User-friendly Multi-Autocomplete Plugin For jQuery

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License: MIT
User-friendly Multi-Autocomplete Plugin For jQuery

A tiny and easy jQuery multi-autocomplete plugin that has the ability to trigger multiple autosuggestion lists while typing characters & keywords in a text field.

Ideal for text boxes where you want to select and insert multiple values form a pre-defined suggestion list, such as email input, tags input, token input, and much more. 

How to use it:

1. Add references to jQuery library and the jQuery multiAutocomplete plugin's files.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dist/jquery-multiautocomplete.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery-multiautocomplete.min.js"></script>

2. Define your suggestions in a JS array as follows:

let suggests = ['jquery', 'jquery.script', 'jquery.script[0]', 'script', 'script.jquery'];

3. Attach the plugin to the target input field and determine the data source. That's it.

<input class="suggests" type="text" />

4. Use the REGEX option to trigge the suggestion list only when you type matched keywords:

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  prefixRegexps: /(jquery|script)/

5. Determine the minimum number of characters to trigger the suggestion list. Default: 1.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  minChunkSize: 2

6. Customize the delimiter for multiple suggestions. Default: ' '.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  delimiters: ', '

7. Trigger the suggestion list using Ctrl+Space or ⌘ Command+Space shortcut instead.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  autosuggest: false

8. Add a custom sysmbol to the end of the value. Default: ' '.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  endingSymbols: '*'

10. Determine an array of keycodes which could be used to insert suggestions into the input field using keyboard. Default: [9, 13] (tab and enter).

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  stopSuggestionKeys: [9, 13]

11. Determine whether to consider case sensitivity. Default: false.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  ignoreCase: true

12. Determine the maximum number of suggestions to display. Default: 10.

$(".suggests").multiAutocomplete(suggests, {
  maxShowSuggestion: 5

13. Destroy the plugin if needed.



v1.2.0 (2021-02-10)

  • Scroll with keypress: Up, Down, Page Up, and Page Down.


  • Added maxShowSuggestion option

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by IsraelFM. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.