Free jQuery responsive menu Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'responsive menu' are listed here.
10 Best Responsive Menu Systems In jQuery/JavaScript/CSS (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 86818 Views10 best Responsive Menu Systems implemented in jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, or even Pure CSS/CSS3.
Responsive and Cross-platform jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - Smart Menus
- Menu - 54549 ViewsA jQuery Navigation Menu plugin for creating responsive and cross-platform multi-level dropdown menus for your site navigation.
Stackable Multi-level Sidebar Menu - hc-offcanvas-nav
- Menu - 65298 ViewsHC MobileNav is a jQuery plugin for creating multi-level, mobile-first, fully accessible, off-canvas side navigation that supports endless nesting of submenu elements.
Multi Purpose Navigation Sytem For Modern Web - jQuery Corenav
- Menu - 9355 ViewsCorenav is an easy, responsive, multi-purpose, jQuery based navigation system for modern, cross-platform web development.
Collapsed Resonponsive Menu For Bootstrap - Greedy Menu
- Menu - 5098 ViewsThe Greedy Menu jQuery plugin makes use of Bootstrap's dropdown component to create a fully responsive navigation menu for your cross-platform, content-heavy web app.
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Multi-level Nav Menu Plugin - PrMenu
- Menu - 26205 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts a horizontal nav menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the viewport's size reaches a specific breakpoint.
jQuery Plugin for Responsive Menu System - meanMenu
- Menu - 22047 ViewsmeanMenu is a jQuery plugin that makes your navigation menus responsive and compatible with desktop, mobile and tablet devices.
Cross-platform Responsive Navigation With jQuery - menuBreaker
- Menu - 15070 ViewsmenuBreaker is a responsive, cross-platform, multi-level navigation plugin for jQuery that auto collapses the regular horizontal nav into an off-canvas toggle menu on mobile devices.
Sticky Mobile-compatible Navigation - GRT Responsive Menu
- Menu - 14296 ViewsThe GRT Responsive Menu jQuery plugin lets you create a fully responsive, mobile-friendly navigation system for your cross-platform web app.
Bootstrap 4 Compatible Multi Purpose Menu - jQuery sina-nav
- Menu - 16128 Viewssina-nav is a multi-purpose menu plugin that helps you create responsive, user-friendly, multi-level, Bootstrap 4 compatible navigation system for your web application.
jQuery Plugin To Handle Overflowing Menus On Small Screens
- Menu - 2921 ViewsThe jQuery plugin allows you to create a responsive, mobile-friendly site navigation that clips and stacks the overflowing menu items into a dropdown list on small screens.
Mobile-friendly Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Ace Responsive Menu
- Menu - 19162 ViewsA lightweight, flexible, cross-browser, multi-level, mobile-friendly jQuery responsive menu plugin for your modern web project.
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin - jQuery Stellarnav
- Menu - 52034 ViewsStellarnav is a responsive dropdown menu plugin for jQuery that supports infinite levels of sub menus and auto switches to a small screen friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Creating Collapsible Bootstrap Navbars With jQuery - Responsive-collapse.js
- Menu - 30011 ViewsResponsive-collapse.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically hides overflowing Bootstrap navbar items and shows them into a dropdown list on small screens.
Semantic Responsive Mobile Navigation - jQuery rsmm
- Menu - 3214 ViewsA responsive, adaptive, SEO-friendly, drop-down navigation plugin that collapses the horizontal menu items to an off-canvas side menu when a specified breakpoint is reached.
Adaptive Horizontal Tab Menu In jQuery
- Menu - 6344 ViewsAn adaptive, responsive, mobile-compatible, horizontal tab menu written in jQuery, HTML, CSS/CSS3.
Mobile-friendly Hamburger Menu In jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 16992 ViewsYet another responsive, mobile-friendly hamburger menu design for modern, cross-platform web applications.
Responsive Dropdown Navigation Bar In jQuery - flxMenu
- Menu - 5804 ViewsThis is a responsive, flexible, multi-level dropdown (off-canvas) navigation menu plugin built in with jQuery.
Multifunctional Responsive Dropdown Menu - jQuery Developer Nav
- Menu - 5475 ViewsDeveloper Nav is a jQuery based cross-platform, cross-browser, multi-level dropdown/off-canvas navigation system for content-heavy websites or web applications.
Smart Responsive Sticky Navigation Menu With jQuery - stickyNav.js
- Menu - 8029 ViewsThe stickyNav.js jQuery plugin makes it possible to create a smart, sticky, mobile-friendly navigation menu for your cross-platform web application.
Swipe Mega Menu Plugin With jQuery - Swipe Drawer
- Menu - 7593 ViewsThe Swipe Drawer jQuery plugin helps you create fully responsive, touch-enabled, SEO-friendly, drawer-style mega menu on the modern web applications.
Transform Menu List Into Select Dropdown On Mobile - jQuery Harmonia
- Menu - 2609 ViewsHarmonia is a tiny yet useful jQuery plugin which transforms the regular HTML list into a dropdown select on the mobile device.
Smooth Multi-level Responsive Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 9699 ViewsA minimal responsive multi-level menu that will be automatically collapsed into a smoothly-sliding dropdown hamburger navigation on small screen devices.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown Navigation - jQuery Menu.js
- Menu - 5656 ViewsThe jQuery menu.js plugin transforms the regular multi-level dropdown menu into a fullscreen hamburger navigation that will slide out or fade in when toggled.
Responsive jQuery Mobile Off-Canvas Menu Plugin - Responsive Nav
- Menu - 9522 ViewsResponsive Nav is jQuery toggle menu plugin that converts a multi-level dropdown navigation into a nested off-canvas menu on small screen devices.
Responsive Multi-level Navigation For Bootstrap 4 - k-responsive-menu
- Menu - 9652 Viewsk-responsive-menu is a simple, responsive, multi-level, cross-platform and mobile-friendly navigation jQuery plugin for Bootstrap 4 framework.
Responsive Multi-level Mega Menu Plugin - jQuery dmenu
- Menu - 19769 Viewsdmenu is a jQuery plugin for creating a responsive, multi-level and multi-column mega menu that hides the overflowing navigation items in a vertical dropdown with a toggle control.
Sticky Exanding Hamburger Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 7282 ViewsA jQuery based responsive navigation system that collapses the regular horizontal menu into an expanding hamburger menu on small screen (mobile) devices.
Responsive Sticky Navigation Plugin For jQuery - Simple Menu
- Menu - 8516 ViewsThe Simple Menu jQuery plugin lets you create a responsive, sticky, multi-functional, in-page navigation menu for your long webpages.
Responsive Mega Menu Plugin With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 18587 ViewsA jQuery based responsive mega menu that automatically collapses the regular multi-level dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu in mobile view.
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Site Navigation With jQuery
- Menu - 5395 ViewsThis is a small jQuery script that helps you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level dropdown (for desktop) & toggle (for mobile) menu for cross-platform webpages.
Basic Responsive Collapsed Menu With jQuery - flexmenu2
- Menu - 2139 Viewsflexmenu2 is an easy, lightweight, cross-browser jQuery responsive menu plugin that transforms the traditional navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu on mobile (small screen) devices.
Collapse Overflowing Menu Items Into A Dropdown - jQuery MoreMenu
- Menu - 2754 ViewsjQuery MoreMenu is a jQuery based responsive menu solution that automatically collapses overflowing menu items into a 'More Menu' dropdown when the menu is too long to fit into a horizontal navbar.
Mobile-friendly Multi-level Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 6950 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a responsive multi-level dropdown menu that automatically collapses links and shows them in an off-canvas sidebar navigation on small screen devices.
Responsive Push Menu Plugin For jQuery - uNav
- Menu - 4788 ViewsuNav is a jQuery responsive menu plugin that automatically transforms the regular dropdown menu into a push menu with off-canvas style on mobile and tablet devices.
Adaptive Hamburger Menu With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 3486 ViewsA responsive, adaptive hamburger dropdown navigation menu built using jQuery, HTML list, CSS and CSS media queries.
Sliding Navigation & Back To Top Plugin - jQuery KNResponsiveMenu
- Menu - 7805 ViewsThe KNResponsiveMenu jQuery plugin provides the responsive fullscreen toggle menu and back to top functionality for your long webpage.
Basic Responsive Toggle Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 8396 ViewsThe simplest jQuery responsive menu plugin which transforms the normal site navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu for better user experience on mobile/tablet devices.
Basic Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin - jQuery mainMenu.js
- Menu - 2963 ViewsmainMenu.js is a lightweight, fully responsive, multi-level jQuery dropdown navigation plugin that automatically collapses into a hamburger toggle menu on small screen devices.
Wordpress-style Accessible Dropdown Menu With jQuery
- Menu - 5711 ViewsA small script to create a wordpress-style, WAI-ARIA compliant, fully responsive, cross-platform drop down menu using jQuery and CSS3 animations.
Responsive Header Navigation Plugin For jQuery - Menu.js
- Menu - 6754 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for responsive, multi-level site navigation that automatically transforms the default nav list into a fullscreen, user-friendly hamburger menu in mobile view.
Basic Hamburger Navigation Menu With jQuery And CSS/CSS3
- Menu - 26920 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, jQuery/CSS based Hamburger Navigation system.
Pretty Simple Responsive Dropdown Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 16709 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 based multi-level dropdown menu that automatically transforms the regular header navigation into an off-canvas hamburger menu on small screen devices.
Responsive Sliding Hamburger Menu Plugin For jQuery - elmenu
- Menu - 5658 ViewsJust another jQuery based responsive nav solution that converts the normal navigation into a mobile-friendly sliding hamburger menu (aka off-canvas menu) on small screens.
Responsive Sliding Sidebar Navigation Plugin With jQuery - crbnMenu
- Menu - 11102 ViewscrbnMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating an accordion-style collapsible sidebar navigation with sub menus on your webpage.
Responsive Mobile Navigation Plugin With jQuery - Adaptive Menu
- Tooltip - 3538 ViewsAdaptive Menu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create a responsive menu that will auto switches to an off-canvas side navigation on small screens.
Responsive Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 13863 ViewsA jQuery responsive multi-level dropdown menu which will be automatically converted into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size is smaller than a breakpoint.
Responsive Mobile Toggle Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 10958 ViewsA fully responsive site navigation that uses JQuery and media queries to switch between dropdown navigation and mobile-friendly toggle menu depending on the current screen size.
Responsive & Cross Browser jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - Easy As Pie
- Menu - 33595 ViewsEasy As Pie is a jQuery extension for superfish plugin that automatically turns a multi-level dropdown menu into a collapsible mobile navigation when the window's size has reached the breakpoint.
Lightweight Responsive Site Navigation System With jQuery
- Menu - 3636 ViewsA lightweight, responsive menu system which turns a nested unordered list of menu links into a vertical off-canvas sliding menu on mobile view (screen size < 800px).
Smart, Sticky, Responsive Navigation With jQuery And CSS3
- Menu - 9981 ViewsA fully responsive header navigation that auto shows/hides as you scroll the webpage, and collapses into a hamburger dropdown menu on small screens.
Responsive Admin Sidebar Menu Plugin With jQuery - sidebar-nav
- Menu - 25797 Viewssidebar-nav is a jQuery (Bootstrap) plugin that lets you create a responsive, collapsible, multi-level, treeview-style sidebar navigation for your admin dashboard webpages.
Creating A Responsive Mobile Navigation Menu with slicknav jQuery Plugin
- Menu - 59477 Viewsslicknav is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery menu plugin for creating a responsive & cross-browser multi-level navigation menu on your website.
Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin For jQuery - responsive-menu.js
- Menu - 6686 ViewsAn ultra-light (~1kb) jQuery plugin that automatically converts an ul li based menu into a dropdown toggle navigation on small screens.
Responsive Collapsible Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery - eosMenu
- Menu - 12432 ViewseosMenu helps you create a responsive, multi-level, accordion-style menu where all the menu items will be collapsed into a dropdown toggle menu on small screens.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown & Toggle Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 16819 ViewsA jQuery based responsive dropdown navigation menu that automatically switches to a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the window width reaches a specified breakpoint.
Responsive Multilevel Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery
- Menu - 7688 ViewsRWD Multilevel Menu makes use of jQuery and CSS3 to converts the normal horizontal dropdown menu into a sliding side menu on mobile devices.
Mobile-friendly Responsive Navigation Plugin - Swipe Navigation
- Menu - 6783 ViewsA mobile-friendly, responsive jQuery navigation plugin which collapses your menu into a horizontal, swipeable scroller when screen's size is too small to fit all menu items.
Simplest Responsive Nav Menu With jQuery And CSS3 - nav-mobile.js
- Menu - 9224 ViewsJust another jQuery & CSS based mobile-friendly navigation system that automatically converts the regular horizontal site menu into a sliding dropdown menu with a toggle link.
Responsive Overflow Off-canvas Navigation Plugin With jQuery - okayNav
- Menu - 10420 ViewsA mobile-friendly jQuery navigation plugin that automatically hides overflowing items and shows them in a off-canvas sidebar navigation on small screens.
Responsive Cross-platform jQuery Mega Menu Plugin - megamenu-js
- Menu - 24617 Viewsmegamenu-js is a lightweight, responsive, cross-browser jQuery mega menu plugin that helps you create multi-column dropdown navigation for both desktop and mobile devices.
Responsive Scrolling Navigation Menu With jQuery and jQuery UI
- Menu - 6704 ViewsA jQuery & jQuery UI based responsive, mobile-friendly navigation which allows the visitor to scroll vertically through menu items on hover or touch swipe.
Minimalist Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery - mainNavigation
- Menu - 2503 ViewsmainNavigation is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for generating a multi-level dropdown menu that automatically collapses into an off-canvas menu in mobile view.
Responsive & Nested jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - slimMenu
- Menu - 14432 ViewsslimMenu is a pretty and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin for creating responsive and nested multi-level drop down menus with smooth drop down animations and some useful options for your navigation.
Lightweight Cross-platform jQuery Responsive Menu Plugin - Trunk.js
- Menu - 6531 ViewsTrunk.js is a cross-platform, touch-enabled jQuery responsive menu plugin for creating an mobile app-style off-canvas drawer menu for desktop, tablet and mobile.
Space-saving Responsive Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 6703 ViewsA jQuery based, responsive, mobile-friendly, space-saving navigation menu that automatically collapses overflow items into a toggleable dropdown menu.
Mobile-first Responsive Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Paradeiser
- Menu - 4278 ViewsParadeiser is an easy navigation solution for mobile that automatically displays a top navigation bar to replace the boring hamburger / off-canvas menu on mobile devices.
Responsive Site Navigation with jQuery and Checkbox Hack
- Menu - 7046 ViewsA fully responsive, mobile-friendly navigation menu built using HTML5, CSS3, the Checkbox Hack" tricks and a little jQuery magic.
Responsive Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 16670 ViewsA fully responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level drop down menu made using jQuery, Html5, JavaScript and several CSS3 properties.
Minimal Responsive Sliding Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 3227 ViewsA minimal, responsive, cross platform navigation that converts a regular menu into a toggleable slide down menu, built using jQuery and CSS3 flex box model.
Minimal Responsive Reavealing Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - Snazzy Nav
- Menu - 2886 ViewsSnazzy Nav is a responsive, mobile-friendly navigation that turns the regular navigation into a toggleable slide down menu on mobile view.
Responsive Mobile Menu Plugin For jQuery - Simple Mobile Menu
- Menu - 14825 ViewsA responsive, mobile-first jQuery menu plugin which converts the normal header navigation into a toggleable sliding menu on mobile devices.
Material Design Responsive Off-canvas Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 21050 ViewsA Material Design inspired responsive navigation concept that automatically transforms a normal horizontal dropdown menu into a mobile-friendly off-canvas menu
Accessible Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 7834 ViewsA simple jQuery & CSS3 powered navigation script that helps you create a responsive, accessible, multi-level dropdown menu for your site navigation.
Responsive Revealing Navigation Menu Plugin For jQuery - mobTabMenu
- Menu - 3995 ViewsmobTabMenu is a jQuery responsive revealing menu plugin designed for both mobile and desktop websites to make your site navigation more user friendly.
jQuery Arbitrarily-prioritized Responsive Navigation - Priority Navigation
- Menu - 1073 ViewsA responsive & space-saving jQuery navigation menu plugin that allows for prioritization ordering independent from menu ordering.
Minimalist jQuery Responsive Dropdown Menu Plugin - Input Menu
- Menu - 2567 ViewsInput Menu is a super simple jQuery plugin which converts a horizontal desktop menu into a dropdown select list for easy access on mobile devices.
Responsive Drop Down Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 26725 ViewsYet another jQuery responsive menu plugin used to create a mobile-friendly, responsive, toggleable dropdown navigation for your cross-platform website.
Fully Responsive Navbar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 22862 ViewsThis is a jQuery based fully responsive navigation system that transforms the default horizontal navigation bar into a sliding toggle menu on small screens.
Simple Clean Responsive Mobile Toggle Menu Plugin For jQuery
- Menu - 27699 ViewsA simple clean, alternative, responsive jQuery navigation plugin that converts a standard menu into a drop down toggle menu on mobile devices.
Responsive Multilevel Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 18907 ViewsA jQuery and CSS powered responsive multi-level dropdown menu that collapses into an off-canvas push menu on mobile viewport sizes ( less than 767px).
Space-saving Stackable Horizontal Navigation Plugin - stackable
- Menu - 5561 Viewsstackable is a jQuery plugin used to push overflowing horizontal navigation items to a drop down list as your resize the window.
Responsive Flat Dropdown Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 58140 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, flat style, animated, multilevel navigation menu built on top of jQuery and CSS/CSS3.
Responsive Auto Show/Hide Toggle Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 28847 ViewsA JQuery/HTML5/CSS3 based responsive navigation system that transform your regular horizontal nav bar into a mobile-friendly toggle menu.
Mobile-friendly Dropdown Navigation Plugin - linksToSelect
- Menu - 1753 ViewslinksToSelect is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that converts the regular navigation links into a dropdown select list for your responsive website on mobile devices.
Responsive Horizontal Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 32027 ViewsA responsive navigation menu that automatically clips overflowing menu items and adds them into a dropdown list when not enough space is available.
Minimalist Responsive Nav Menu with jQuery and CSS
- Menu - 5505 ViewsA jQuery & CSS/CSS3 based menu that turns the regular navigation into a toggleable dropdown menu with a smooth sliding effect in mobile view.
Basic Responsive Sliding Toggle Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 4921 ViewsA mobile-friendly responsive menu that slides down from the top of your document, built using HTML, CSS and a little JavaScript (jQuery) magic.
Responsive Efficient Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 7681 ViewsA small, easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a fully responsive multi-level dropdown navigation menu for both desktop and mobile website.
Multilevel Responsive Menu Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 8767 ViewsA mobile optimized jQuery menu plugin that automatically convert a regular navigation into a multi-level drill down menu on smaller screens.
Mobile Push Menu with jQuery and CSS3 Transitions
- Menu - 5151 ViewsA simple implementation of responsive, mobile-friendly, off-canvas push menu using Html5, CSS3 and a little jQuery magic.
Tiny Responsive jQuery Navigation Menu Plugin - PgwMenu
- Menu - 3431 ViewsPgwMenu is a lightweight, easily stylable, responsive jQuery menu plugin which has the ability to convert a horizontal navigation into a dropdown menu if its container is not large enough.
Responsive Select Based Mobile Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 5416 ViewsA simplest responsive mobile menu that collapses your horizontal navigation into a drop down menu with the select element
Mobile-Friendly & Multi-level Dropdown Menu with jQuery
- Menu - 5922 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, animated, multi-level navigation that automatically transforms to a vertical dropdown toggle menu when it reaches a CSS breakpoint.
Easy Mobile-Friendly jQuery Responsive Menu Plugin - Reaktion.js
- Menu - 6621 ViewsJust another jQuery responsive menu plugin that turns the regular navigation menu into a mobile-friendly toggle menu when the screen size reaches a predefined breakpoint.
Responsive and Touch-Friendly jQuery Menu Plugin - Flexnav
- Menu - 19239 ViewsFlexnav is a responsive, Touch-Friendly and cross-browser jQuery drop down menu plugin that has support for unlimited sub-menus and works nice in both desktop and mobile layouts.
Minimalist Responsive Toggle Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 2787 ViewsA jQuery responsive menu plugin which transform a normal horizontal navigation menu into an off-canvas toggle menu on smaller screen devices.
Fullscreen Responsive Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - hamburgler.js
- Menu - 3611 ViewsA minimal jQuery & CSS3 based navigation widget to create a responsive, fullscreen(full window) menu with hamburger icon animations.
Responsive & Animated Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 17518 ViewsA jQuery based responsive navigation bar that collapses into a toggleable drop down menu in mobile views.
Lightweight Responsive jQuery & CSS3 Nav Menu Plugin - sellMenu
- Menu - 3292 ViewssellMenu is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to create responsive, mobile-friendly, animated navigation menu for your cross-platform website.