Free jQuery context menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'context menu' are listed here.
10 Best Context Menus In jQuery And Pure JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 29688 Views10 best context menu components built with jQuery and/or vanilla JavaScript that are easy to integrate with your existing web project.
Easy SEO-friendly Context Menu jQuery Plugin - contextMenu.js
- Menu - 602 ViewsA jQuery plugin lets you add context menus to your website with custom callback functions and icon support.
Simple Dynamic Context Menu In jQuery
- Menu - 2757 ViewsA fancy, interactive, custom context menu that can help make your user experience stand out from the crowd.
Dynamic Customizable Context Menu Plugin - jQuery superContextMenu
- Menu - 3983 ViewsThe Super Context Menu plugin enables you to create a dynamic, customizable, multi-level context menu on any container element you specify.
Cool Multi-level Context Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 2018 ViewsA pretty cool multi-level context menu to override the default browser right-click menu. Built using JavaScript (jQuery) and CSS/CSS3.
Material Design Style Context Menu With jQuery - 3Dot Context Menu
- Menu - 10813 ViewsThis is a simple jQuery plugin which adds a Material Design inspired custom context menu with a vertical three dots toggle icon to any elements such as tables, paragraphs, and headings.
Context Popup Menu Plugin With jQuery - Popup Menu
- Menu - 10219 ViewsThe Popup Menu jQuery plugin lets you create and display an animated, customizable context popup menu when you click or hover on a specific trigger element.
Elegant Context Menu Inspired By Material Design
- Menu - 1332 ViewsCreate an animated, Android (Material Design) inspired popup menu to replace the native browser context (right-click) menu on any element within the document.
Feature-rich Custom jQuery Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu
- Menu - 17477 ViewscontextMenu is a feature-rich and high performance jQuery plugin for replacing the default browser's right-click menu with a custom one.
Basic Dynamic Popup Menu In jQuery - Popmenu.js
- Menu - 3835 ViewsPopmenu.js is a small and cross-browser jQuery plugin to create a custom dynamic popup menu that can be attached to any DOM elements within the document.
Custom Dynamic Right-click Menu In jQuery - JqContextMenu
- Menu - 6065 ViewsYet another jQuery context menu plugin which attaches a custom, dynamic right-click menu to any DOM element.
Custom Contextual Menu In jQuery - RightClickMenu.js
- Menu - 1057 ViewsRightClickMenu.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin to display a custom dynamic context menu when right clicking a DOM element.
Inline Context Menu Plugin - npContextMenu
- Menu - 1631 ViewsnpContextMenu is a simple, lightweight, SEO-friendly context menu plugin which loads menu items from an inline unordered list when triggered.
Multi-level Context Menu With jQuery - sMenus
- Menu - 1029 ViewsThe sMenus jQuery plugin helps you dynamically render a multi-level context menu from a JavaScript array containing hierarchical data.
Plain Nested Context Menu Plugin - jQuery ggContextMenu
- Menu - 1085 ViewsggContextMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create multi-level, nested list based context menus triggered with right click.
Dynamic Multi-level Context Menu For Bootstrap - jQuery ContextMenu.js
- Menu - 7378 ViewsContextMenu.js is a jQuery plugin which helps you create a dynamic, responsive, multi-level context menu with intelligent position using Bootstrap dropdown component.
Context Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Hummingbird Popover
- Menu - 1983 ViewsThe Hummingbird Popover plugin utilizes Bootstrap popover component to create a multi-level context menu triggered by right click.
Dynamic Right Click Menu Plugin With jQuery - Context Menu
- Menu - 4946 ViewsA lightweight and cross-browser jQuery plugin to dynamically render a custom, clean context menu triggered by right click.
Customizable Right-click Popup Menu Plugin With jQuery - popmenu.js
- Menu - 3028 Viewspopmenu.js is a jQuery plugin used to create animated, themeable, and highly customizable right click context menu appending to any elements.
Simple jQuery & jQuery UI Right-Click Context Menu Plugin
- Menu - 19216 ViewsA jQuery UI and jQuery based plugin that displays a clean and animated context menu by right-clicking in an element or using open and close methods.
Stylish Context Menu With jQuery And CSS
- Menu - 3031 ViewsThis is a lightweight jQuery snippet to create an easy-to-style context menu instead of the browser's default right click menu.
Basic Right Click Menu Plugin For jQuery - Silver Context Menu
- Menu - 878 ViewsA really simple jQuery context menu plugin which helps you display a custom context menu when right click on an element you specify.
Customizable Multi-level Context Menu Plugin - jquery-menu.js
- Menu - 1570 ViewsThe jquery-menu.js jQuery plugin makes it easier to create a customizable, multi-level context menu from nested html unordered lists.
Custom Right-Click (Context) Menu Plugin With jQuery - contextMenu
- Menu - 15902 ViewsThe jQuery contextMenu plugin that allows you to bind a dynamic right-click context menu with custom actions to any DOM elements.
Tiny Multi-level Context Menu Plugin - jcontextmenu
- Menu - 1017 ViewsA lightweight, convenient jQuery context menu plugin which shows a dynamic, multi-level menu when you right click on a specific container.
jQuery Plugin To Create Bootstrap Styled Context Menus
- Menu - 3696 ViewsA jQuery context menu plugin for Bootstrap that enables you to attach a custom context menu to any DOM element, with support for custom actions and various trigger events.
Animated Circular Context Menu Plugin With jQuery - GalMenu.js
- Menu - 9813 ViewsGalMenu.js jQuery plugin to replace the native browser context menu with an animated circular popup menu where the items are wrapped around a circle.
Easy Context Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap - Contextify
- Menu - 2095 ViewsContextify is a jQuery plugin that enables a simple right click context menu within a given container using Bootstrap dropdowns component.
Bootstrap Styled Context Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 1697 ViewsBootstrap Context Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin which binds a Bootstrap styled context menu to right click on any container. Compatible with Bootstrap 4/3/2.
Browser Context Menu Replacement Plugin With jQuery - rClick.js
- Menu - 1377 ViewsrClick.js is a very small jQuery plugin that creates a custom menu to replace the default browser context menu when you right click on the screen.
Easy Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Our Context Menu
- Menu - 699 ViewsOur Context Menu is a jQuery plugin which helps you bind a customizable and themeable context menu to the right click event within a specific container.
Simple jQuery Custom Context Menu Plugin
- Menu - 2155 ViewsAudero Context Menu is a lightweight and cross-browsers jQuery plugin for creating custom context menus on right click or left click.
Lightweight jQuery Context Menu Plugin - nuContextMenu
- Menu - 2173 ViewsnuContextMenu is a lightweight (~3kb) jQuery plugin used to generate a fully configurable context menu within a given container that is triggered by right click.
Dynamic Multi-level Context Menu Plugin with jQuery - Context.js
- Menu - 3217 ViewsContext.js is a flexible, Bootstrap-compatible jQuery context menu plugin that features infinite depth, dynamic menu creation / deletion and smart space detection.
jQuery Plugin To Create Multilevel Context Menu - jContextMenu
- Menu - 1499 ViewsjContextMenu is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a custom multi-level context menu as you right click inside a certain container.
Minimal Context Menu Plugin For jQuery / Bootstrap
- Menu - 1121 ViewsAn extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that uses Bootstrap Dropdowns component to apply a right-click context menu to specified container.
Windows Like Right Click Context Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 1980 ViewsA lightweight jQuery context menu plugin that displays a Windows like popup menu with icons as you right click on a given container.
Create A Simple Touch-enabled Context Menu using jQuery
- Menu - 5590 ViewsA mimalistic jQuery script that creates a fully customisable context menu to replace the default right-click menu on your web page.
Simple jQuery Context Menu Plugin For Bootstrap - Context-menu
- Menu - 11054 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin which allows you to create a right click context menu using native Bootstrap's dropdowns component.
Simple jQuery Context Menu Using jQuery UI - CustomMenu
- Menu - 1849 ViewsCustomMenu is a simple jQuery plugin that uses jQuery UI menu component to create a right-click context menu within any html element.
Simple Flexible Context Menu Plugin with jQuery - jqCtxMenu
- Menu - 1062 ViewsjqCtxMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a flexible multi-level right click context menu within any Html containers.
Hexagon Right Click Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Radial Menu
- Menu - 3642 ViewsRadial Menu is a fancy jQuery menu plugin that uses CSS3 transforms to create a customizable Radial/Hexagon menu which can be used as a context menu for your web page.
Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - ClassyContextMenu
- Menu - 1878 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for creating a customizable multi-level right-click (or left click) context menu that features auto resize, keyboard control, infinite amount of sub-menus and much more.
Lightweight jQuery Context Menu Plugin with Callback Support
- Menu - 1025 ViewsContextmenu is a simple, cross-browser jQuery plugin that creates a right-click context menu appending to any html elements, with callback support.
Simple jQuery Right Click Menu Plugin
- Menu - 929 ViewsA minimal and fast jQuery plugin that allows you to create a styleable right click popup menu (context menu) within a DOM element.
Versatile & Customizable jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Jeegoocontext
- Menu - 1699 ViewsJeegoocontext is a jQuery menu plugin that turns an unordered list into a versatile, customizable, skinnable and multi-level context menu with custom fade-in animations.
Multi Functional Windows Like Context Menu Plugin - contextMenu.js
- Menu - 2531 ViewscontextMenu.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating windows like context menu with keyboard interaction, different type of inputs ,trigger events and much more.
Multi-Level Right-Click (Context) Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap - ContextJS
- Menu - 20543 ViewsContextJS is a lightweitht jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create multi-level right mouse-click (context) menu with event based links support.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Chrome Style Context Menus - chromeContext
- Menu - 1337 ViewsChrome Context is a lightweight (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin for creating google chrome browser style context menus when right clicking html elements.
Yet Another jQuery Context Menu Plugin - Singleton Contextmenu
- Menu - 826 ViewsSingleton Contextmenu is yet another jQuery context menu plugin that allows you to create a right-click menu with custom callback on clicking.
jQuery Right-click Menu Plugin - ContextMenu
- Menu - 5531 ViewsContextMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you selectively override the browser's right-click menu with a custom one of your own.