jQuery Menu Plugins
Download Free jQuery Off-canvas Menu, Responsive Menu, Push Menu, Drop Down Menu, Mobile Menu, Side Menu, Context Menu, and other Navigation menu plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 43 .
Simple Multi Column Mega Menu Plugin with jQuery - MegaMenu
- Menu - 9475 ViewsJust another jQuery menu plugin that enables you to convert ul list based dropdowns into a multi-column mega menu with hover intent and CSS3 transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Breadcrumbs - rCrumbs
- Menu - 16327 ViewsrCrumbs is an useful and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a responsive breadcrumbs that automatically resizes your breadcrumbs with a smooth animation to fit your browser window.
Simple jQuery Drop Down Mega Menu Plugin - Mega Menu
- Menu - 57855 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery menu plugin to create an user-friendly multi-column drop down menu for websites that involve a lot of pages and/or products.
Responsive Fashion Top Dropdown Menu with jQuery - MobiMenu
- Menu - 10185 ViewsMobiMenu is a responsive and mobile-friendly menu plugin that creates a multi-level top dropdown navigation with smooth sliding animations.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Fullscreen Navigation Menu - Full Screen Nav
- Menu - 3055 ViewsAn unique jQuery menu plugin for creating a responsive full screen navigation menu that slides out from the top of the page and covers the main content with CSS3 transition effects.
Lightweight jQuery Context Menu Plugin with Callback Support
- Menu - 1015 ViewsContextmenu is a simple, cross-browser jQuery plugin that creates a right-click context menu appending to any html elements, with callback support.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Mobile Toggle Menu - Blue Mobile
- Menu - 8626 ViewsJust another jQuery mobile plugin that creates a multi-level toggle menu on mobile device or a responsive multi-level dropdown navigation on desktop.
jQuery Off-Canvas Sidebar Navigation Plugin - Form5 Offcanvas
- Menu - 9584 ViewsForm5 Offcanvas is another jQuery side menu plugin for creating an off-canvas sidebar navigation that is positioned outside of the viewport and slides in when clicking the toggle button.
jQuery Mailchimp-Like Animated Sticky Menu Plugin - StickyChimp
- Menu - 5575 ViewsStickyChimp is a simple jQuery plugin inspired by Mailchimp.com for creating a smart & animated navigation menu that stays at the top of your web page.
Responsive Side Sliding Menu with jQuery - SlidingMenuJs
- Menu - 17479 ViewsSlidingMenuJs is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery side menu that slides from the right side of your page, similar to the apps menu on Android.
jQuery Animated Side Navigation Menu Plugin - Sidebar
- Menu - 33034 ViewsSidebar is a jQuery plugin for creating a side navigation menu that slides out from the left side of your page when clicking the toggle button.
jQuery Plugin For Drop Down Breadcrumbs Navigation - Droplist
- Menu - 9261 ViewsDroplist is a jQuery plugin that converts an ul, li based breadcrumbs navigation into a dropdown list to preserve horizontal space.
Facebook App Like jQuery Side Navigation Plugin - menuPanda
- Menu - 9062 ViewsmenuPanda is a jQuery & CSS3 menu for creating an animated sidebar navigation menu that works like the Facebook app.
jQuery Plugin To Hide Sticky Navbar When Scrolling Down - Scroll Up Menu
- Menu - 29914 ViewsScroll Up Menu is a mobile-first jQuery plugin that auto hide the sticky top navigation menu when scrolling down the page, and show when scrolling up. This is really useful for mobile browsers with little space for annoying fixed headers.
Simple & Lightweight Responsive jQuery Mobile Menu Plugin
- Menu - 2986 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive menu plugin that transforms the horizontal & multi-level navigation menu into a toggleable dropdown menu on mobile devices.
Simple jQuery Right Click Menu Plugin
- Menu - 926 ViewsA minimal and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a styleable right click popup menu (context menu) within a DOM element.
jQuery Mobile Toggle Menu With CSS3 Media Queries - Biggie
- Menu - 4857 ViewsBiggie is a jQuery menu plugin that converts a horizontal navigation menu into a mobile-friendly drop down toggle menu while the page size has reached the CSS3 Media Queries Break Points.
Facebook App-Style jQuery Side Mobile Menu Plugin
- Menu - 9691 ViewsAn ultra-light (~2kb unminified) jQuery menu plugin that make it easily to create responsive Facebook & Path App-style side menus on your mobile & desktop website.
jQuery Popup Menu Plugin With CSS3 Animations - Square Menu
- Menu - 4241 ViewsSquare Menu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery menu plugin that popups a menu panel with subtle CSS3 animations (transitions and transforms) in the center of the page.
Creating An Off-canvas Navigation Menu With jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18325 ViewsA jQuery based off-canvas navigation menu with subtle CSS3 transitions. When clicking the toggle button, a side menu will slide out from the edge of the page and push the main content to the right.