInput Pattern parameters:

  • pattern: Pattern to recognize in the format
  • type: Type of the field
  • name: Name for this field
  • ariaLabel: An ARIA accessibility label
  • text: Text for this field if it's a LABEL
  • placeholder: Placeholder for the field
  • length: Length of the field
  • maxLength: Maximum length of the field
  • numericMin: Minimum numeric value
  • numericMax: Maximum numeric value
  • wholeNumber: Force the number to be whole? (default `false`)
  • validator: Validator regex or function
  • options: Options to choose from for textual field
  • postProcess: Function for post processing a value before retrieving by user
  • padding: Enable padding in value result (default `true`)
  • required: Is the field required (default `true`)
  • defaultValue: Default value, used if field is not `required`
  • forcePlaceholderWidth: Always consider placeholder's width (default `true`)

10. MaskedInput options:

  • format: Format to show
  • patterns: Additional patterns to recognize in the format



  • v1.0.15: [feature] fieldCount/fieldKeys getters


  • v1.0.14: [fix] undefined error when passing existing root element


  • v1.0.13: [feature] allow attaching to existing root element


  • v1.0.12: Bugfix


  • v1.0.11: Added defaultPartOptions


  • v1.0.10


  • v1.0.8: Added enable/disable methods


  • v1.0.7: js update


  • v1.0.5: Allow clearing the field using .val('')


  • v1.0.4

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by danielgindi. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.