Configurable TOC & Page Index Generator With jQuery - contentNavigator

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Configurable TOC & Page Index Generator With jQuery - contentNavigator

contentNavigator is a jQuery content navigation plugin that makes it easy to generate a collapsible Table of contents or Index for a given area of your webpage. Clicking on the anchor links inside the TOC will smoothly scroll to the corresponding headline. URL hashtag is supported as well.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery contentNavigator plugin and other required resources on the webpage.

<script src="//"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="connav.min.css" type="text/css">
<script src="connav.min.js"></script>

2. Create a placeholder element for the table of contents.

<div id="navigator" class="nav"></div>

3. The JavaScript to generate a table of contents from all the heading elements inside the container '#wrapper'.

  wrapper : '#wrapper'

4. The JavaScript to generate a table of contents from all the heading elements inside the container '#wrapper'.

  wrapper : '#wrapper'

5. Default plugin options.

// target container
wrapper : 'body',

//auto update hash  (if id were defined, or id of parents were defined)
updateURL : false, 

//auto generate id (if no one were defined)
autoId : true, 

// CSS selector for content blocks
content: '.'+prefix+'-block', 

// CSS selector for auto content generator
autocontent : '.'+prefix+'-auto-block', 

// CSS selector for title of content blocks. 
// If is not defined, h2, h3, h4, etc will be use. For level 1 use h2; for level 2 use h3; etc.
title : '', 

// show index on table
indexOnTable : true, 

// show index on content
indexOnContent : false, 

// e.g : 'A.1.a', ' .1.1'
indexType : '1.1.1', 

// each index will be parents' index. 
// The result will be lile: '2.1.a' instead of 'a'
nestedIndex : true, 

// space between top of screen and block
marginTop : 0, 

// Also, false or null
btnCollapse : '<div class="'+prefix+'-btn-collapse"></div>', 

// Auto toggle collapse on scrolling.
autocollapse : false, 
collapsable : false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aewebsolutions. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.