Free jQuery side menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'side menu' are listed here.
Slick and App-Like Sliding Menu Plugin With jQuery - Mmenu
- Menu - 156523 ViewsMmenu is a super simple jQuery plugin for creating slick and app-like sliding menus for your mobile website,all with an unlimited amount of submenus.
Sleek Off-canvas Push Menu JavaScript Plugin - FlyPanels
- Menu - 17531 ViewsA Vanilla JavaScrip off-canvas navigation plugin which simplifies the task of creating a multi-level, cross-browser, sidebar push menu for your responsive website or cross-platform webapp.
Creating A Simple Off-canvas Slide Panel Navigation with jQuery Pushy
- Menu - 23250 ViewsPushy is a super tiny (~1kb) jQuery plugin for creating an off-canvas slide panel navigation as you've seen in many mobile Apps.
Simple Lightweight Off-canvas Menu Plugin - MA5 Mobile Menu
- Menu - 29962 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery mobile navigation plugin allows you to create an off-canvas sidebar panel with a multi-level sliding drill down menu for your site navigation.
Sliding Side Menu/Panel with jQuery and Bootstrap - BootSideMenu
- Menu - 222812 ViewsA simple lightweight javascript plugin used to create side menus/panels that smoothly slide out from the edge of your screen when toggled.
Minimal Tabbed Drawer Navigation Plugin With jQuery - SideNavi.js
- Menu - 11307 ViewsSideNavi.js is a really small jQuery side navigation plugin which allows to slide out a tabbed drawer panel from the edge of the browser.
Responsive jQuery Mobile Off-Canvas Menu Plugin - Responsive Nav
- Menu - 9508 ViewsResponsive Nav is jQuery toggle menu plugin that converts a multi-level dropdown navigation into a nested off-canvas menu on small screen devices.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Side Menu - sidr
- Menu - 37624 Viewssidr is a jQuery plugin that make it easy to create responsive side menus with cool themes on your web page.
Flexible and Cross-Browser jQuery Multi-Level Push Menu Plugin
- Menu - 47686 ViewsA flexible and cross-browser jQuery side menu plugin for creating a side navigation menu with multi-level functionality that allows endless nesting of navigation elements.
jQuery & CSS3 Powered Slide-in Panel Plugin - slidePanel
- Menu - 19605 ViewsslidePanel is a jQuery plugin to create simple slide-in panels which allows you to quickly show side content like off-canvas menu, sliding sidebar, etc.
Responsive & Fluid Sidebar Plugin with jQuery and Hammer.js
- Menu - 38377 ViewsA jQuery, hammer.js based sidebar plugin that creates responsive, fluid, mobile first on- and off-canvas navigation panels for your website and web app.
Minimal Overlaying Off-canvas Plugin With jQuery - Iptools Offcanvas
- Menu - 9992 ViewsIptools Offcanvas is a really simple jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transitions and transforms to create an overlaying, multi-purpose off-canvas panel.
Stylish Multi-level Sidebar Menu Plugin With jQuery - sidebar-menu.js
- Menu - 45272 Viewssidebar-menu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin used for creating a nice-looking, multi-level, treeview-style sidebar navigation menu for dashboard / admin / control panel pages.
jQuery & CSS3 Sliding Menu Using Navigation Drawer - Drawer
- Menu - 75399 ViewsDrawer is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, touch-enabled and animated side menu that slides out from the edge of the screen when clicking or touching the trigger.
jQuery Off-screen Slide-Out Navigation Panel Plugin - bigSlide
- Menu - 22240 ViewsbigSlide is a jQuery menu plugin for creating an off-screen side panel navigation that slides out from the left side of your page and 'pushes' the body content to the right.
Creating A Sliding Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - SideMenu.js
- Menu - 21381 ViewsSideMenu.js is a mobile app style navigation system allowing you to create a multilevel sliding side menu using JavaScript, Html and CSS / CSS3.
Mobile App-Style Toggle Menu/Sidebar Plugin For jQuery - Slidebars
- Menu - 29509 ViewsSlidebars is a lite jQuery plugin that creates a responsive mobile app-style sidebar (side menu) sliding from left or right side or your web page/app when clicking the toggle link.
Minimalist Sidebar Offcanvas Menu Plugin With jQuery - asidebar
- Menu - 7578 Viewsasidebar is a super tiny jQuery plugin used to create an off-canvas sidebar navigation / menu / panel for your web application.
jQuery Plugin For Sidebar Sliding Menu - Slidemenu
- Menu - 19177 ViewsSlidemenu is a jQuery plugin to create a sidebar navigation that slides out an off-canvas menu panel with smooth transitions when toggled.
Minimalist Navigation Drawer Plugin With jQuery - Push Menu
- Menu - 14192 ViewsPush Menu is a jQuery plugin used to create an Android style navigation drawer (also known as off-canvas menu) that slides in from the left side of the webpage.
Bootstrap Drawer Panel/Navigation Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 12170 ViewsBootstrap Drawer is a JQuery plugin which adds mobile-friendly, app-style, off-canvas drawer panels/navigation to your Bootstrap project.
Responsive Overflow Off-canvas Navigation Plugin With jQuery - okayNav
- Menu - 10410 ViewsA mobile-friendly jQuery navigation plugin that automatically hides overflowing items and shows them in a off-canvas sidebar navigation on small screens.
Bootstrap Sidebar Extension With jQuery And CSS / CSS3
- Menu - 12200 ViewsA jQuery & CSS extension that creates a CSS3 animated, toggleable off-canvas sidebar for your Bootstrap based webpages.
Mobile First Swipe Navigation With jQuery and Hammer.JS
- Menu - 14773 ViewsA jQuery / CSS3 / Hammer.js based, Android style navigation which allows the user to reveal / hide an off-canvas sidebar menu via touch swipe and mouse drag events.
Minimalist Sidebar Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 9576 ViewsA simplest sidebar navigation that uses jQuery and CSS3 transitions to slide out an off-canvas menu overlaying the main content.
Lightweight Sliding Sidebar Menu Plugin with jQuery - Tuxedo Menu
- Menu - 10444 ViewsTuxedo Menu is a lightweight, space-saving jQuery navigation plugin which reveals a sidebar navigation (off-canvas menu) covering some part of your main content.
Smooth Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18082 ViewsA jQuery based sidebar navigation helps you create an off-canvas sidebar navigation menu with smooth transitions based on CSS3 animations.
Smooth Sidebar Navigation Plugin with jQuery - NavSide
- Menu - 9932 ViewsNavSide is a jQuery sidebar navigation plugin which helps you implement a mobile app style off-canvas menu with smooth slideIn / slideOut effects on your webpage.
jQuery & CSS3 Off-canvas Push Menu For Bootstrap 3
- Menu - 38624 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 based sidebar navigation for Bootstrap 3 that slides out an off-canvas push menu from the edge of the browser window.
Simple Mobile Push Menu With jQuery and TweenMax.js
- Menu - 16327 ViewsA simple mobile push menu that reveal an off-canvas side menu with a hamburger toggle button, build on top of jQuery and GSAP JS library.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Side Panel - Panel Slider
- Slider - 18399 Viewspanelslider is a jQuery plugin that makes your sidebars (side panels) slide out from left or right side of the page as well as pushing the main content to the right or left.
Cool Off-canvas Burger Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 10293 ViewsA cool off-canvas hamburger navigation menu for your mobile & desktop website, built using jQuery and CSS3 transforms &transitions.
Android-style Offcanvas Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 22181 ViewsYet another off-canvas menu system that helps you create a toggleable sidebar navigation that behaves like a native side navigation as you seen on Android apps.
Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin For jQuery - Simple Mobile Menu
- Menu - 14811 ViewsA responsive, mobile-first jQuery menu plugin which converts the normal header navigation into a toggleable sliding menu on mobile devices.
Expanding Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Vertical Menu
- Menu - 16513 ViewsMakes use of jQuery and Bootstrap 3 framework to create a vertical sidebar menu that expands to a full navigation menu on mouse hover and collapses on mouse leave.
Simplest jQuery Side Push Menu Plugin - sidemenu.js
- Menu - 8804 Viewssidemenu.js is a jQuery plugin to create an user- and mobile-friendly push menu that slides out from the left or right hand side of your screen.
Sticky Sidebar Navigation with jQuery - Vertical Navigation
- Menu - 38699 ViewsVertical Navigation is a jQuery plugin that creates a sidebar multi-level navigation menu sticky at the left side of your web page.
Touch Swipeable Sidebar Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 37877 ViewsA mobile friendly off-canvas side navigation built with jQuery and CSS that allows you to reveal and hide the side menu with touch swipe events.
Mobile First Hamburger Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 15703 ViewsA jQuery & jQuery UI based navigation plugin helps you create an off-screen sidebar push menu with a hamburger toggle for your mobile website / web application.
Lightweight Push Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Toggle Menu
- Menu - 9781 ViewsA jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based push menu that reveals a sidebar off-screen navigation from the left side of the window while pushing the main content to the other side.
Sidebar Slide-In Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 14298 ViewsA sidebar navigation that utilizes CSS3 transforms and transitions to slide in/out an off-canvas menu with smooth animations.
Responsive Sticky Side Menu Plugin For jQuery - Bamboo.js
- Menu - 7923 ViewsBamboo.js is a tiny jQuery plugin helps you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, sticky toggle menu for your website.
jQuery/CSS3 Based Expanding Hamburger Menu - Shy Menu
- Menu - 6409 ViewsShy Menu is a super tiny jQuery script to create a hamburger toggle icon that expands into a side menu panel with CSS3 transitions.
Elastic Off-canvas Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6668 ViewsA modern mobile app style navigation solution that makes uses of jQuery and CSS3 to create an off-canvas sidebar push menu with a fancy elastic effect.
Minimalist jQuery Sliding Sidebar Navigation
- Menu - 9618 ViewsA jQuery & CSS based sliding off-canvas sidebar navigation that comes with a full window overlay covering the whole page when toggled.
Animated Multi-level Dropdown Side Menu with jQuery Tendina Plugin
- Menu - 12854 ViewsTendina is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating a multi-level sidebar navigation menu with a smooth sliding animation.
Create An Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Menu - 21550 ViewsA toucn-enabled, App-style off-canvas sidebar navigation (push menu) for your Bootstrap project on mobile devices
Youtube-style Left Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 7186 ViewsA cool, animated jQuery & CSS3 side navigation that is inspired by the left side menu found on YouTube.
Responsive Sidebar Push Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 31961 ViewsA responsive off-canvas navigation system that uses CSS3 transition to smoothly slide out a sidebar push menu from the right hand side of the web page.
Simple Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 15412 ViewsSimple Sidebar is a lightweight and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating an off-canvas sidebar navigation sliding out from the left/right side of your browser window.
Stylish Off-canvas Sidebar Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 10848 ViewsTakes advantages of CSS3 transitions/transforms and a little jQuery magic to create a stylish, animated off-canvas sidebar menu for your websites or web applications.
Animated Off-canvas Side Menu using jQuery and CSS3 Transitions
- Menu - 15373 ViewsA mobile App style off-canvas navigation menu using CSS3 transitions and a little bit of JavaScript (jQuery).
Pretty Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6219 ViewsA jQuery/CSS3 based off-canvas sidebar navigation that slides in from the left when toggled and covers the main content with a gradient overlay.
jQuery Plugin To Create App Look-alike Sliding Sidebars - slideReveal
- Menu - 7752 ViewsslideReveal is a jQuery plugin used to creating an off-canvas panel (menu, navigation, sidebar) that slides in and out of the web page when triggered.
Multi-Level Sliding Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 27951 ViewsA fixed sidebar navigation system which allows you to reveal a full multi-level navigation menu by clicking on the toggle icon.
Mobile Friendly Responsive Side Menu Plugin with jQuery - gxSideMenu
- Menu - 15141 ViewsgxSideMenu is a responsive, mobile-friendly side menu plugin for revealing a multi-level sliding offscreen navigation triggered by custom events.
Cool Morphing Sidebar Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 14472 ViewsA Material Design inspired navigation pattern that allows you to reveal a sidebar navigation menu by morphing the toggle button.
Paneled-Style Navigation Menu Plugin - jPanelMenu
- Menu - 18095 ViewsjPanelMenu is a clean and modern jQuery menu that helps to create a Paneled-Style Navigation with CSS3 transitions anitmations for your web application or website.
3D Skew Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 Transforms
- Menu - 22906 ViewsA cool side navigation which allows you to reveal an off-canvas menu with an impressive 3D skew effect based on CSS3.
Material Design Inspired Reveal Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 12814 ViewsA Material Design inspired navigation that slides the main page to reveal a side menu when you click the toggle button.
Simple jQuery Mobile Navigation Side Menu - Shifter
- Menu - 18653 ViewsShifter is an easy-to-use and mobile first jQuery plugin for creating a slide menu which slides out from the right side of the page when clicking or tapping the toggle button.
jQuery Multi-Purpose Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin - Ultimate Burger Menu
- Menu - 9776 ViewsUltimate Burger Menu is a jQuery mobile menu resolution to create a responsive & animated dropdown menu or side push menu on your responsive designed website.
Animated Side Sliding Drawer Menu Plugin with jQuery - Drawer Menu
- Menu - 4359 ViewsDrawer Menu is a jQuery plugin for creating sidebar panels containing multi-level sliding menus that pull out from the left or right side of the webpage, with jQuery animations and easing effects.
CSS3 & jQuery Based Off-canvas Navigation with Fullscreen Overlay
- Menu - 10423 ViewsA fixed side off-canvas navigation that transforms into a transparent overlay covering the main content when toggled
Super Simple jQuery Sidebar Sliding Menu Plugin - Slidx
- Menu - 15159 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for creating sidebar menu which slides out from the left or right hand side of your browser window.
Lightweight Off-Canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5805 ViewsA lightweight mobile App-style off-canvas navigation menu using jQuery toggleClass() function, CSS flexible box layout and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Android Style Side Drawer Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Hamburger
- Menu - 8336 ViewsHamburger is a jQuery plugin for creating an Android App-style sliding menu that displays a fly-out navigation on the left edge of the screen.
Slick Slide Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 19789 ViewsJust another Mobile app-style side navigation menu that is sticky at the left side of your web page and pushes the main content section to the right with a full overlay.
Responsive Off-Canvas Slide Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 4235 ViewsYet another jQuery & CSS3 responsive off-canvas sliding menu system that supports 3-tier sub-menus based on nested Html lists.
jQuery Sidebar Navigation with Cool Blurring Effect - Focucss
- Menu - 15889 ViewsFocucss is a jQuery plugin to create an off-canvas sidebar navigation with a cool blurring effect, that will focus your users on your sidebar content, and blurring the useless content.
Creating An Animated Sidebar Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 24715 ViewsA hidden sidebar menu that slides out from the edge of your web page when you click on the toggle button, built on top of jQuery, CSS3 transforms & transitions and a little bit of javascript.
Responsive Sliding Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 10933 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive & animated sliding side navigation with sub-navigation using jQuery and CSS3.
Lightweight jQuery Off-canvas Sliding Navigation Plugin
- Menu - 5290 ViewsYet another jQuery navigation plugin for creating a sticky multi-level top menu bar that will be converted into a mobile-friendly off-canvas sliding navigation on small screen devices.
Simple jQuery & CSS3 Based Off-canvas Sidebar Navigation
- Menu - 6365 ViewsA super simple jQuery script to create an Off-canvas sidebar menu for navigation. The navigation will slide out from the left side of the page with a smooth CSS3 transition effect once you click the toggle button.
App Style Fly-out Navigation Menu Plugin For jQuery - iosmenu
- Menu - 3103 Viewsiosmenu is a jQuery plugin for quickly creating a mobile App-style sidebar toggle, push, overlaying navigation menu into your web page.
Animated jQuery Sidebar Drawer Menu Plugin - Stripes
- Menu - 4516 ViewsStripes is a jQuery based animated drawer navigation plugin that dynamically loads multi-level data from JSON data files.
Stripped Back Responsive Off-Canvas Navigation Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 2590 ViewsOff Canvas Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin that converts a standard ul li based menu to a responsive off canvas sidebar navigation for small screen devices.
Responsive Multi-level Off Screen Navigation Plugin For jQuery - cbFlyout
- Menu - 14406 ViewscbFlyout is a mobile-first jQuery off-canvas navigation plugin that creates a responsive multi-level sidebar menu using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Plugin For Minimal Sidebar Navigation - Xeo Menu
- Menu - 2840 ViewsXeo Menu is a minimalist jQuery plugin for creating an animated sidebar navigation that slides out from the edge of your page when mouse hover.
jQuery Off-Canvas Sidebar Navigation Plugin - Form5 Offcanvas
- Menu - 9584 ViewsForm5 Offcanvas is another jQuery side menu plugin for creating an off-canvas sidebar navigation that is positioned outside of the viewport and slides in when clicking the toggle button.
Responsive Side Sliding Menu with jQuery - SlidingMenuJs
- Menu - 17479 ViewsSlidingMenuJs is a responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery side menu that slides from the right side of your page, similar to the apps menu on Android.
jQuery Animated Side Navigation Menu Plugin - Sidebar
- Menu - 33034 ViewsSidebar is a jQuery plugin for creating a side navigation menu that slides out from the left side of your page when clicking the toggle button.
Facebook App Like jQuery Side Navigation Plugin - menuPanda
- Menu - 9062 ViewsmenuPanda is a jQuery & CSS3 menu for creating an animated sidebar navigation menu that works like the Facebook app.
Facebook App-Style jQuery Side Mobile Menu Plugin
- Menu - 9691 ViewsAn ultra-light (~2kb unminified) jQuery menu plugin that make it easily to create responsive Facebook & Path App-style side menus on your mobile & desktop website.
jQuery Popup Menu Plugin With CSS3 Animations - Square Menu
- Menu - 4243 ViewsSquare Menu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery menu plugin that popups a menu panel with subtle CSS3 animations (transitions and transforms) in the center of the page.
Creating An Off-canvas Navigation Menu With jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18326 ViewsA jQuery based off-canvas navigation menu with subtle CSS3 transitions. When clicking the toggle button, a side menu will slide out from the edge of the page and push the main content to the right.
Airbnb iOS 7 App Style Side Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Fly Side Menu
- Menu - 17586 ViewsFly Side Menu is a cool menu plugin that makes use of CSS3 to create a side menu navigation with 3D transforms and transitions, similar to the new Airbnb App navigation resigned for iOS 7.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Side Icon Menu - DD Icon Menu
- Menu - 10379 ViewsDD Icon Menu is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a icon based vertical & sticky menu panel at the edge of the screen that will slide out sub menus on hover over.
Multi-Level Slide and Push Menu with CSS3 and Javascript - MultiLevelPushMenu
- Menu - 36425 ViewsMultiLevelPushMenu is a javascript library created by MARY LOU to create multi-Level push menus which will slide out from the left side of the page by pushing the website content to the right.
Google Nexus Page Like Sidebar Menu with CSS3 and Javascript
- Menu - 18432 ViewsIn this article written by MARY LOU we're going to create a stylish sidebar menu with smooth sliding effects, similar to the google Nexus 7 website.
Easy jQuery 3D Side Menu Plugin with CSS3 - Box Lid
- Menu - 11831 ViewsBox Lid is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to create a side navigation menu with 3D 'Box Lid' effects by using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu - Meny
- Menu - 20225 ViewsMeny is a javascript library for helping create a Three-Dimensional and Space Efficient Menu using CSS3 3D transforms, which can be positioned on any side of the screen.
jQuery Sidebar Toggle Menu Plugin - sidetogglemenu
- Menu - 19878 Viewssidetogglemenu is a simple jQuery plugin that creates side bar menu on your page that slides out from the edge of the browser window with CSS3 transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Page Slide Menu - PageSlide
- Zoom - 17203 ViewsPageSlide is a jQuery plugin for loading content from a secondary page with sliding effects or displaying hidden content from current web page in a modal pane.
JS Library For Facebook Style Side Panel Menus - Snap.js
- Menu - 18492 ViewsSnap.js is a simple javacript library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs similar to facebook or path style slide menus.
YouTube Like Left Side Drop Down Menu Effect
- Menu - 12521 ViewsA simple drop down menu based on CSS3 and a few javascript codes, inspired by the left side menu on Youtube when watching a video.
Cool Animated Side Menus with Sliding and Pushing Effects
- Menu - 171335 ViewsIn this tutorial we're going to create animated side menus with cool slide out and slide in effects. It makes it easier to create vertical or horizontal menus that can slide out from any of the edges of your page.
Simple and Touch-Enabled Responsive Navigation Menu Plugin
- Menu - 12665 ViewsA simple and Touch Enabled js library that allows you to quickly create a variety of responsive navigation menus by using only CSS and javascript.
jQuery Plugin For Sliding Sidebar Menu - jQuery Sidebar
- Menu - 33046 ViewsSidebar is a jQuery and jQuery UI based plugin that allows you to quickly create sidebar menus with stylish slide out and slide in effects.
jQuery Simple Slide Out And Drawer Effect Plugin
- Slider - 16599 ViewsA super simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to create a sliding drawer widget with slide out/down/up effects on the anywhere of your page.