jQuery Menu Plugins
Download Free jQuery Off-canvas Menu, Responsive Menu, Push Menu, Drop Down Menu, Mobile Menu, Side Menu, Context Menu, and other Navigation menu plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 40 .
Animated Circle Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 51413 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes uses of CSS3 transitions and transforms to create an animated circle menu around the toggle button.
jQuery Plugin For Auto-hide Top Navigation Bar - Hidescroll.js
- Menu - 1662 ViewsHidescroll.js is a tiny jQuery plugin which allows to hide the top navigation bar as you scroll down, however when you scroll up it would show it self again.
Basic Sidebar Toggle Navigation with jQuery and CSS3 - Inception Menu
- Menu - 4638 ViewsInception Menu is a simple jQuery & CSS3 based siderbar navigation menu that is expandable and collapsible by clicking the toggle icon.
Responsive & Mobile-friendly jQuery Toggle Menu Plugin
- Menu - 4954 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to create a responsive horizontal toggle menu that will be converted into a sliding dropdown menu on mobile devices.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Mobile Sliding Menu - MobileMenu
- Menu - 2637 ViewsMobileMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin which turns an ordinary navigation into a mobile App-style sliding menu as the browser window hits a specified breakpoint.
Collapsible Tree Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Nxeed Tree Menu
- Menu - 29341 ViewsNxeed Tree Menu is a simple jQuery plugin to create an accordion-style vertical tree menu that is collapsible and expandable with smooth sliding effects.
Minimal Mobile-First Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 11133 ViewsA jQuery and CSS3 based dropdown menu designed for creating a responsive, mobile-first and space-saving navigation for your website/app.
Creating An OS X-Like Dock Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 5872 ViewsWith the help of jQuery resizeOnApproach.js, we can transform a set of images into an OS X-like dock menu with icons that expand on hover.
jQuery & CSS3 Based Simple Off-canvas Sliding Menu
- Menu - 1114 ViewsWhen you click a trigger, a sidebar menu slides out from the left hand side of your screen and shrinks the document content with a transparent mask.
Responsive Off-Canvas Push Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 10639 ViewsA nice and robust jQuery plugin for creating a mobile App-style responsive off-canvas sidebar navigation that is easily customizable and styleable.
Mic.com Style Fullscreen Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 1128 ViewsA responsive & fullscreen navigation system inspired by Mic.com that allows you to navigate through different categories with a subtle CSS3 transition effect.
Super Small Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 2681 ViewsA simple and fast jQuery/Zepto plugin for creating a responsive & mobile-friendly dropdown toggle navigation based on automatic or custom breakpoints.
jQuery Plugin For Smart Fixed Bottom Navigation
- Menu - 1439 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 based smart fixed navigation that shows a menu link at the bottom of the web page as you scroll down the page.
jQuery Vertical Collapsible Menu with Multiple Transition Effects
- Accordion - 6453 ViewsA small jQuery plugin for creating a vertical collapsible menu that allows to expand and collapse sub-menus with multiple transitions.
Lightweight Off-Canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5804 ViewsA lightweight mobile App-style off-canvas navigation menu using jQuery toggleClass() function, CSS flexible box layout and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Android Style Side Drawer Navigation Plugin with jQuery - Hamburger
- Menu - 8333 ViewsHamburger is a jQuery plugin for creating an Android App-style sliding menu that displays a fly-out navigation on the left edge of the screen.
jQuery Simple Table Of Contents Plugin - tocBuilder
- Menu - 1303 ViewstocBuilder is a simple jQuery plugin for creating Table Of Contents from headings in your document or in just a portion of your document.
Flexible Fullscreen Navigation Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2100 ViewsA responsive, flexible navigation built with jQuery and CSS3 that displays an animated menu in a fullscreen modal-like popup window.
Slick Slide Side Navigation with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 19786 ViewsJust another Mobile app-style side navigation menu that is sticky at the left side of your web page and pushes the main content section to the right with a full overlay.
Responsive Off-Canvas Slide Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 4234 ViewsYet another jQuery & CSS3 responsive off-canvas sliding menu system that supports 3-tier sub-menus based on nested Html lists.