Customizable Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Omniselect

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License: MIT
Customizable Autocomplete Dropdown Plugin With jQuery - Omniselect

Omniselect is a lightweight yet highly customizable that attaches an autocomplete dropdown list to your input filed while typing. Bootstrap and AngularJS compatible.

Basic usage:

1. Include both jQuery library and the jQuery Omniselect plugin's script on the webpage.

<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.omniselect.js"></script>

2. Create a normal input field and set the 'autocomplete' attribute to 'off'.

<input type="text" id="example" autocomplete="off">

3. Initialize the plugin and create an array of items for auto suggestions.

  source: ["item 1","item 2","item 3"]

4. Default options and callbacks.


  // array of data
  source: [],

  // CSS class(es) applied to the results list element
  resultsClass: 'omniselect-results',

  // CSS class(es) applied to the active result element
  activeClass: 'omniselect-active',

  // maximum number of results to be displayed
  numResults: 10,

  // enables a separate result for selecting the currently selected text
  // when the result is selected, the omniselect:add event is fired.
  allowAdd: false,

  // Takes a callback with two parameters item and query. 
  // Should return a truthy value if the item matches the query.
  filter: null,

  // Takes a callback with a single parameter item. 
  // Should return a unique identifier for that value in the array.
  itemId: null,

  // Takes a callback wtih a single parameter item. 
  // Should return the label that is displayed in the list of results.
  itemLabel: null,

  // Takes a callback with a single parameter item.
  // Should return the value that gets set on the input field when the item is selected.
  itemValue: null,

  // Takes a callback with three parameters label, id, and index. 
  // Returns a string or element to be appended to the results list. 
  // In most cases you'll want this to be a li element. 
  // If you're specifying this callback, you should probably also specify itemId and/or itemValue.
  renderItem: null


5. Events.

$('.example').on('omniselect:select', function(event, value) {
  // Takes a callback with two parameters event and id. 
  // If you want the input field to be cleared when an item is selected, do so here. 
  // If you return false, the item value will not be set on the input field.

$('.example').on('omniselect:add', function(event, value) {
  // Takes a callback with two parameters event and value. 
  // This gets fired when a value that is not in source has been selected.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by allspiritseve. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.