Dynamic Tags Input With Filter Support - jQuery sTags
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

sTags is a dynamic, flexible jQuery tags management plugin which enables the user to add, remove, display, filter tags in an easy way.
How to use it:
1. To get started, load the jQuery library, jquery.sTags.css
, and jquery.sTags.js
in the html.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.sTags.css"> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.sTags.js"></script>
2. Create your own tag data in a JavaScript array.
var tagsdata=[] tagsdata.push({id:1,name:"PHP",screen:"php"}) tagsdata.push({id:4,name:"C#",screen:"c"}) tagsdata.push({id:6,name:"JavaScript",screen:"javascript"}) tagsdata.push({id:2,name:"HTML5",screen:"html5"}) tagsdata.push({id:3,name:"Python",screen:"python"}) tagsdata.push({id:5,name:"jQuery",screen:"jquery"}) tagsdata.push({id:7,name:"CSS",screen:"css"})
3. Attach the plugin to an input field you specify. Done.
<input type="text" id="demo">
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata })
4. To only used to display tags on the page. Just attach the plugin to a DIV container.
<div id="demo"></div>
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata })
5. Customize the preselected tags.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, defaultData:[1,3,2] })
6. Randomize the tag colors.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, color: 2 colorData: [ ["#90c5f0","#fff"], ["#8E388E","#fff"], ["#FFA500","#fff"], ["#FBF","#fff"], ["#DA70D6","#fff"], ["#A2CD5A","#fff"], ["#228B22","#fff"], ["#CDC0B0","#fff"], ["#CD7054","#fff"], ["#00688B","#fff"] ] })
7. Enable/disable the search field.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, screen: true, screenInput:{ type:"text", size:8, placeholder:"Filter" } })
8. Customize the click event.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, tagHtml:"{name}-{id}", click:function(e){ alert(e.attr("tagid")) } })
9. Add more tags.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, data_:[ { name:"First", position:0, fn:function(){ console.log("First") } }, { name:"Last", position:1, fn:function(){ console.log("Last") } } ] })
10. Customize the tag URL.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, dataAttr:["id","name"], tagName:"a", tagAttr:{ href:"/tag/{id}", target:"_blank" } })
11. More configuration options.
$("#demo").sTags({ data: tagsdata, // default CSS classes tagInputCSS:"sTags-input", tagListCSS:"sTags", tagCSS:["sTags-old","sTags-new"], // prefix tagTXT:"Tags:" })
12. API methods.
var instance = $(e).data("sTagsSetOptions") // properties o.removeVal // tag id o.addVal // tag id o.defauleVal // default id $(e).sTabsCtrl("ShowList") $(e).sTabsCtrl("destroy") $(e).sTabsCtrl("reload")
- Added more methods.
- Bugfix
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by 28269890. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.