Custom Range Slider For Input Field - jQuery inputSliderRange

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License: MIT
Custom Range Slider For Input Field - jQuery inputSliderRange

inputSliderRange is a jQuery plugin to create a highly customizable range slider that enables the user to increment/decrement values in the associated input box.

How to use it:

1. Include the minified version of the jQuery inputSliderRange plugin on the webpage which has jQuery library loaded.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.min.css">
<script src="jQuery.inputSliderRange.min.js"></script>

2. Attach the range slider to an input field you specify.

<input type="text" id="example">

3. Set the min/max/initial values.

  "min": 5000,
  "max": 100000,
  "start": 10000

4. Set the step size.

  step: 10

// or
  "step": {
    "0": 5000,
    "200000": 50000,
    "1000000": 500000

5. More advanced settings.

  delay: 0,
  grid: false,
  gridSuffix: '',
  gridCompression: false,
  gridCompressionPercent: 10,
  gridCompressionValues: {
    '-9999999': {text: '', compression: 0, digits: 0},
    '1000': {text: 'Thousand', compression: 3, digits: 0},
    '1000000': {text: 'Million', compression: 6, digits: 1},
    '1000000000': {text: 'Billion', compression: 9, digits: 1}
  gridInwardly: false,
  thumb: false,
  startCheckValueInput: true,
  classes: {
    parent: [],
    input: []
  theme: false,
  disabled: false,
  stepRoundOnInput: true,
  startNumbStepping: false

6. Callback functions available.

  onInitialize: false,
  onInitialized: false,
  onChange: false,
  onChanged: false,

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Neiasut. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.