jQuery Character Counter/Limiter For Textarea - characterCounter.js

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License: MIT
jQuery Character Counter/Limiter For Textarea - characterCounter.js

Just another lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery character counter plugin which helps you create a live-updating character counter for your textarea elements.

Main features:

  • Shows remaining characters in your textarea.
  • Prevents typing when reaching the max number of characters.
  • Customizable messages.
  • Lots of configuration options.

How to use it:

1. Place the jquery.charactercounter.js script after the latest jQuery library as follow:

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.charactercounter.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin and we're ready to go.


3. Set the maximum number of characters using data-max-chars on the textarea element:

<textarea data-max-chars="140"></textarea>

4. Or by passing the maxChars parameter to the characterCounter()'s option object.

  maxChars: 140

5. Customize the messages:

  maxChars: 140,
  postCountMessage: "characters left",
  postCountMessageSingular: "character left",
  zeroRemainingMessage: "No characters left",
  overrunPreCountMessage: "Please remove",
  overrunPostCountMessage: "characters",
  overrunPostCountMessageSingular: "character",

6. Apply your own CSS styles to the messages:

.me-character-counter { ... }

.me-character-counter_valid { ... }

.me-character-counter_invalid { ... }

7. All default configuration options.


  // default CSS classes
  elementClass: "me-character-counter",
  validClass: "me-character-counter_valid",
  invalidClass: "me-character-counter_invalid",

  // Maximum allowed characters
  maxChars: Infinity,                

  // Minimum allowed characters
  minChars: 0,                        

  // Element to use for counter. If null, creates one.
  counterElement: null,              

  // if true, overruns will be positive not negative 
  positiveOverruns: false,  

  // Specifically count newlines as two characters rather than relying on the browser's count.          
  newLinesAsTwoChars: true,  

  // custom messages         
  postCountMessage: null, 
  preCountMessage: null,
  postCountMessageSingular: null, 
  preCountMessageSingular: null,
  zeroRemainingMessage: null,  
  overrunPostCountMessage: null,
  overrunPreCountMessage: null, 
  overrunPostCountMessageSingular: null,      
  overrunPreCountMessageSingular: null 

Change log:


  • Add callable methods

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by markembling. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.